So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Your claim was that everyone who wants a gun gets a gun. That was false.

What is the rejection rate that would satisfy leftists?

98% for Joey. He wants guns limited to the rich, the well-connected, police, and criminals.

At least 26%. That is the percentage of Americans that suffer from some kind of mental illness.

I wonder what a shrink might find were he to analyze you...beyond delusions of adequacy.

The point is, I never knew the guy who bravely shot the home invader.
(bullshit removed)

Joey, you are so full of shit it bubbles out your ears.
again, the three people I know who died from gun violence were clean cut white people...

But you keep pretending that it's just the darkies dying, so that makes it okay.

You're lying again, kid.

Yes, you keep telling yourself that people want into your "tiny" club.

It's not news. I understand that you will keep lying about it, but anyone who cares about facts (that is: not you) can find out the truth easily.

Actually, statistically, undocumented immigrants are LESS likely to get into trouble for no other reason than they know they can be deported for the same offense that will get a citizen a citation.

Bullshit. Offhand, the illegal opiate trade in eastern Massachusetts is run-entirely-by illegal aliens, almost all from the Dominican Republic. Illegal aliens are, in many cases, effectively above the law, and they know it.
Oh, John Lott. These links neatly sum up why I stopped reading.
Oh, John Lott. These links neatly sum up why I stopped reading.

You doofus...Here is Lott defending himself from you anti-gun fascists...

Last fall, Northwestern University law professor James Lindgren volunteered to investigate the claimed existence of Lott's 1997 telephone survey of 2,424 people. "I thought it would be exceedingly simple to establish" that the research had been done, Lindgren wrote in his report.

Unfortunately, Malkin fails to mention that Lindgren is not an unbiased observer since I had written a journal article in Journal of Law & Politics critiquing some of his work months before he "volunteered to investigate" these claims.
It was not simple. Lott claims to have lost all of his data due to a computer crash.

2) As to the “claim” that I lost my data in a computer crash on July 3, 1997, I have offered Malkin the statements from nine academics (statements attached), four of whom I was co-authoring papers with at the time and who remember quite vividly also losing the data that we had on various projects. David Mustard at the University of Georgia spent considerable time during 1997 helping me replace gun crime data. Other academics worked with me to replace data on our other projects. Just so it is clear, this computer crash basically cost me all my data on all my projects up to that point in time, including all the data and word files for my book, More Guns, Less Crime, and numerous papers that were under review at journals. The next couple of years were hell trying to replace things and the data for this survey which ended up being one sentence in the book, was not of particular importance. However, all the data was replaced, including not only the large county level data, the state level data, as well as the survey data, when the survey was redone.
He financed the survey himself and kept no financial records.

* Unlike many academics, I have never asked for government support for my research. Nothing different or unusual was done in this case. While we still have the tax forms that we filed that show we made large expenditures on research assistants that year, my wife keeps our financial documents for the three years required by the IRS. I have provided my tax records from that year to several professors. Among them is a tax expert, Professor Joe Olson, at Hamline University in Minnesota, and he can verify this information. I have checked with the bank that we had an account with, but they only keep records five years back. Since wild claims have been made about the costs of the survey, some notion of its scope would be useful. The survey was structured so that over 90 percent of those questioned would only have to answer three short questions and those were usually completed in under 30 seconds. Less than one percent of those surveyed would actually answer as many as seven questions and even in that case the survey only took about two minutes. The appendix in The Bias Against Guns provides a description of the survey when it was replicated.
He has forgotten the names of the students who allegedly helped with the survey and who supposedly dialed thousands of survey respondents long-distance from their own dorm rooms using survey software Lott can't identify or produce.

* I have hired lots of student RAs over the years. Since I have been at AEI in the last couple of years I have had around 25 people work for me on various projects. The students in question worked for me during the very beginning of 1997. While I can usually reconstruct who has worked for me, it requires that I have that material written down. The information on these students was lost in the hard disk crash and given that I had lost data for other projects such as three revise-and-resubmits that I had at the Journal of Political Economy it was not a particularly high priority.

