So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Again so what?

You talk like you think murder rates are homogenous across all towns cities and states and we all know that is not the case.

The vast majority of murders occur in very small very well defined areas of mostly poor inner city neighborhoods. In fact these areas are so well defined that the murder rate in just a few square blocks of one city can be 4 or 5 times higher than another few square blocks a couple miles away.

Everyone but you knows this.

Oh, well, it's just the darkies shooting each other so that makes it "Okay".

Actually, in foreign countries like Mexico, El Salvador and Congo, they have extreme gun control. And murder rates through the roof.

These countries barely have functioning governments. Why do you want to compare us to third world countries instead of first world countries?

As far as white people being treated "kindly"by the DOJ, that's also a crock of shit. Just this week, a first time offender and a white senior citizen was convicted of a non-violent offense and given hard time. Not only that, libs have been rooting for this senior, Stephen Bannon , to be sodomized in the joint.

You mean a guy who was involved in outright fraud and treason. Yeah, I hope he gets sodomized.

Doesn't take away from the fact that black people are more likely to get prison for the same thing a white person gets probation for.
You can spooge that all day, but the fact is, guns in the home are more likely to kill someone in the household.

The problem is you keep trying to pretend we shouldn't count the suicides.
Thanks to suicide

But in lib countries where guns are banned people still manage yo kill themselves some other way
So do normal law abiding UK citizens, 565,929 as of 2021. Illegal guns are mainly used by drugs gangs to intimidate each other or for self-defence from other gangs. Very, very rarely do innocents get caught up in shootings. I've a greater chance of being struck by lightning in the UK than being shot.

Yes....and in America it is the same....criminals primarily murder other criminals, and then their friends and family get caught up in the are also seeing more of this in Britain and across Europe as your drug gangs become less concerned about collateral damage...

Nine-year-old Olivia was shot in her home in Dovecot, Liverpool, on Monday, August 22, when a gunman chased convicted burglar Joseph Nee into her home.

Thomas Cashman, 34, has been charged with her murder and appeared in court earlier this week.

You are really dumb if you think drug gangs in Britain aren't going to get worse and worse as you attack your own police with leftist drivel, and start to get soft on crime....
Except when this happens...

Yes....criminals are going to hurt innocent people...but in the U.S. we can and do fight back....according to the Centers for Disease control this happens about 1.1 million times a year....according to our Department of Justice it happens 1.5 million times a year....rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings and mass public shootings...stopped by armed citizens.....

Meanwhile, in Europe....your woman are raped without the ability to protect themselves....when your criminals decide to kill, your people are defenseless....

And, again, if you think British criminals are going to stay the same as your crime rates go are really delusional....
Yes....criminals are going to hurt innocent people...but in the U.S. we can and do fight back....according to the Centers for Disease control this happens about 1.1 million times a year....according to our Department of Justice it happens 1.5 million times a year....rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings and mass public shootings...stopped by armed citizens.....

Those numbers are horseshit.

We only have 200 self-defense homicides with guns a year.

No one believes that there are 1,000,000 life threatening incidents a year, but only 200 times does the bad guy get taken out on a slab.

The FBI pegs the number at 45,000, and even that is generous.
You mean a guy who was involved in outright fraud and treason. Yeah, I hope he gets sodomized.

Doesn't take away from the fact that black people are more likely to get prison for the same thing a white person gets probation for.

The fellow wasn't convicted of either fraud or treason.

He was convicted of ignoring a subpoena- hardly a Class A felony of any sort. More equivalent to ripping a mattress tag as opposed to treason.

When a black guy, Holder, did the same thing he wasn't even tried for the crime- much less sodomized in the joint.
The fellow wasn't convicted of either fraud or treason.

He was convicted of ignoring a subpoena- hardly a Class A felony of any sort. More equivalent to ripping a mattress tag as opposed to treason.

When a black guy, Holder, did the same thing he wasn't even tried for the crime- much less sodomized in the joint.

Get back to me when you actually understand the case against Bannon
Those numbers are horseshit.

We only have 200 self-defense homicides with guns a year.

No one believes that there are 1,000,000 life threatening incidents a year, but only 200 times does the bad guy get taken out on a slab.

The FBI pegs the number at 45,000, and even that is generous.

Those numbers come from actual research, and you lie about the rest.
Get back to me when you actually understand the case against Bannon

He was a friend to Trump and worked for him...therefore the democrat party decided to persecute him....while eric holder, who also defied a subpoena to go to congress walked away free...........
He was a friend to Trump and worked for him...therefore the democrat party decided to persecute him....while eric holder, who also defied a subpoena to go to congress walked away free...........

Eric Holder was arguing a legitimate separation of powers issue.
Bannon was a private citizen who instigated and participated in a riot.

Those numbers come from actual research, and you lie about the rest.

The research is bullshit. Unless you can show me 1 million sworn statements about DGU's, they are bullshit.
Eric Holder was arguing a legitimate separation of powers issue.
Bannon was a private citizen who instigated and participated in a riot.

