So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Let's get real, Crime rose to record highs under Trump.

You guys keep trying to pretend 2020 didn't happen.

Here's the thing... I actually had a discussion with a Police Officer on Saturday, who admitted most of what is being said about the SAFE-T Act is bullshit.

The part of the law states that if a prosecutor can't prove a defendant is an immediate danger or a flight risk, then you have to give him release until his trial. What we had before was the criminalization of poverty... Poor people of color staying in jail for the same petty offenses that white people can get bail for. And it was ridiculous.

Not at all. For most our history, the courts have ruled that the second amendment is about MILITIAS, not gun ownership. Only after Heller did we have the insanity that we have now.

Even the NRA supported sensible gun laws at one point.

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Yes, let’s get real. Your TDS is a real syndrome. The leftist answer to crime ridden Illinois is to provide criminals with greater allowances for committing crimes. That seems like an obvious disaster waiting to happen but in the SJW mind, upside down is the norm.
Yes, let’s get real. Your TDS is a real syndrome. The leftist answer to crime ridden Illinois is to provide criminals with greater allowances for committing crimes. That seems like an obvious disaster waiting to happen but in the SJW mind, upside down is the norm.

As I have pointed out repeatedly, everything that Incel Joe ever says about crime and justice makes perfect sense, only if you assume that it is on the side of criminals, and against the side of human beings. Every policy position that it has ever stated favors criminals, and favors their right to prey on human beings with impunity.

Its approach to “solving” crime does not comes from a position of desiring there to be less crime, but of desiring there to be more crime.

It really doesn't have much to do with TDS; those are the positions that it has been taking since long before anyone knew that Trump would ever be a credible Presidential candidate.
As I have pointed out repeatedly, everything that ever says about crime and justice makes perfect sense, only if you assume that it is on the side of criminals, and against the side of human beings. Every policy position that it has ever stated favors criminals, and favors their right to prey on human beings with impunity.

Its approach to “solving” crime does not comes from a position of desiring there to be less crime, but of desiring there to be more crime.

It really doesn't have much to do with TDS; those are the positions that it has been taking since long before anyone knew that Trump would ever be a credible Presidential candidate.

Again, I love the racist distinctions you guys make that poor people are "subhuman"... I'd say "Check your privilege", but never mind.

One more time, if Guns and Prisons make us safer, we should have the LOWEST crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.
Yes, let’s get real. Your TDS is a real syndrome. The leftist answer to crime ridden Illinois is to provide criminals with greater allowances for committing crimes. That seems like an obvious disaster waiting to happen but in the SJW mind, upside down is the norm.

Uh, first, Illinois as a state doesn't have the highest crime rates.

In fact, the states with the highest crime rates are as follows. Six of them are Red States and 2 of them are Purple states. Only Washington and Oregon could be considered Blue states.

  1. New Mexico - 6,462.03 per 100,000 people
  2. Louisiana - 6,408.22 per 100,000 people
  3. Colorado - 6,090.76 per 100,000 people
  4. South Carolina - 5,972.84 per 100,000 people
  5. Arkansas - 5,898.75 per 100,000 people
  6. Oklahoma - 5,869.82 per 100,000 people
  7. Washington - 5,758.57 per 100,000 people
  8. Tennessee - 5,658.30 per 100,000 people
  9. Oregon - 5,609.89 per 100,000 people
  10. Missouri - 5,604.78 per 100,000 people
Secondly, the bail provisions in the SAFE-T act ONLY apply to people who have not been convicted, merely accused, of a crime. It is ridiculous for someone to spend years in jail for a minor property crime because they couldn't afford bail and the courts are so backed up.

Shit, I've been involved in a civil matter for a property I am trying to sell, and that's been tied up in court for 11 months.

Now, there is a simple solution. Appoint more judges, get these cases moving, and get them resolved.
Again, I love the racist distinctions you guys make that poor people are "subhuman"... I'd say "Check your privilege", but never mind.

I never said that, either. CRIMINALS are subhuman. They make a willful choice to forfeit their humanity, by choosing to behave like subhuman criminal shit instead of behaving like human beings.

It has nothing to do with race.

It has nothing to do with social status.

It has nothing to do with economic status.

It has nothing to do with “priviledge”.

It has everything to do with the content of one's moral and ethical character.

Of course you wouldn't understand, because you have no moral or ethical character. You're a sociopathic piece of shit, no better than those whose side you take against human beings.
I never said that, either. CRIMINALS are subhuman. They make a willful choice to forfeit their humanity, by choosing to behave like subhuman criminal shit instead of behaving like human beings.

It has everything to do with the content of one's moral and ethical character.

Of course you wouldn't understand, because you have no moral or ethical character. You're a sociopathic piece of shit, no better than those whose side you take against human beings.

Tell me something, Mormon Bob, have you ever gone to bed hungry?
Have you ever had to make a choice between paying the rent and buying food?

It's very easy to be "moral" when you have a full belly and a warm place to sleep.
Uh, first, Illinois as a state doesn't have the highest crime rates.

In fact, the states with the highest crime rates are as follows. Six of them are Red States and 2 of them are Purple states. Only Washington and Oregon could be considered Blue states.

  1. New Mexico - 6,462.03 per 100,000 people
  2. Louisiana - 6,408.22 per 100,000 people
  3. Colorado - 6,090.76 per 100,000 people
  4. South Carolina - 5,972.84 per 100,000 people
  5. Arkansas - 5,898.75 per 100,000 people
  6. Oklahoma - 5,869.82 per 100,000 people
  7. Washington - 5,758.57 per 100,000 people
  8. Tennessee - 5,658.30 per 100,000 people
  9. Oregon - 5,609.89 per 100,000 people
  10. Missouri - 5,604.78 per 100,000 people
Secondly, the bail provisions in the SAFE-T act ONLY apply to people who have not been convicted, merely accused, of a crime. It is ridiculous for someone to spend years in jail for a minor property crime because they couldn't afford bail and the courts are so backed up.

