So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

The main benefit of ACA is that is saved the insurance industry from a lot of upheaval they didn't want to deal with. By the late 90's, the health insurance industry's game was up and they saw the writing on the wall. The major players looked at "Romneycare" and saw a means of inserting themselves as permament middlemen in every health care transaction, riding the health care gravy train by government mandate. Guaranteed customers, guaranteed profits.

And they hired soulless ghouls like Greenbeard to sell people on it.
A year in which only 3% of the population switched insurances or providers would be the lowest turnover on record.
Big difference between “switched” and “an illegal/unconstitutional government mandate forced insurers to eliminate affordable policies for people, causing 10 million to lose their coverage”.

Look at you just posting propaganda after propaganda! Go on with your had self, Greeny! Twisting facts into pure misinformation to advance your dream of sitting on the couch while everyone else works and provides for you as slaves!
Hahahahaha!! The federal government itself is now reporting that 23 million more people are set to lose their coverage thanks to the crap sandwich that is Obamacare 😂

Jesus Christ. The American Health Care Act was the GOP's ACA repeal law the Republican House passed under the Trump administration in spring 2017 you moron.

Luckily it failed in the Senate and millions of people in fact didn't lose their coverage.
Jesus Christ. The American Health Care Act was the GOP's ACA repeal law the Republican House passed under the Trump administration in spring 2017 you moron.

Luckily it failed in the Senate and millions of people in fact didn't lose their coverage.
My mistake on that one. Deleted.
Except that it's not a fact.
Except that it is a fact. Obamacare mandated specific criteria in all policies and those that didn’t meet those criteria were eliminated - causing people to lose their coverage.

It’s not my fault you’re uneducated about what you supported. Damn shame you weren’t paying attention in 2009, 2010, etc.
Because I’m not a pathological liar like you are. 10 million lost their coverage.

Here what's happened to coverage.

Here what's happened to coverage.

Nice chart. Too bad it doesn’t show how 10 million lost their policies. Of course they ran out and got new coverage (at a much higher cost to them). They didn’t stay uninsured (only liberals do that shit).

Doesn’t change the fact that Obamacare shut down their policies and left them uninsured. Then cost them more money to get covered again.
Yep. Exactly. Disinformation.

It is such a joy exposing lying liberals and uneducated leftists:

In October 2013, many people insured through the individual market began receiving letters from their insurance carriers notifying them that their current plans would be canceled at the end of the policy term. The plans were canceled because they did not meet new minimum coverage requirements set by the law. On October 29, 2013, NBC News reported that 50% to 75% of the 14 million Americans with individual healthcare plans would receive a cancellation notice in the next year

Except that it's not a fact.
Hey Greenbeard, if it’s “not” a fact, why did Obama hold a press conference about it? 🤔

This one is really going to sting Greeny, as it’s directly from the official White House government website:

Nice chart. Too bad it doesn’t show how 10 million lost their policies. Of course they ran out and got new coverage (at a much higher cost to them). They didn’t stay uninsured (only liberals do that shit).

Doesn’t change the fact that Obamacare shut down their policies and left them uninsured. Then cost them more money to get covered again.

Fake news. Back in 2014 when the ACA took effect, the vast majority of individual market buyers were paying premiums under a hundred bucks, with almost half with premiums under $50.

69 percent of individuals selecting plans with tax credits in the FFM have premiums of $100 or less after tax credits—nearly half (46 percent) have premiums of $50 or less after tax credits.

Those dropping their old individual market coverage were by and large getting better coverage at lower cost to them.

If this is news to you, I can see why a decade later it must be confusing to you that the ACA is established and popular at this point.
Hey Greenbeard, if it’s “not” a fact, why did Obama hold a press conference about it? 🤔

This one is really going to sting Greeny, as it’s directly from the official White House government website:

Wow, a link confirming that your claim that 10 million people switched plans is made-up. I guess your claim is that 10 million would have if Obama hadn't taken action?

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