The research is bullshit. Unless you can show me 1 million sworn statements about DGU's, they are bullshit.

No....he wasn't. Eric Holder sold guns to drug cartels and Congress wanted to know what obama and he were doing.......
No....he wasn't. Eric Holder sold guns to drug cartels and Congress wanted to know what obama and he were doing.......

You mean they tracked 2000 guns out of the 250,000 the gun industry ships across the border every year?
You seem to miss the point. The point was to identify the sellers, not to get the guns.

Confidential sources, names of investigators, operational details... these are all confidential matters, so this WAS a legitimate separation of powers issue.
You mean they tracked 2000 guns out of the 250,000 the gun industry ships across the border every year?
You seem to miss the point. The point was to identify the sellers, not to get the guns.

Confidential sources, names of investigators, operational details... these are all confidential matters, so this WAS a legitimate separation of powers issue.

No...they intentionally allowed known cartel members to buy guns in America, and didn't track the buyers.....allowing the guns to disappear into the Mexican they would end up in crime scenes in Mexico, allowing obama and holder to restart the gun control push.......

They allowed guns to get into the hands of Mexican push gun control.
No...they intentionally allowed known cartel members to buy guns in America, and didn't track the buyers.....allowing the guns to disappear into the Mexican they would end up in crime scenes in Mexico, allowing obama and holder to restart the gun control push.......

Not sure how that works, exactly...

Crazy people mow down preschoolers and we won't fix the gun laws in this country. You think any American gives a shit what happens in Mexico.

I mean, you are getting into Dale Smith level crazy here.
Not sure how that works, exactly...

Crazy people mow down preschoolers and we won't fix the gun laws in this country. You think any American gives a shit what happens in Mexico.

I mean, you are getting into Dale Smith level crazy here.

It worked exactly like this..

Gun Store to Holder's ATF.....we don't want to sell these guns to these guys, we know they are criminals ......

Holder's ATF....sell the guns or we will pull your license....

that is how it worked, you doofus.
Not sure how that works, exactly...

Crazy people mow down preschoolers and we won't fix the gun laws in this country. You think any American gives a shit what happens in Mexico.

I mean, you are getting into Dale Smith level crazy here.


In the fall of 2009, ATF agents installed a secret phone line and hidden cameras in a ceiling panel and wall at Andre Howard’s Lone Wolf gun store. They gave him one basic instruction: Sell guns to every illegal purchaser who walks through the door.

For 15 months, Howard did as he was told. To customers with phony IDs or wads of cash he normally would have turned away, he sold pistols, rifles and semiautomatics. He was assured by the ATF that they would follow the guns, and that the surveillance would lead the agents to the violent Mexican drug cartels on the Southwest border.

When Howard heard nothing about any arrests, he questioned the agents. Keep selling, they told him. So hundreds of thousands of dollars more in weapons, including .50-caliber sniper rifles, walked out of the front door of his store in a Glendale, Ariz., strip mall.

In Glendale, after two decades in business, Howard is thinking about closing his Lone Wolf gun store. He also has second thoughts about helping law enforcement.

“Was I betrayed?” he said. “Absolutely yes.”

Oh, well, it's just the darkies shooting each other so that makes it "Okay".

These countries barely have functioning governments. Why do you want to compare us to third world countries instead of first world countries?

You mean a guy who was involved in outright fraud and treason. Yeah, I hope he gets sodomized.

Doesn't take away from the fact that black people are more likely to get prison for the same thing a white person gets probation for.
Again with your racist bullshit.

These are the facts

And the one thing you are right about is that the powers that be don;t give a shit if young male minorities kill each other.

And you don't either since you don;t want to enfiorce the gun laws we have
It worked exactly like this..

Gun Store to Holder's ATF.....we don't want to sell these guns to these guys, we know they are criminals ......

Holder's ATF....sell the guns or we will pull your license....

that is how it worked, you doofus.

Not really. The gun stores sell 250,000 guns that cross the border every year... The only reason they balked was because the ATF was "watching".

Again with your racist bullshit.

These are the facts

And the one thing you are right about is that the powers that be don;t give a shit if young male minorities kill each other.

And you don't either since you don;t want to enfiorce the gun laws we have

The problem is that it won't solve the problem. It will just mean a lot of black kids will end up in the grinder of the Prison Industrial Complex while white kids get good lawyers and please.

There is simply no problem where "Lock more people Up' is the right answer. EVER!
Not really. The gun stores sell 250,000 guns that cross the border every year... The only reason they balked was because the ATF was "watching".

The problem is that it won't solve the problem. It will just mean a lot of black kids will end up in the grinder of the Prison Industrial Complex while white kids get good lawyers and please.

There is simply no problem where "Lock more people Up' is the right answer. EVER!

wrong...liar. The ATF under obama needed to get guns sold to the cartels.....they needed it to push new gun control since the democrats didn't want to touch the issue since they lost congress on the issue in 1994....

The ATF forced those gun stores to sell those guns to known moron.

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