So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Uh, really? Unemployment is low, we aren't at war with anyone directly, Covid deaths have largely declined to the point of being negliable. We aren't seeing riots in the streets, and crime is even down from where it was in 2020.

You need to stop watching Fox News.

Not really.

Uh, you do realize that would include people moving within the same state, right? I mean, I would qualify as "living at a different residence" in 2021, even though I moved all of 4.6 miles

Uh, yeah, that just means those red states will turn blue... careful what you wish for.

Uh, really? Inflation is at 40 year highs, people's investments are being destroyed, 401k's are tanking, gas prices are climbing but hey, unemployment is low. You were the guy rearranging deck chairs on the sinking Titanic, right?

Odd you think that democrat crime is down when democrat crime is among the top three issues that concerns voters going into the mid term elections.

You need to stop watching MSNBC.

Uh, obviously you're in denial about both individuals and businesses leaving leftist Hell holes.

Caterpillar, a Chicago area-based company with more than $50 billion in annual revenue, announced it will set up its new headquarters outside Dallas, saying the move is "in the best strategic interest of the company."

The manufacturer's move marks the second time in recent weeks that a major corporation announced it would move its headquarters out of the Democrat-governed state. Last month, Boeing said it would move its headquarters from Chicago to Arlington, Va.

Take a guess why corporations are leaving leftist Hell holes

In a video posted on Twitter, Schultz said Starbucks is closing stores that are “not unprofitable” due to an uptick in safety-related problems including crime, homelessness and drug use in bathrooms. The company earlier announced plans to close 16 locations because of security issues.

Crime is down? Not according to business people. Maybe you're just parrotting the slogans of the leftist politburo mouthpieces.

Uh, those red states will turn blue? Are you endorsing policies of failure. Ineptitude, crime and corruption that defines so many leftist Hell holes? You seem to endorse the Plague Theory that follows leftism wherever it finds a place to fester... kinda' like a debilitating disease.
Um, yeah...because most journalists realized Trump was a malignant narcissist... they had covered him for years.

And he turned out to be a bigger disaster than anyone could have predicted.

I remember in March 2020, predicting that Covid would be Trump's Katrina... But Trump's handling of Covid actually made Bush's handling of Katrina look good by comparison.
"Most journalists"?

I wasn't aware "most journalists" were experts in personality disorders. Could you identify those "most journalists" who hold degrees in the biological sciences or earned degrees in psychology?

Um. Odd. I've found that that fact-addled tend to be those who use sweeping generalizations while knowing no facts.
You need to stop watching Fox News

Fox News? I saw this on Fox News.

Maybe you need to organize a boycott of Fox News. If it's on Fox News it can't be real so send an email to Nina Jankowicz. She's looking for a job. Maybe a job at Fox News?

Chicago crime frustrations mount against State's Attorney Kim Foxx as 'mass exodus' continues: source​

Four Cook County Assistant State's Attorneys (ASAs) recently resigned from Foxx's Felony Review Unit — three of whom quit on the same day — all within the past two weeks, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News Digital.

The four felony ASAs, who normally worked out of the Cook County Criminal Court Building on 26th Street and California Avenue, were being asked to volunteer their time covering traffic court in a Bridgeview, Illinois, courthouse due to staffing issues at the Bridgeview location, the source said.

The resignations come about three months after a 25-year veteran Illinois prosecutor took aim at Foxx's policies in a public resignation letter published in July.

More than 235 people have resigned from Foxx's office since July 2021, according to The Chicago Tribune.

Um, strange. You insist crime is not a problem.
Um, yeah...because most journalists realized Trump was a malignant narcissist... they had covered him for years.

And he turned out to be a bigger disaster than anyone could have predicted.

I remember in March 2020, predicting that Covid would be Trump's Katrina... But Trump's handling of Covid actually made Bush's handling of Katrina look good by comparison.

