So there is no doubt about how the NDAA will affect American Citizens here you go

This bill is no joke and will be used against any protester or anyone that voices a negative view towards the government. In committee they had taken the words in the bill that would have protected citizens of the U.S. until obama instructed that the words be taken out, according to Senator Carl Levin

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans

Think that President Obama will stand by his word and veto the legislation that will allow the government to detain American citizens without charge or trial? Think again.
The Obama administration has insisted that the president will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, a bill that passed through the Senate last week. Under the legislation, the United States of America is deemed a battlefield and Americans suspected of committing a terrorism offense can be held without trial and tortured indefinitely. Despite the grave consequences for citizens and the direct assault on the US Constitution, the act managed to make it through both halves of Congress but President Obama says he won’t let it become a law.

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

How many threads are you going to post the same tired misinformation? American Citizens are SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES inside the United States.

so we give up our constitutional rights when we leave the country.

This bill is no joke and will be used against any protester or anyone that voices a negative view towards the government. In committee they had taken the words in the bill that would have protected citizens of the U.S. until obama instructed that the words be taken out, according to Senator Carl Levin

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans

Think that President Obama will stand by his word and veto the legislation that will allow the government to detain American citizens without charge or trial? Think again.
The Obama administration has insisted that the president will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, a bill that passed through the Senate last week. Under the legislation, the United States of America is deemed a battlefield and Americans suspected of committing a terrorism offense can be held without trial and tortured indefinitely. Despite the grave consequences for citizens and the direct assault on the US Constitution, the act managed to make it through both halves of Congress but President Obama says he won’t let it become a law.

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

How many threads are you going to post the same tired misinformation? American Citizens are SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES inside the United States.

so we give up our constitutional rights when we leave the country.


I want someone to give me a good reason why the military cannot arrest an American citizen (if this bill is signed by obama). Other than they just can't.
How many threads are you going to post the same tired misinformation? American Citizens are SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES inside the United States.

No they are not.

YES they are. The MILITARY can neither arrest nor hold them except under normal laws and rules for use of the military in the Continental USA.

In other words, they can't do it, except when they can. Got it.

Battlefield boundaries: A sober review of the National Defense Authorization Act |

Feinstein Introduces Due Process Guarantee Act

The Truth about the New Detainee Policy | RedState
No they are not.

YES they are. The MILITARY can neither arrest nor hold them except under normal laws and rules for use of the military in the Continental USA.

In other words, they can't do it, except when they can. Got it.

Battlefield boundaries: A sober review of the National Defense Authorization Act |

Feinstein Introduces Due Process Guarantee Act

The Truth about the New Detainee Policy | RedState

We need to get the word out, not to stop this because it to late for that, but to warn people of what is ahead of them. People have always said we are losing freedoms everyday, when this bill is signed it will actually be that day when our rights is truly gone.
This bill is no joke and will be used against any protester or anyone that voices a negative view towards the government. In committee they had taken the words in the bill that would have protected citizens of the U.S. until obama instructed that the words be taken out, according to Senator Carl Levin

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans

Think that President Obama will stand by his word and veto the legislation that will allow the government to detain American citizens without charge or trial? Think again.
The Obama administration has insisted that the president will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, a bill that passed through the Senate last week. Under the legislation, the United States of America is deemed a battlefield and Americans suspected of committing a terrorism offense can be held without trial and tortured indefinitely. Despite the grave consequences for citizens and the direct assault on the US Constitution, the act managed to make it through both halves of Congress but President Obama says he won’t let it become a law.

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

Can you say Hugo Chavez??????????????
(Same methods)
This bill is no joke and will be used against any protester or anyone that voices a negative view towards the government. In committee they had taken the words in the bill that would have protected citizens of the U.S. until obama instructed that the words be taken out, according to Senator Carl Levin

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans

Think that President Obama will stand by his word and veto the legislation that will allow the government to detain American citizens without charge or trial? Think again.
The Obama administration has insisted that the president will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, a bill that passed through the Senate last week. Under the legislation, the United States of America is deemed a battlefield and Americans suspected of committing a terrorism offense can be held without trial and tortured indefinitely. Despite the grave consequences for citizens and the direct assault on the US Constitution, the act managed to make it through both halves of Congress but President Obama says he won’t let it become a law.

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

Can you say Hugo Chavez??????????????
(Same methods)
I was thinking more along the lines of how Hitler came to power.
This bill is no joke and will be used against any protester or anyone that voices a negative view towards the government. In committee they had taken the words in the bill that would have protected citizens of the U.S. until obama instructed that the words be taken out, according to Senator Carl Levin

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans

Think that President Obama will stand by his word and veto the legislation that will allow the government to detain American citizens without charge or trial? Think again.
The Obama administration has insisted that the president will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, a bill that passed through the Senate last week. Under the legislation, the United States of America is deemed a battlefield and Americans suspected of committing a terrorism offense can be held without trial and tortured indefinitely. Despite the grave consequences for citizens and the direct assault on the US Constitution, the act managed to make it through both halves of Congress but President Obama says he won’t let it become a law.

Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

How many threads are you going to post the same tired misinformation? American Citizens are SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES inside the United States.

After I post this why don't you tell me where I am wrong?

Here are the amendments for 1031 and 1032 and the reason that they should have been amended. Both amendments were voted down. Number 61 was amendment was for a clearifcation of the words.
61. S.AMDT.1125 to S.1867 To clarify the applicability of requirements for military custody with respect to detainees.
Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 11/17/2011) Cosponsors (7)
Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1125 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 55. Record Vote Number: 213.

