So the media stopped covering LGBT icon Terry Bean's story in November

Their last 'Great Martyr' Matthew Sheppard had a juvenile arrest record involving two 8 year old boys, so apparently it's common with male homosexual 'icons'; the media can't seem to find a 'Gay Role Model' without a history of kiddie molesting. They have the same problem with anointing such 'Black Icons' as Michael Brown and Freddie Grey. Insane and incompetent media at it's finest.

So murder is okay if you find someone is less than a perfect person? I'm trying to understand your "logic" here.
The reason Terry Bean, prominent LGBT activist from Oregon was turned in by his just barely legal boyfriend "Lawson" (I think Bean was in his 60s at the time) was because he was "barebacking" youngsters (not using a condom). His main boy-toy saw that essentially as attempted murder from the transcripts of the police interview. "Lawson" said Terry Bean "never" used condoms. I suspect that Lawson might be HIV positive and so, having that direct contact with the other boys through Bean, would suspect he was exposing them to death:

Excerpt again here:

"Lawson" = The youth that went with Terry Bean to pick up on the minor boy. Incidentally, in the same link Lawson says that Terry Bean routinely barebacked (ejaculated into the anus of without a condom) his young contacts. It was this fact that led Lawson to rat out Terry Bean because of the danger of HIV transmission Bean routinely subjected his "bottom" boys to.

"Myers" is the cop who interviewed Lawson:

"Terry Bean" is the notorious LGBTQ activist very much like Harvey Milk was. And apparently with the same penchant for under aged boys:

(page 6)

Lawson: "...I looked over at Terry and then he's like, and then Terry like, coached him to say, like, he was like, 'wait, so how old are you?" and he said '16' three more times. Terry asked him couple more times and I'm still stopped at this point and I'm about ready to just turn and he's like 'no,no,no,' like, 'you don't get it. Like, how old are you...'

Myers: (the cop interviewing) "Who's saying 'no'

Lawson: "Terry. He's like, 'we can't do this unless you tell me how old you are. Unless you really tell me how old you are. You were joking, right? You're joking, right?' He was like, 'no, I'm not. I'm not joking'. And then, the kid's like, 'oh, okay. I get it. I'm 18'."

...(continued to page 7)

Myers: "did, uh, Terry Bean have, uh, uh, sex with the (whiteout age) year old boy?"

Lawson: "Yes"

Myers: "Okay. Uh, what kind of sex?"

Lawson: "Um, anal."

Myers: "Okay. So was the..."

Lawson: "He, Terry was penetrating the (whiteouted blank) year old."

Myers: "His anus?"

Lawson: "Yes."
never heard of the "Terry Bean" before today and neither has anyone else.

seems to me that according to the story, the young person involved used an app specifically designed to allow gay men to hook up. it wasn't like they put a bag over his head and dragged him into the back of a van or something.
Ask yourself, why have you never heard of Terry Bean and these charges before? He's accused of raping a 15 year old. They cannot consent, it is statutory rape no matter what app they used. Terry Bean is a major obama donor, he donated so much he got to fly in Air Force One. He also is the co founder of the Human Rights Campaign, the LARGEST LGBT organization in the country. Do you think if a consevative of this stature were accused of the same thing it would have been ignored by the MSM??

Except it wasn't ignored by the Main Stream Media when the case happened- 2 years ago.

It was covered by the media. You are bringing up and citing an article from over a year ago.

It isn't a current event- it was an event well covered when it came out two years ago.
The only time the MSM covered it was an article in USA Today asking why the MSM was ignoring it. Show me more than one instance of CNN covering it. Show me the NY Times covering it. Even the local media in Oregon asked if the MSM should cover the story.

Here's the USA today article Shhhhh - Top Obama bundler accused of child rape: Column

Here's the local media talking about the MSM ignoring the story Terry Bean sex charges: Should national media pay more attention to Democratic fundraiser's arrest? (Poll)

Now it's YOUR turn to prove your point. I want at least TWO CNN links on the terry bean story. I want two from the NY Times. One from the washington post, and three from the huffington post. OR ADMIT THEY IGNORED THE STORY you liberal poof.
LOL- so now you are the judge of exactly how many articles in the news (3 from huffington post!) for the story not to have been covered?