No...the democrat party governors who destroyed their own states economies to hurt Trump is what hurt the country......they also murdered senior citizens in their nursing homes instead of using the Ships that Trump gave them for the sick.......they should be in jail.
Because it's fairly unlikely that 'I saw a gun and I ran away" happens all that often.

I mean, I'm sure that a lot of rednecks wave guns at minorities who are minding their own business, but the ones who actually wave one at a person who had criminal intent is pretty rare.

Only 200 gun homicides a year are classified as "justified self-defense" by civilians, and a pretty good chunk of those are probably someone shooting a domestic batterer.

What is fairly unbelievable is that you Ammosexuals who spend every day fantasizing about that day you can shoot you a darky ... I mean a "criminal".. and that happy day comes and you don't do it.

You realize you are the one referring to black Americans as darkies.....and you do so very easily. Your racism really needs to be addressed, by the same professional you should see about your sexual fetishes.....

And in this article.....the idiots claiming to be independent are democrats trying to pretend to be objective....


Brat based his claim on the results of a Center for Public Integrity analysis, which found that more than 96 percent of the donations from journalists to either Clinton or Trump between January 2015 and August 2016 went to Clinton.[4]

Ballotpedia reviewed three other analyses of contributions from donors identified as journalists and found that a majority of the donors or a majority of the donations (depending on the study) benefited Democrats or liberal causes.[6][7][8]

You really ought to read through your sources before posting "headlines. Both articles you site refute your argument. Try again.
Uh, really? Inflation is at 40 year highs, people's investments are being destroyed, 401k's are tanking, gas prices are climbing but hey, unemployment is low. You were the guy rearranging deck chairs on the sinking Titanic, right?

Meh, I don't spend life worrying about the assholes on Wall Street, but I'm not a Stockholm Syndrome Republican like you are.

Odd you think that democrat crime is down when democrat crime is among the top three issues that concerns voters going into the mid term elections.

I'm sure they are concerned, with all the hysterical news coverage... but crime is actually down...

Caterpillar, a Chicago area-based company with more than $50 billion in annual revenue, announced it will set up its new headquarters outside Dallas, saying the move is "in the best strategic interest of the company."
Caterpillar has been pulling out of Illinois for the last 20 years.... where have you been?
No...the democrat party governors who destroyed their own states economies to hurt Trump is what hurt the country......they also murdered senior citizens in their nursing homes instead of using the Ships that Trump gave them for the sick.......they should be in jail.

Uh, that ship only had 400 beds... NY had 10,000 new cases a day... with only 22,000 hospital beds in the whole state.

But if I were sick, I'd rather be in a Nursing home where they have been taking care of me for year that some drafty-ass ship.

You realize you are the one referring to black Americans as darkies.....and you do so very easily. Your racism really needs to be addressed, by the same professional you should see about your sexual fetishes.....

Nope, I'm not the one arming myself because black people scare me and you have shortcomings...

Your need to fondle your gun shows your insecurities...

Chicago crime frustrations mount against State's Attorney Kim Foxx as 'mass exodus' continues: source​

Four Cook County Assistant State's Attorneys (ASAs) recently resigned from Foxx's Felony Review Unit — three of whom quit on the same day — all within the past two weeks, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News Digital.

More than 235 people have resigned from Foxx's office since July 2021, according to The Chicago Tribune.

Yup, the old corrupt machine politicians are leaving, and frankly, no one is going to miss them.

You see, you have to understand how Foxx got elected to start with. Her predecessor was a kind of useless creature named Anita Alvarez. We had a case in Chicago were a police officer shot a teenager 16 times, and the Mayor's office, Alvarez and the CPD all conspired to cover it up for nearly a year. The only ones who showed any integrity was the coroner's office, that screamed this was a lie to press.

Well, when the Video of the shooting was finally made public, there was public outrage at Alvarez for not pressing charges. The state had to appoint a special prosecutor to take care of the case because she simply couldn't be trusted.