Shit, I've been involved in a civil matter for a property I am trying to sell, and that's been tied up in court for 11 months.

Now, there is a simple solution. Appoint more judges, get these cases moving, and get them resolved.
First, you hope to ignore the looming disaster of the The Illinois Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today (SAFE-T). You hope to sidestep that with the, "but... but... but... hey look over there, they're worse than we are".

Not much of an argument but when innocent people become the victims of your criminal heroes, you can remind us all privilege belongs to the criminals.
Tell me something, Mormon Bob, have you ever gone to bed hungry?
Have you ever had to make a choice between paying the rent and buying food?

It's very easy to be "moral" when you have a full belly and a warm place to sleep.
Feel free to open your house / apartment to a violent felon. Give them a spare room. The SJW's are always accusing others of privilege but they're the last people on earth to do anything more than assert their entitlement to privilege.
Knowing and caring about the distinction between right and wrong, between good and evil, between reason and madness, helps, too.
Again, a morality of a full belly.

Feel free to open your house / apartment to a violent felon. Give them a spare room. The SJW's are always accusing others of privilege but they're the last people on earth to do anything more than assert their entitlement to privilege.

The poor don't want charity, they want opportunity. Sorry you can't see that.
First, you hope to ignore the looming disaster of the The Illinois Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today (SAFE-T). You hope to sidestep that with the, "but... but... but... hey look over there, they're worse than we are".

Not much of an argument but when innocent people become the victims of your criminal heroes, you can remind us all privilege belongs to the criminals.

Actually, I live here. Most of the bullshit about the SAFE-T act are exactly that... bullshit.
Uh, first, Illinois as a state doesn't have the highest crime rates.

In fact, the states with the highest crime rates are as follows. Six of them are Red States and 2 of them are Purple states. Only Washington and Oregon could be considered Blue states.

  1. New Mexico - 6,462.03 per 100,000 people
  2. Louisiana - 6,408.22 per 100,000 people
  3. Colorado - 6,090.76 per 100,000 people
  4. South Carolina - 5,972.84 per 100,000 people
  5. Arkansas - 5,898.75 per 100,000 people
  6. Oklahoma - 5,869.82 per 100,000 people
  7. Washington - 5,758.57 per 100,000 people
  8. Tennessee - 5,658.30 per 100,000 people
  9. Oregon - 5,609.89 per 100,000 people
  10. Missouri - 5,604.78 per 100,000 people
Secondly, the bail provisions in the SAFE-T act ONLY apply to people who have not been convicted, merely accused, of a crime. It is ridiculous for someone to spend years in jail for a minor property crime because they couldn't afford bail and the courts are so backed up.

Shit, I've been involved in a civil matter for a property I am trying to sell, and that's been tied up in court for 11 months.

Now, there is a simple solution. Appoint more judges, get these cases moving, and get them resolved. guys play the state vs. city game to hide the cities in those red states drive their violent crime rates, you lying doofus.

From poster, Toobfreak.

I chose 58 cities as that was the largest number I could fit on a page. I then went through each city one by one to look up the major of every city. Aside from the fact that you can forget finding any pattern of cities in "red" states being the most with the highest crime as the idiot Marc tries to claim, but I went down the list marking all the mayors of the highest crimes cities in America in BRIGHT RED who were DEMOCRATS.

Look at what I found:

Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 7.02.25 PM.png

Every city above in red is RUN BY A DEMOCRAT!

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities
Suicide. The ultimate freedom of choice.

Regarding accidental shootings, "You can't fix stupid."
School shootings aren't a gun issue it a societal issue.

We have become a society that promotes the unhealthy and often violent expressions of fear anxiety not to mention a host of other mental problems guys play the state vs. city game to hide the cities in those red states drive their violent crime rates, you lying doofus.

Hollie is the one who brought up Illinois, not Chicago...

Of course, Cities are going to have high crime rates, because they have higher concentrations of people.

What have you done to help the poor, either by giving simple charity, or helping to give them opportunities?

I pay my taxes. I have helped hundreds of people find better paying jobs by preparing them for job searches.
No, I live here too, the Un-Safe act is going to flood the streets with gang bangers and other criminals.

Then the prosecutors should make the case for remand.

I'm not any safer because someone who committed a non-violent property crime is in a cell that should hold a violent offender because he couldn't afford bail and the violent offender could.
Then the prosecutors should make the case for remand.

I'm not any safer because someone who committed a non-violent property crime is in a cell that should hold a violent offender because he couldn't afford bail and the violent offender could.

Yeah, that’s not the category they are going to release on no bail… violent criminals will get released because they can’t be held……. People are saying this is the gang banger get out of jail bill
Again, a morality of a full belly.

The poor don't want charity, they want opportunity. Sorry you can't see that.
Do your part. Open your house / apartment to violent felons and the poor. Let them get started on the road to wealth and prosperity.

Odd how leftists claim to be supporters of the poor and the criminal class but they always bugger of when it's time to implement their policies.

Those of The Party of Slavery haven't changed since the 19th century. They want an oppressed lower class.
Odd how leftists claim to be supporters of the poor and the criminal class but they always bugger of when it's time to implement their policies.

They think they can claim credit for “charity”, not based on giving any of whatever is rightfully theirs to give, but on what they can get government to steal from others.

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