Prominent Obama backer charged in sexual abuse case -
CNN Covers Sex Abuse Case Against Obama 'Friend,' As Big Three Censor Story
Democrat donor scandal news not fit to print? | New York Post
Prosecutors: Charges against Terry Bean likely to be dropped
Prominent activist Terry Bean’s sex abuse trial rescheduled
Gay rights activist, 66, who raised $500,000 for Obama's re-election campaign indicted for 'sexually abusing 15-year-old boy' with his boyfriend in a hotel
Prominent gay rights activist, ex arrested for sex crimes

Now- with those citations mentioned- yes the coverage was sparser than I remembered- it was covered by main stream media- but barely.
Now- with those citations mentioned- yes the coverage was sparser than I remembered- it was covered by main stream media- but barely.

Point me to a link on Rachael Maddow's Show. You know how concerned she is when children are molested. It's a gay issue. Surely she covered it? Terry Bean is almost as famous as Harvey Milk as an LGBT activist. This is big "Maddow" news..... No?... Don't tell me she BURIED the story? Especially when the welfare of kids is at stake?
Another example is the cognitive dissonance surrounding the meme spouted about how 'only 10% of homosexuals are kiddie rapers', as if that is a 'talking point' that absolves them of something, never mind they are only 1%-2% of the population. This is the kind of 'argument' sociopaths would buy as some sort of 'proof' of their 'normality', and we should all be enthusiastic about having them around our children and being allowed to adopt children, as if there is nothing wrong here.

No- that is just a lie.

No one says 'only 10% of homosexuals are kiddie rapers' except flaming homophobes.

Once again the facts

Men are the primary child rapers- responsible for between 88% and 97% of all child molestation
Girls are the primary target of child rapers- and are the victims between 69% to 91% of the time.

A 16 year old girl is 9 times more likely to be molested than a 16 year old boy- and in both cases the molestation is about 18 times more likely to be done by a man- than by a woman.

A great case could be made that the problem is men- not homosexuals. But instead folks like you like to lump gay men and lesbians together and call them all rapists.

The problem is with pedophiles- who rape children- not with homosexuals- or heterosexuals- who do not rape children.


Note the last distinction because it is important- just as Jerry Sandusky was openly heterosexual in his adult relations- married and a father- he was also a homosexual pedophile who raped boys.
Point me to a link on Rachael Maddow's Show. You know how concerned she is when children are molested. It's a gay issue. Surely she covered it? Terry Bean is almost as famous as Harvey Milk as an LGBT activist. This is big "Maddow" news..... No?... Don't tell me she BURIED the story? Especially when the welfare of kids is at stake?

Go look for yourself- I haven't watched her show in what 5 years?
So "No" then... She buried it.
Point me to a link on Rachael Maddow's Show. You know how concerned she is when children are molested. It's a gay issue. Surely she covered it? Terry Bean is almost as famous as Harvey Milk as an LGBT activist. This is big "Maddow" news..... No?... Don't tell me she BURIED the story? Especially when the welfare of kids is at stake?

Go look for yourself- I haven't watched her show in what 5 years?
So "No" then... She buried it.

Apparently you are a big Rachael Maddow fan- and watch her show- tell us all more about your Rachael Maddow obsession too.
Ah, a strawman. I've got a better idea. Why don't you tell us all more about what you think if Terry Bean barebacking a minor boy and exposing him to early death via HIV? Tell me what you think about Lawson's comments in the police interview from the link where he reports Bean is a habitual boy sodomizer and how he NEVER uses a condom with them? And this is the reason the boy-toy Lawson turned Bean in for sodomizing the minor.

Stay on topic and tell us your feelings about that eh?
never heard of the "Terry Bean" before today and neither has anyone else.

seems to me that according to the story, the young person involved used an app specifically designed to allow gay men to hook up. it wasn't like they put a bag over his head and dragged him into the back of a van or something.

Who the fuck is 'Terry Bean'?
never heard of the "Terry Bean" before today and neither has anyone else.

seems to me that according to the story, the young person involved used an app specifically designed to allow gay men to hook up. it wasn't like they put a bag over his head and dragged him into the back of a van or something.

Who the fuck is 'Terry Bean'?
This is Terry Bean GoLocalPDX | News | What Terry Bean’s Arrest Means for the Gay Rights Movement

Who the fuck is 'goLocalPDX'?
Since I was answering a post that had nothing to do with murdering anybody, so this is just a strawman, and lame at that. The topic is how the media covers homosexuals and covers up anything negative about their mentally ill pets.

you mentioned three people who were murdered as being icons and then used the word martyr, and then say you weren't talking about Murder? This is interesting. Oh, well, do go on with your point.

