So Syrian Refugees Can Come Here,No Questions,No Application? What About Europeans Waiting In Line?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:lalala: Anyone else saying this? So liberals will welcome all of these people, especially from Syria into the country, and no need to fill out any paper work, no one to three year waiting period? Can anyone imagine how Europeans feel right now??,,Oh wait,,,Democrats are racists to Europeans, they know once they get here legally, they vote Republican. Right?:iagree:
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "refugee" and "immigrant."

Refugees are those in dire, immediate need of a new address.
And since there is no process to determine who is who, anyone can pose as a refugee. Terrorists will likely be among those coming in.
Refugees are, as grandma said, are those who desperately need a place to go, they deserve not to suffer, but then again, it's typical of pro life paranoid wacko's to hate children. fetuses come first.
Refugees are, as grandma said, are those who desperately need a place to go, they deserve not to suffer, but then again, it's typical of pro life paranoid wacko's to hate children. fetuses come first.
You want the terrorists in, they can live near you.
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "refugee" and "immigrant."

Refugees are those in dire, immediate need of a new address.
Ya we should let in 100000 potential car bombers and terrorists. meanwhile my two brothers in law can not get a visa to come here from the Philippines.

Syria has been a largely secular nation. It has a large population of Christians, including many of these refugees. These people are leaving because of the rise of Islamic extremism in their country. They want no part of that crap. Your insinuation that they are all potential terrorists is xenophobic and bigoted.
My question is simple- what are these potential immigrants doing to help America? Are they educated? Have special skills? Are they a net-positve? If not they should not be allowed to enter. We can't afford to be charitable, we are a debtor nation.

Send them to China!
next thing you we will allow 100,000 sasquatch into the USA when it gets too cold for them in canada next year.
Refugees are, as grandma said, are those who desperately need a place to go, they deserve not to suffer, but then again, it's typical of pro life paranoid wacko's to hate children. fetuses come first.
You want the terrorists in, they can live near you.

What terrorists?
My point EXACTLY, there will be no questions no effort to determine if the people we let in are in fact members of any of the fighting groups. No oversight and no background checks. You see anyone else coming from Syria would be under a very huge microscope due to the terroriusm and fighting in the Country, this 100000 just need to show up and get special treatment.
My point EXACTLY, there will be no questions no effort to determine if the people we let in are in fact members of any of the fighting groups. No oversight and no background checks. .

According to who?
The Europeans you are referring to are probably well off. Emigrating legally is expensive. They are also not running from the beardos that are trying to cut their heads off after raping their wives and daughters.

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