So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

Wow, a link confirming that your claim that 10 million people switched plans is made-up. I guess your claim is that 10 million would have if Obama hadn't taken action?
Bwahahaha!! Nice pivot after being proven wrong 😂

See the difference between us? I deleted my one post when I misread something. You double-down because you’re an immature clown 🤡
I guess your claim is that 10 million would have if Obama hadn't taken action?
It’s such a joy exposing you as an uninformed, uneducated, pathological liar.

Note the keyword “receiving”. That’s not “would”. That means they did.


:dance: :dance: :dance:

If customers could renew their 2013 plan in 2014, then by your definition they didn't lose it. So when did 10 million people lose their coverage?

You asserted that's a thing that actually happened, didn't you?
Obamacare mandated that policies meet specific criteria. Those that didn’t, were forced to be eliminated. That is a fact. And that is why 10 million people lost their coverage.
Except that it's not a fact.
It’s such a joy exposing you. Your link falsely claimed “Preservation of right to maintain existing coverage”.

In the past few weeks, some Americans have been notified by their health insurance companies that plans they bought on the old individual insurance market are being cancelled – often because these plans no longer meet the Affordable Care Act’s requirement to cover basic benefits like prescription drugs or doctors’ visits.

No such “right” existed. Obamacare required criteria that millions of existing policies didn’t meet. Obama himself held a press conference which refutes your propaganda link and the official Obama White House government website preserved that fact.

It’s such a joy exposing you. Your link falsely claimed “Preservation of right to maintain existing coverage”.

The U.S. Code doesn't "falsely claim" things, it's federal law. Federal law exempted plans existing when the ACA passed from most of its requirements in perpetuity.
The U.S. Code doesn't "falsely claim" things, it's federal law. Federal law exempted plans existing when the ACA passed from most of its requirements in perpetuity.
Oh it is? Then maybe your propaganda-pushing, pathological lying ass could explain the following:
  1. Why were millions of Americans receiving cancellation notices if your lies were “federal law”? 🤡
  2. Why did Obama have to hold a press conference for Americans receiving cancellation notices if your lies were “federal law”? 🤡
  3. Why does the official government website document Americans receiving cancellation notices if your lies were “federal law”? 🤡
Oh it is? Then maybe your propaganda-pushing, pathological lying ass could explain the following:
  1. Why were millions of Americans receiving cancellation notices if your lies were “federal law”? 🤡
  2. Why did Obama have to hold a press conference for Americans receiving cancellation notices if your lies were “federal law”? 🤡
  3. Why does the official government website document Americans receiving cancellation notices if your lies were “federal law”? 🤡

This is not complicated. The ACA grandfathered in all plans in place when it passed. Some people subsequently changed plans (since ~30% of people normally change plans in any given year). They were thus no longer in grandfathered plans when the new insurance regulations took effect because they had voluntarily given them up. The small portion of the population potentially disrupted by that got enough media attention that the grandfathering was extended to those plans as well (the so-called "grandmothered plans") averting even the minor disruption to 2% of the population that might've happened.

So no, a few million people didn't actually lose their plans, although apparently that fact never percolated into the rightwing infotainment propaganda bubble. Congrats on rediscovering that reality today.
This is not complicated. The ACA grandfathered in all plans in place when it passed.
Literally a bold faced lie
Some people subsequently changed plans (since ~30% of people normally change plans in any given year).
Nope. You do not receive cancellation notices for a new plan you never had. You’re so desperate to not admit you were uninformed/wrong that you’re making the most outrageous claims now.
Congrats on rediscovering that reality today.
Congrats on getting humiliated in this thread.
Insurers weren't forced to eliminate anything.
Just a reminder that Greenbeard was 100% dead wrong on post #643. The official Obama White House website documented the crisis back on November 14, 2013:

In the past few weeks, some Americans have been notified by their health insurance companies that plans they bought on the old individual insurance market are being cancelledoften because these plans no longer meet the Affordable Care Act’s requirement to cover basic benefits like prescription drugs or doctors’ visits.

Greenbeard is a certified ass-clown and pathological liar. The text there is crystal clear. Nobody “changed” plans in this situation. They received notifications that their current plans were being canceled because they didn’t meet Obamacare mandates for plans. Those are the indisputable facts, and they are undeniable. And sadly, ass-clown here lacks the maturity to just admit he was wrong (and that the Democrats passed a bill that was detrimental to the American people).

On one hand, more than 10 million insured people lost their health insurance after the ACA passed (while Democrats adamantly declared that would never happen - White House emails later showed them discussing how this would in fact happen).

On the other hand, more than 10 million insured people lost their doctor after the ACA passed (while Democrats adamantly declared that would never happen - White House emails later showed them discussing how this would in fact happen).

Facts matter. Stop thinking you can ignore them away.

He's not ignoring facts. He is simply denying them, and just repeating his lies.

Big difference between “switched” and “an illegal/unconstitutional government mandate forced insurers to eliminate affordable policies for people, causing 10 million to lose their coverage”.

Look at you just posting propaganda after propaganda! Go on with your had self, Greeny! Twisting facts into pure misinformation to advance your dream of sitting on the couch while everyone else works and provides for you as slaves!

He is a disciple of Goebbels: keep repeating The Big Lie.

Obamacare mandated that policies meet specific criteria. Those that didn’t, were forced to be eliminated. That is a fact. And that is why 10 million people lost their coverage.

How do you know when Greenbeard is lying? Whenever he’s posting.

That's why my wife lost her insurance.

Except that it is a fact. Obamacare mandated specific criteria in all policies and those that didn’t meet those criteria were eliminated - causing people to lose their coverage.

It’s not my fault you’re uneducated about what you supported. Damn shame you weren’t paying attention in 2009, 2010, etc.

Not uneducated. He is dishonest.
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Conservative politics.
Your initial premise was nonsensical garbage, btw.
So you don’t actually have an explanation for what you said? I’m supposed to just not notice you can’t offer one? You’re adorable.
lol are you sure that’s me?
It’s low level stupidity and I’m sure it’s you. It is your modus operandi, after all.
You asked a dumb question in the OP, and I answered it. After that, nothing but triggered butthurt from you.
It’s low level stupidity and I’m sure it’s you. It is your modus operandi, after all.
You asked a dumb question in the OP, and I answered it. After that, nothing but triggered butthurt from you.
Nope you definitely didn’t answer it lol

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