Another example is the cognitive dissonance surrounding the meme spouted about how 'only 10% of homosexuals are kiddie rapers', as if that is a 'talking point' that absolves them of something, never mind they are only 1%-2% of the population. This is the kind of 'argument' sociopaths would buy as some sort of 'proof' of their 'normality', and we should all be enthusiastic about having them around our children and being allowed to adopt children, as if there is nothing wrong here.

You know, you keep making these claims, and you never back them up with anything.

Pedophiles are neither gay nor straight... they're pedophiles.
Since I was answering a post that had nothing to do with murdering anybody, so this is just a strawman, and lame at that. The topic is how the media covers homosexuals and covers up anything negative about their mentally ill pets.

you mentioned three people who were murdered as being icons and then used the word martyr, and then say you weren't talking about Murder? This is interesting. Oh, well, do go on with your point.

Another example is the cognitive dissonance surrounding the meme spouted about how 'only 10% of homosexuals are kiddie rapers', as if that is a 'talking point' that absolves them of something, never mind they are only 1%-2% of the population. This is the kind of 'argument' sociopaths would buy as some sort of 'proof' of their 'normality', and we should all be enthusiastic about having them around our children and being allowed to adopt children, as if there is nothing wrong here.

You know, you keep making these claims, and you never back them up with anything.

Pedophiles are neither gay nor straight... they're pedophiles.

Actually, more than 90% of pedophiles aren't exclusively pedophiles. But also attracted to adults. There doesn't seem to be any connection between the child gender preferences of a pedophile and the adult gender preferences.

Take Jerry Sandusky. He is a heterosexual man attracted to women. He's also a homosexual pedophile attracted to boys. And that's apparently pretty common among his ilk. Only 7% of pedophiles are exclusively attracted to children .
Pedophiles are neither gay nor straight... they're pedophiles.

The Mayo Clinic disagrees with you. Who to believe? A prestigious scholarly entity of discerning peers or some internet troll named "JoeB131"? :eusa_think:
Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007...Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

Of a demographic that comprises around 2% of the adult population, it produces up to 40% of all sexual crimes against children. This is probably underestimated because men predominantly molest, and if they are homosexual, their target is boys, not girls. And boys tend to not report having been molested because of the extreme stigma and shame, repressed emotions/rage at having been sexually assaulted as a male.

Gay male vernacular has numerous linguistic terms for having sex with minor boys. The lingo is rife with these types of terms. Google it sometime.
Pedophiles are neither gay nor straight... they're pedophiles.

The Mayo Clinic disagrees with you. Who to believe? A prestigious scholarly entity of discerning peers or some internet troll named "JoeB131"? :eusa_think:
Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007...Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

Of a demographic that comprises around 2% of the adult population, it produces up to 40% of all sexual crimes against children.

This stupid lie again? The very next sentence after you quote explodes your entire argument:

This finding does not imply that homosexuals are more likely to molest children, just that a larger percentage of pedophiles are homosexual or bisexual in orientation to children.

You know the article draws a firm distinction between homosexuals (those attracted to adults of the same sex) and homosexual pedophiles (those attracted to children of the oppose sex). Yet you continue to equate them.....despite explicit contradiction from your own source.

Why? Its not like you're gonna slip that by us. And any rational person seeing your obtuse, vile lie will just think of you as less credible. So why? What do you get out of lying over and over again?

I can only imagine its just...thumbsucking. Soothing yourself with stupid, predictably lies.

Its not even a Mayo Clinic article. It opens with a paragraph quote from a magazine called the 'Mayo Clinic Proceedings'. Your blunder would be akin to a Vanity Fair article opening with a quote from the US Constitution....and you insisting that the Vanity Fair article is the Constitution.

This is probably underestimated because men predominantly molest, and if they are homosexual, their target is boys, not girls. And boys tend to not report having been molested because of the extreme stigma and shame, repressed emotions/rage at having been sexually assaulted as a male.

Nope. There's no particular connection between a pedophiles gender preferences in children and their gender preferences in adults. Take....Jerry Sandusky. A heterosexual attracted to women, married with children. AND.......a homosexual pedophile, attracted to boys.
The Mayo Clinic disagrees with you. Who to believe? A prestigious scholarly entity of discerning peers or some internet troll named "JoeB131"

Guy, you keep claiming "scientific" grounding for your homophobia, but then you never produce sources. Hey, what about the "Prince Study" again? The one that didn't say anything near what you said it did.