Number 62 is the biggy.
62. S.AMDT.1126 to S.1867 To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031.
Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 11/17/2011) Cosponsors (9)
Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1126 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 55. Record Vote Number: 214.

If American citizens were protected like you are saying they are why is the amendment worded "To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031"

Click on this link then click on the amendments

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - S.1867 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I will enjoy hearing from you on why I am wrong.

Sarge you there?
How many threads are you going to post the same tired misinformation? American Citizens are SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES inside the United States.

After I post this why don't you tell me where I am wrong?

Here are the amendments for 1031 and 1032 and the reason that they should have been amended. Both amendments were voted down. Number 61 was amendment was for a clearifcation of the words.
61. S.AMDT.1125 to S.1867 To clarify the applicability of requirements for military custody with respect to detainees.
Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 11/17/2011) Cosponsors (7)
Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1125 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 55. Record Vote Number: 213.

Number 62 is the biggy.
62. S.AMDT.1126 to S.1867 To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031.
Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 11/17/2011) Cosponsors (9)
Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1126 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 55. Record Vote Number: 214.

If American citizens were protected like you are saying they are why is the amendment worded "To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031"

Click on this link then click on the amendments

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - S.1867 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I will enjoy hearing from you on why I am wrong.

Sarge you there?

The amendment specifically excludes US citizens. You have been told this repeatedly.
After I post this why don't you tell me where I am wrong?

Here are the amendments for 1031 and 1032 and the reason that they should have been amended. Both amendments were voted down. Number 61 was amendment was for a clearifcation of the words.

If American citizens were protected like you are saying they are why is the amendment worded "To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031"

Click on this link then click on the amendments

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - S.1867 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I will enjoy hearing from you on why I am wrong.

Sarge you there?

The amendment specifically excludes US citizens. You have been told this repeatedly.

The amendment was voted down.
This is the amendment to section 1031 that was voted down

62. S.AMDT.1126 to S.1867 To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031.
Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 11/17/2011) Cosponsors (9)
Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 1126 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45 - 55. Record Vote Number: 214.
Hitler is not involved, and Chavez is NOT a dictator. All Pubcrappe propaganda.
Hitler is not involved, and Chavez is NOT a dictator. All Pubcrappe propaganda.

This type of legislation was exactly the same thing hitler did when he first came to power.

So you think Chavez is not a dictator? when was the last free election that he was in?
After I post this why don't you tell me where I am wrong?

Here are the amendments for 1031 and 1032 and the reason that they should have been amended. Both amendments were voted down. Number 61 was amendment was for a clearifcation of the words.

If American citizens were protected like you are saying they are why is the amendment worded "To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031"

Click on this link then click on the amendments

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - S.1867 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I will enjoy hearing from you on why I am wrong.

Sarge you there?

The amendment specifically excludes US citizens. You have been told this repeatedly.

Quite true, but it was voted down.
#52- A couple years ago, after the legislature passed a bill making it legal...

You guys give me a serious headache. Are you allergic to reasearch.

From Wiki:

The White House had previously threatened to veto the Senate version of the Act,[4] arguing that "the authorities granted by the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists, including the detention authority, are essential to our ability to protect the American people... Because the authorities codified in this section already exist, the Administration does not believe codification is necessary and poses some risk." The White House also argued that provisions requiring military detention of terrorism suspects on American soil were “inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets.” After a Senate-House compromise text explicitly ruled out any limitation of the President's authorities, and removed the requirement of military detention for terrorism suspects arrested in the United States, the White House issued a statement saying that it would not veto the bill.[17]
Last edited:
A couple years ago, after the legislature passed a bill making it legal...

You guys give me a serious headache. Are you allergic to reasearch.

From Wiki:

The White House had previously threatened to veto the Senate version of the Act,[4] arguing that "the authorities granted by the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists, including the detention authority, are essential to our ability to protect the American people... Because the authorities codified in this section already exist, the Administration does not believe codification is necessary and poses some risk." The White House also argued that provisions requiring military detention of terrorism suspects on American soil were “inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets.” After a Senate-House compromise text explicitly ruled out any limitation of the President's authorities, and removed the requirement of military detention for terrorism suspects arrested in the United States, the White House issued a statement saying that it would not veto the bill.[17]

Wiki? You are going to use wiki as your only source to support your insanity? There has not been any changes to the bill that has been sent to obama to sign. The white house has said obama will not veto the bill.
deff full retard.

also, i dont think he knows what "to limit" means.

Do you? The limit could be so trivial that it doesn't make much difference. They still have the right to detain indefinitely. To hell with our rights. I guess Obama will have to make a second apology tour after he continues the very things he rallied against. Only this time he can apologize to Americans.
If you're Al Qaeda, you should worry, otherwise not so much. Plus Obama wants to get reelected. Another BS Pub propaganda trap. Makes no difference from what they're already doing, for years.
If you're Al Qaeda, you should worry, otherwise not so much. Plus Obama wants to get reelected. Another BS Pub propaganda trap. Makes no difference from what they're already doing, for years.

When obama leaves office when ever that is there will be a republican that will be president. He will have the same authority maybe some from the left like the OWS protesters will be connected with Al Qaeda, maybe you will be at one of those protest. You are an idiot Just because the government calls someone an Al Qaeda DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE. Is that what the courts are for?

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