So, since no one wanted to read the links or watch the video


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I'll just state: What makes those who choose to ignore facts and use what I'm accused of not doing (critical thinking) have faith in, and believe the gov't "official lies" about anything?

What is to be gained being an acolyte? Freedom? Liberty? What is to be gained by disbelieving "official" facts?
A poster in this forum has the meme picture attached to his replies-
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Is it fear of good that good people refuse to acknowledge that the gov't "officials" are at their core just men?

That faith in gov't is WHY we find ourselves in the predicaments we find ourselves in- it's not the fault of Muslims, or illegal immigrants, or China or criminals, or endless wars (foreign and domestic)

I get it, really I do- faith in gov't was a given when I was growing up- now, about to turn 72, I see that was a mistake- yet, trying to inform people makes them get defensive- why? What makes people have faith in the gov't? Einstein is credited with saying doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is crazy- yet we're told we have to vote for Republicans over Democrats (or vice versa) over and over and over which we've been doing since those became the default choices- why?
What have we gained? More freedom, or less? Enhanced Liberty, or less? More enemies? Or fewer enemies?
I'll just state: What makes those who choose to ignore facts and use what I'm accused of not doing (critical thinking) have faith in, and believe the gov't "official lies" about anything?

What is to be gained being an acolyte? Freedom? Liberty? What is to be gained by disbelieving "official" facts?
A poster in this forum has the meme picture attached to his replies-
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Is it fear of good that good people refuse to acknowledge that the gov't "officials" are at their core just men?

That faith in gov't is WHY we find ourselves in the predicaments we find ourselves in- it's not the fault of Muslims, or illegal immigrants, or China or criminals, or endless wars (foreign and domestic)

I get it, really I do- faith in gov't was a given when I was growing up- now, about to turn 72, I see that was a mistake- yet, trying to inform people makes them get defensive- why? What makes people have faith in the gov't? Einstein is credited with saying doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is crazy- yet we're told we have to vote for Republicans over Democrats (or vice versa) over and over and over which we've been doing since those became the default choices- why?
What have we gained? More freedom, or less? Enhanced Liberty, or less? More enemies? Or fewer enemies?

Now you're ranting. Don't rant it just makes you look like a fool. Say you say and leave it at that. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
I'll just state: What makes those who choose to ignore facts and use what I'm accused of not doing (critical thinking) have faith in, and believe the gov't "official lies" about anything?

What is to be gained being an acolyte? Freedom? Liberty? What is to be gained by disbelieving "official" facts?
A poster in this forum has the meme picture attached to his replies-
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Is it fear of good that good people refuse to acknowledge that the gov't "officials" are at their core just men?

That faith in gov't is WHY we find ourselves in the predicaments we find ourselves in- it's not the fault of Muslims, or illegal immigrants, or China or criminals, or endless wars (foreign and domestic)

I get it, really I do- faith in gov't was a given when I was growing up- now, about to turn 72, I see that was a mistake- yet, trying to inform people makes them get defensive- why? What makes people have faith in the gov't? Einstein is credited with saying doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is crazy- yet we're told we have to vote for Republicans over Democrats (or vice versa) over and over and over which we've been doing since those became the default choices- why?
What have we gained? More freedom, or less? Enhanced Liberty, or less? More enemies? Or fewer enemies?

more freedoms and more enemies!

1 pot is being legalized and decriminalized all over the country!
2. gays are out everywhere!
3. gays are marrying!
4. gays are divorcing!
5. interracial relationships are common!
6. we just had a black president!
7. women are running for president!
8. even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman


putin and russia openly mock us as they play trump for a fool
the russians are in venezuala and NOBODY even talks about it!
china pushes us around
nobody respects us
our enemies threaten to level our cities
and even our friends don't trust us any more
Eisenhower warned us, in his departing speech, about the Military Industrial Complex- we now are a warfare/welfare state-
Who benefits from the warfare? The dead?

Welfare? Are gov't jobs not just a gov't "jobs" program? Is that not welfare? Are gov't contracts war equipment (anything really) not just jobs programs? Do taxes not pay for those jobs? Taking from one to give to another is theft- regardless of the intent, or legality.

Why do people have faith in the "official lies" and pay so much attention to the circus in DC that does absolutely nothing to protect or defend our Liberty?