I don’t have the original CD with telephone numbers from across the country that was used to obtain telephone numbers, but I have kept one that I obtained later in 1997 when I was considering redoing the survey and I still have that available.

Assuming the survey data was lost in a computer crash, it is still remarkable that Lott could not produce a single, contemporaneous scrap of paper proving the survey's existence, such as the research protocol or survey instrument.

3) I have statements from two people who took the survey and other confirmatory evidence. As to the written material, being asked for written material six years after the survey is a long time. After the survey was done, the material was kept on my computer. In addition, I have moved three times (Chicago to Yale to Pennsylvania to AEI) as well as changed offices at Chicago and Yale since the summer of 1997. Yet, besides the statements from the academics who can verify the hard disk crash as well as the statement of those who participated in the survey, I do have statements David Mustard, who I had talked to numerous times about doing the survey with me during 1996 and who remembers after that us talking about the survey after it was completed. He is “fairly confident” that those conversations took place during 1997. John Whitley and Geoff Huck also have some recollections. Russell Roberts, now a professor at George Mason, was someone else that I talked to about the survey, but he simply can’t remember one way of the other. I didn’t talk to people other than co-authors about the survey and the research that I was doing on guns generally. This is because of the often great hostility to my gun work and also because I didn’t want to give those who disliked me a heads-up on what I was doing. I did have the questions from the survey and they were reused in the replicated survey in 2002.
After Lindgren's report was published, a Minnesota gun rights activist named David Gross came forward, claiming he was surveyed in 1997. Some have said that Gross's account proves that the survey was done. I think skepticism is warranted.

4) David Gross is the only person who Malkin mentions and she doubts his statements. Gross, a former city prosecutor, does have strong feelings on guns, but that is one reason why he remembers talking to me about the survey when I gave a talk in Minnesota a couple of years after the survey. There was no other gun survey on the questions that I asked during 1997. And another survey that was given close in time, during the beginning of 1996, was dramatically different from mine (e.g., the 1996 survey was done by a polling firm (not by students), was very long with at least 32 open ended questions (not something that could be done in a few minutes), involved Harvard (not Chicago), did not ask about brandishing, etc.). What Gross remembers indicates that it could only have been my survey.

Malkin also selectively quotes Lindgren. Lindgren told the Washington Times that, “I interviewed [Mr. Gross] at length and found him credible.” Mr. Gross has also responded to later statements made by Lindgren.

I have also had a second person who participated interviewed by Jeff Parker, the former associate dean at the George Mason University Law School. Parker interviewed both James Hamilton as well as Hamilton's sister, who claims that James told her about the interview when it occurred, and he can verify this information.

Lindgren claimed that Gross had instead answered a quite different survey done by Hemenway at Harvard, but when Hemenway finally released the data from both his 1996 and 1999 surveys and the age and other information about Gross and Hamilton do not match any subject interviewed in either survey.

Lott now admits he used a fake persona, "Mary Rosh," to post voluminous defenses of his work over the Internet.

* When Julian Sanchez asked about the similarities between my writings and those posted under this Internet chat room pseudonym during this past January I did admit it immediately. (Sanchez had put up a post on his blog site asking for help in identifying someone who was cutting and pasting many of my responses from other places in chat room discussions. Because a dynamic IP address was being used, Sanchez could only identify the posting as coming from someone in southeastern Pennsylvania. When I found that he was asking for help in identifying the poster I admitted that I was using the pseudonym.) I had originally used my own name in chat rooms but switched after receiving threatening and obnoxious telephone calls from other Internet posters. Ninety some percent of the posters in the chatroom were pretty clearly using pseudonyms. The fictitious name was from a family e-mail account we had set up for our children based on their names (see latter discussion), on a couple of occasions I used the female persona implied by the name in the chat rooms to try to get people to think about how people who are smaller and weaker physically can defend themselves. Virtually all the posting were on factual issues involving guns and the empirical debates surrounding them. All that information was completely accurate.
"Rosh" gushed that Lott was "the best professor that I ever had."

