So prove to me how Bernie is going to create (22) million jobs by 2030?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Sanders describes his plan, released Thursday, as a "ten-year, nationwide mobilization centered on equity and humanity" that would create 20 million new jobs. The Green New Deal resolution, which Ocasio-Cortez put forth with Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, calls on the nation to eliminate its carbon footprint by 2030 and to shift away from fossil fuels such as oil and coal and replace them with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.

Among Sanders' ideas is sourcing 100% of the country's electricity from renewable and zero-emissions power. He is calling for committing $2.18 trillion in grants for low- and middle-income families to weatherize and retrofit their homes and businesses, with the goal of reducing residential energy consumption by 30%. He would charge the Energy Department with making sure that both new and existing commercial structures, as well as high-income home owners, meet his administration's energy retrofitting goals.

Sanders also is calling for an overhaul of the nation's transportation system by investing in electric vehicles, high-speed rail and expanded public transit. He calls for spending $526 billion in modernizing the electrical grid across the United States.
Bernie Sanders' $16 trillion climate plan builds on Green New Deal

So what will happen with 2,081,300 employed in the following:
Does that mean actually 22 million jobs Bernie will have to find???
Plus during that transition from oil, coal, gas what will make up the gross Federal income coming
from FICA/from net profits of these companies if they go out of business?
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Bernie Sanders' $16 trillion climate plan builds on Green New Deal

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The Fossil Fuel Industry May Not Help the Planet, But It Employs Millions |

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