Why do "good men" clamor for "we need to do something" and the District of Criminals obliges with more Liberty restrictions in a Country founded to protect Liberty?
There are so many Federal Laws they can't be counted- it's estimated that E.V.E.R.Y. person breaks at least 3 a day- how many have the congress critters in their doing "something" broken?

The Bill of Rights is explicit lines the Fed gov't is NOT supposed to cross (there are no National Security caveats listed)- the 4th amendment has been made utterly useless IF a crime is *considered* whatever the "official" declaration may be depending on who's at the scene or calling the shots-

Why? Is the gov't trusted?
I'll just state: What makes those who choose to ignore facts and use what I'm accused of not doing (critical thinking) have faith in, and believe the gov't "official lies" about anything?

What is to be gained being an acolyte? Freedom? Liberty? What is to be gained by disbelieving "official" facts?
A poster in this forum has the meme picture attached to his replies-
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Is it fear of good that good people refuse to acknowledge that the gov't "officials" are at their core just men?

That faith in gov't is WHY we find ourselves in the predicaments we find ourselves in- it's not the fault of Muslims, or illegal immigrants, or China or criminals, or endless wars (foreign and domestic)

I get it, really I do- faith in gov't was a given when I was growing up- now, about to turn 72, I see that was a mistake- yet, trying to inform people makes them get defensive- why? What makes people have faith in the gov't? Einstein is credited with saying doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is crazy- yet we're told we have to vote for Republicans over Democrats (or vice versa) over and over and over which we've been doing since those became the default choices- why?
What have we gained? More freedom, or less? Enhanced Liberty, or less? More enemies? Or fewer enemies?

There are I believe 34 other political parties in the United States. Apparently, having multiple parties/brokered government is not what Americans want.
trying to inform people makes them get defensive- why?

Above is the bit where you are having trouble.

Nothing is as aggressive as persuasion. When you say you are "informing" people you are saying you know more than they do, and worse, that they know less than you do!

Nobody will accept that.
I'll just state: What makes those who choose to ignore facts and use what I'm accused of not doing (critical thinking) have faith in, and believe the gov't "official lies" about anything?

What is to be gained being an acolyte? Freedom? Liberty? What is to be gained by disbelieving "official" facts?
A poster in this forum has the meme picture attached to his replies-
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Is it fear of good that good people refuse to acknowledge that the gov't "officials" are at their core just men?

That faith in gov't is WHY we find ourselves in the predicaments we find ourselves in- it's not the fault of Muslims, or illegal immigrants, or China or criminals, or endless wars (foreign and domestic)

I get it, really I do- faith in gov't was a given when I was growing up- now, about to turn 72, I see that was a mistake- yet, trying to inform people makes them get defensive- why? What makes people have faith in the gov't? Einstein is credited with saying doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is crazy- yet we're told we have to vote for Republicans over Democrats (or vice versa) over and over and over which we've been doing since those became the default choices- why?
What have we gained? More freedom, or less? Enhanced Liberty, or less? More enemies? Or fewer enemies?

more freedoms and more enemies!

1 pot is being legalized and decriminalized all over the country!
2. gays are out everywhere!
3. gays are marrying!
4. gays are divorcing!
5. interracial relationships are common!
6. we just had a black president!
7. women are running for president!
8. even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman


putin and russia openly mock us as they play trump for a fool
the russians are in venezuala and NOBODY even talks about it!
china pushes us around
nobody respects us
our enemies threaten to level our cities
and even our friends don't trust us any more
You dumbfuck
Govt turned those freedoms criminal, which btw, should never be involved with to begin with. Then they gives back basic freedoms they stole and moronic govt worshippers like think you won something.
Blows my fucking mind.
Nothing is as aggressive as persuasion. When you say you are "informing" people you are saying you know more than they do, and worse, that they know less than you do!
So, what word would you prefer?
Nothing is as aggressive as persuasion. When you say you are "informing" people you are saying you know more than they do, and worse, that they know less than you do!
So, what word would you prefer?

Just say these are your ideas about what happened and don't persuade?

Sometimes -- rarely -- other people do change their minds; but it's never on our schedule. And if they feel aggressed against, fuggedaboudit.

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