So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

So you admit you can't provide examples, and then resort to childish insults, OK. Uh, when did the Cancer prevention Research Centre ever figure in any "discussion" we ever had?

No, he HAS provided them. But you twats ignore evidence so we don't waste our valuable time on turds, like you.
No he didn't. I asked him to prove that "95% of the American media are left wing anti-gunners...." Do keep up.

And that is obvious as hell. Campaign donations prove it.

So you admit you can't provide examples, and then resort to childish insults, OK. Uh, when did the Cancer prevention Research Centre ever figure in any "discussion" we ever had?
I didn't say I couldn't I said you ain't worth the effort of digging though threads to find it and it was the Crime Prevention Research Center
Repeating your usual torrent of out of date cut and paste BS, doesn't stop it being out of date cut and paste BS. Furthermore, it's not a source I use, I merely wanted to demonstrate what happens when anyone mentions Concealed Carry Killers or the VPC, the inevitable torrent of pro-gun Right wing sources that you regurgitate. Thank you for making my point.

You obviously missed it so I had to repeat it.......try having someone read it to you....slowly, maybe a 5 year old relative.....they will understand it far better than you do.
Prove it.


And in this article.....the idiots claiming to be independent are democrats trying to pretend to be objective....


Brat based his claim on the results of a Center for Public Integrity analysis, which found that more than 96 percent of the donations from journalists to either Clinton or Trump between January 2015 and August 2016 went to Clinton.[4]

Ballotpedia reviewed three other analyses of contributions from donors identified as journalists and found that a majority of the donors or a majority of the donations (depending on the study) benefited Democrats or liberal causes.[6][7][8]

So you can't then, fair enough. Thanks for admitting it.

No, I admit that YOU are a worthless piece of shit gasbag. And i won't waste time reposting stuff that you have already seen.

Go play your infantile games elsewhere.

And in this article.....the idiots claiming to be independent are democrats trying to pretend to be objective....


Brat based his claim on the results of a Center for Public Integrity analysis, which found that more than 96 percent of the donations from journalists to either Clinton or Trump between January 2015 and August 2016 went to Clinton.[4]

Ballotpedia reviewed three other analyses of contributions from donors identified as journalists and found that a majority of the donors or a majority of the donations (depending on the study) benefited Democrats or liberal causes.[6][7][8]

Don't waste your time on the troll. I have an AI program that deals with assholes like him.
Uh, the layoffs happened because of the China virus.

The Biden leftists have brought nothing but disaster.

Uh, really? Unemployment is low, we aren't at war with anyone directly, Covid deaths have largely declined to the point of being negliable. We aren't seeing riots in the streets, and crime is even down from where it was in 2020.

Telling us what we already know, leftist paradises are more dangerous than ever.

The left's pro-crime policies and infatuation with criminals has turned leftist paradises into virtual law and order-free zones.

You need to stop watching Fox News.

Since COVID-19 struck the U.S., Americans have moved from state to state in droves, as residents fled Democrat-run states, like California, to Republican ones, like Florida, surveys found.

Not really.

In 2021, 27.1 million Americans reported living at a different residence than a year earlier, and 29.8 million reported a move in 2020, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Uh, you do realize that would include people moving within the same state, right? I mean, I would qualify as "living at a different residence" in 2021, even though I moved all of 4.6 miles

Eight of the 10 states losing the most residents from April 2020 through June 2021 have Democratic leadership. California ranked second in numeric population decline, with over 260,000 residents reportedly moving from the state.

Uh, yeah, that just means those red states will turn blue... careful what you wish for.
News reports that favor the worst outcomes of gun ownership, since if it bleeds, it leads, and since only the most sensational stories really get into the news while the stories of the victim merely pointing the gun and the criminal runs away are never heard........ and 95% of the American media are left wing you have a rabidly anti-gun group, using rabidly anti-gun news sources...yeah....sell that crap to our biden voters....

And the part where they use incidents that don't involve the Concealed Carry status of the gun owner, or document shootings where the Concealed carrier didn't do the freaking shooting?

Because it's fairly unlikely that 'I saw a gun and I ran away" happens all that often.

I mean, I'm sure that a lot of rednecks wave guns at minorities who are minding their own business, but the ones who actually wave one at a person who had criminal intent is pretty rare.

Only 200 gun homicides a year are classified as "justified self-defense" by civilians, and a pretty good chunk of those are probably someone shooting a domestic batterer.

What is fairly unbelievable is that you Ammosexuals who spend every day fantasizing about that day you can shoot you a darky ... I mean a "criminal".. and that happy day comes and you don't do it.
Brat based his claim on the results of a Center for Public Integrity analysis, which found that more than 96 percent of the donations from journalists to either Clinton or Trump between January 2015 and August 2016 went to Clinton.[4]

Um, yeah...because most journalists realized Trump was a malignant narcissist... they had covered him for years.

And he turned out to be a bigger disaster than anyone could have predicted.

I remember in March 2020, predicting that Covid would be Trump's Katrina... But Trump's handling of Covid actually made Bush's handling of Katrina look good by comparison.

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