*This was a family email account and I was not the only person who posted using this account.
She/he also penned an effusive review of "More Guns, Less Crime" on "It was very interesting reading and Lott writes very well." (Lott claims that one of his sons posted the review in "Rosh's" name.)

*The e-mail account was set up by my wife for my four sons (Maxim, Ryan, Roger, and Sherwin in birth order) and involves the first two letters of each of their names in order of their birth. Maxim wrote several reviews on using that e-mail account and signed in using [email protected], not “Mary Rosh.” His posting included not only a review of my book, but also reviews of computer games such as Caesars III.

For whatever it is worth, a recent glich at revealed that it is quite common practice for authors to actually write positive anonymous reviews of their own books. The New York Times story on this revelation was actually quite sympathetic, which contrasts with the attack that the New York Times had on me when it also incorrectly claimed that I had written the review of my book.

Now.....for vagabond's response to my pointing out the truth about John Lott.....

Here is 2aguy's Copy/Paste.....

Thank, the British accent was all mine......
Oh, John Lott. These links neatly sum up why I stopped reading.

I enjoy your rabid, anti-gun, fascist sources to attack John Lott.......
Here is Lott defending himself from you anti-gun fascists...
Yes, how convenient he apparently never bothered to back up his data...
*sigh* I'll say it again as it never seems to penetrate, I am not anti gun I am merely against anyone being able to get a gun without proper training and education, and there being proper safeguards in place to prevent mentally ill people from obtaining them.
Now.....for vagabond's response to my pointing out the truth about John Lott.....

Here is 2aguy's Copy/Paste.....

Thank, the British accent was all mine......

Why thank you! Saves me the bother, although your use of the word "truth" there is a bit subjective. Anyway, I'll just repost the sources I cited, wouldn't want them to be "lost" in your torrent of so called "truth"

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The Black Chicago Shotgun Carrier didn't threaten with his gun or say he was there to rob the store. He could not be legally arrested or prosecuted if Florida allowed open carry.
Yes, how convenient he apparently never bothered to back up his data...
*sigh* I'll say it again as it never seems to penetrate, I am not anti gun I am merely against anyone being able to get a gun without proper training and education, and there being proper safeguards in place to prevent mentally ill people from obtaining them.

Well, similarly, shouldn’t you folks be required to attend a proper training course before cutting into your crumpets?

What is Knife Crime?​

Knife crime is any crime that involves a knife. Some people mistakenly think by carrying a knife then it will provide protection. But statistics show that if you carry a knife or weapon then you are more likely to end up being hurt. The basic laws on knives state that it’s illegal to:

  • sell a knife to anyone under 18, unless it has a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less
  • carry a knife in public without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge 3 inches long or less
  • carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife
  • use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife)
Any sharp instrument that is used in a threatening way (e.g. a screwdriver) is also an offensive weapon. Find out more here.

Seems odd that you have knife crime when there are…. you know…. laws against knife crime.
Well, similarly, shouldn’t you folks be required to attend a proper training course before cutting into your crumpets?

What is Knife Crime?​

Knife crime is any crime that involves a knife. Some people mistakenly think by carrying a knife then it will provide protection. But statistics show that if you carry a knife or weapon then you are more likely to end up being hurt. The basic laws on knives state that it’s illegal to:

  • sell a knife to anyone under 18, unless it has a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less
  • carry a knife in public without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge 3 inches long or less
  • carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife
  • use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife)
Any sharp instrument that is used in a threatening way (e.g. a screwdriver) is also an offensive weapon. Find out more here.

Seems odd that you have knife crime when there are…. you know…. laws against knife crime.

Their criminals are changing up to guns now as well.......when you have the drug trade to protect, knives won't do the job....
You seem to have a deranged fixation on guns as sex objects.........
Interesting article on that very subject...
Interesting article on that very subject...

And there you go....joining the ranks of the idiots who see dicks when we talk about gun self defense.....
Honestly, I've never seen a man love a woman the way you love guns.

Yeah......too bad for your penis dreams I am not a "gun guy." I am a self defense guy, I want innocent people to be able to protect themselves from criminals and people like you........guns just happen to be the best tool for self defense.

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