You know the article draws a firm distinction between homosexuals (those attracted to adults of the same sex) and homosexual pedophiles (those attracted to children of the oppose sex). Yet you continue to equate them.....despite explicit contradiction from your own source.

Why? Its not like you're gonna slip that by us. And any rational person seeing your obtuse, vile lie will just think of you as less credible. So why? What do you get out of lying over and over again?

Guy, you are the one who just claimed the "Mayo Clinic" proved your homophobic fears,and posted a link to people who AREN'T THE Mayo Clinic.

Of a demographic that comprises around 2% of the adult population, it produces up to 40% of all sexual crimes against children. This is probably underestimated because men predominantly molest, and if they are homosexual, their target is boys, not girls. And boys tend to not report having been molested because of the extreme stigma and shame, repressed emotions/rage at having been sexually assaulted as a male.

Again, as Skylar pointed out, you have guys like Jerry Sandusky who have wives and live a Hetero lifestyle and then went on to molest boys. So is he gay or straight or bisexual?

The fact is, you comb these homophobic websites all day, trying to rationalize your hate because another dude hit on you after you set off his Gaydar.

Here's a REAL Study that's telling.

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
The fact is, you comb these homophobic websites all day, trying to rationalize your hate because another dude hit on you after you set off his Gaydar.

Here's a REAL Study that's telling.

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals

This isn't my thread. And, I saw the story here at USMB.

There it is. My most favorite of all the LGBT tricks in the bag they carry daily. "If anyone protests our weird and alarmingly tenacious and aggressive cult, even when our cult threatens minors safety or wellbeing, that person is immediately suspect of being gay".

That would be the same logic as saying "if you're adamantly opposed to and outspoken against murder, then you may be a closet murderer". Aberrant behaviors are aberrant behaviors. People can and should object to them without being "skunk sprayed" by those crazy people doing them saying "you probably want to be doing this too!".

Face reality. People object to Terry Bean barebacking minors and youngsters without his being prosecuted. If the boy's father was aggressively opposed to Bean exposing his 16 year old son to HIV by sodomizing him, does that make his father "secretly homosexual"?
The fact is, you comb these homophobic websites all day, trying to rationalize your hate because another dude hit on you after you set off his Gaydar.

Here's a REAL Study that's telling.

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals

This isn't my thread. And, I saw the story here at USMB.

There it is. My most favorite of all the LGBT tricks in the bag they carry daily. "If anyone protests our weird and alarmingly tenacious and aggressive cult, even when our cult threatens minors safety or wellbeing, that person is immediately suspect of being gay".

What cult? Remember, the 'cult' is in your head. You are both the inventor of the claim...and your audience for the claim.

And with on BOTH sides of your imaginary conversation with your imaginary 'gay cult'.....does anyone else even need to be here?
never heard of the "Terry Bean" before today and neither has anyone else.

seems to me that according to the story, the young person involved used an app specifically designed to allow gay men to hook up. it wasn't like they put a bag over his head and dragged him into the back of a van or something.

Who the fuck is 'Terry Bean'?
This is Terry Bean GoLocalPDX | News | What Terry Bean’s Arrest Means for the Gay Rights Movement

Who the fuck is 'goLocalPDX'?
It must be so pleasant being able to just willfully ignore everything that doesn't further your argument. it's the fucking local news, the one ones who covered the story. Hence my fu cking point. NOW WHY THE FUCK DID THE LIBERAL MEDIA IGNORE HE FUCKING PAID OFF HIS RAPE VICTIM?
never heard of the "Terry Bean" before today and neither has anyone else.

seems to me that according to the story, the young person involved used an app specifically designed to allow gay men to hook up. it wasn't like they put a bag over his head and dragged him into the back of a van or something.

Who the fuck is 'Terry Bean'?
This is Terry Bean GoLocalPDX | News | What Terry Bean’s Arrest Means for the Gay Rights Movement

Who the fuck is 'goLocalPDX'?
It must be so pleasant being able to just willfully ignore everything that doesn't further your argument. it's the fucking local news, the one ones who covered the story. Hence my fu cking point. NOW WHY THE FUCK DID THE LIBERAL MEDIA IGNORE HE FUCKING PAID OFF HIS RAPE VICTIM?

I've never heard of Terry Bean, before his arrest or after. Nor have I ever heard of goLocalPDX'.

Why would you expect Terry Bean to get national exposure?

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