Now, because I am not a partisan robot, I have some criticism of Foxx. (I live in Cook County, but not in Chicago). But there's a reason why she got voted in... and a reason why she got retained despite the Machine's best attempt to dislodge her.
Meh, I don't spend life worrying about the assholes on Wall Street, but I'm not a Stockholm Syndrome Republican like you are.

I'm sure they are concerned, with all the hysterical news coverage... but crime is actually down...

Caterpillar has been pulling out of Illinois for the last 20 years.... where have you been?
You may be someone who feeds off the teet of the working class by collecting government welfare benefits but there's another population of working adults who are investing for their futures. Some of us have a work ethic and see the benefits of working and saving. Leftists see hard work and dedication as an affront to their political ideology of sameness, laziness and waiting for a government handout.

The intentional trashing of the economy due to democrat polices is a designed and coordinated effort. How generous of you welfare recipients to applaud the degradation of people's net worth as they see the years of hard work and savings being drained away.

Fortunately I'm not a laggard and layabout like you.

Why would you care about Caterpillar leaving the socialist/ welfare paradise of Illinois? The state can fall further into decay as jobs disappear, as the working, tax paying middle class disappears. You will still get your government handout, right?
You may be someone who feeds off the teet of the working class by collecting government welfare benefits but there's another population of working adults who are investing for their futures. Some of us have a work ethic and see the benefits of working and saving. Leftists see hard work and dedication as an affront to their political ideology of sameness, laziness and waiting for a government handout.

I have a full time job.
And I run a side business
And a rental property.
I often work 80 hours a week.

I probably don't need to at this point. I'm more than comfortable, but want to sock away a little more money before I retire in five years.

None of which has anything to do with the fact that I see a criminal justice system that is broken, and racially unfair.

But let's get real, we spend FAR more on white , middle class "entitlements" than we do paying the poor just enough money so they don't riot unless they are really provoked.

The intentional trashing of the economy due to democrat polices is a designed and coordinated effort. How generous of you welfare recipients to applaud the degradation of people's net worth as they see the years of hard work and savings being drained away.

I think you are a little confused... the people who are screwing the working class aren't the poor... it's the people on wall street who make the decision to move your plant or make the stock market drop 700 points because we got good news on the economy.

The rich WANT a recession. They want to pay the wage slaves less and force them to trudge back to the office even if they are more productive working from home.

Why would you care about Caterpillar leaving the socialist/ welfare paradise of Illinois? The state can fall further into decay as jobs disappear, as the working, tax paying middle class disappears. You will still get your government handout, right?

Here's the thing... Every company I have worked for since 2000 has been a supplier for Caterpillar... And every year, they outsource jobs to subcontractors or close down plants to break their union contracts.

And if they can cheat their workers or their suppliers, they will. So there's only so much sucking up you can do to them when they move a few office jobs down to Jesusland to get people who won't complain about shitty working conditions.
I have a full time job.
And I run a side business
And a rental property.
I often work 80 hours a week.

I probably don't need to at this point. I'm more than comfortable, but want to sock away a little more money before I retire in five years.

None of which has anything to do with the fact that I see a criminal justice system that is broken, and racially unfair.

But let's get real, we spend FAR more on white , middle class "entitlements" than we do paying the poor just enough money so they don't riot unless they are really provoked.

I think you are a little confused... the people who are screwing the working class aren't the poor... it's the people on wall street who make the decision to move your plant or make the stock market drop 700 points because we got good news on the economy.

The rich WANT a recession. They want to pay the wage slaves less and force them to trudge back to the office even if they are more productive working from home.

Here's the thing... Every company I have worked for since 2000 has been a supplier for Caterpillar... And every year, they outsource jobs to subcontractors or close down plants to break their union contracts.

And if they can cheat their workers or their suppliers, they will. So there's only so much sucking up you can do to them when they move a few office jobs down to Jesusland to get people who won't complain about shitty working conditions.
Isn't it great being an anonymous poster, (poser), on a message board? You can be a welfare recipient who laughs off inflation, crime, etc., while claiming to work for a living.
Isn't it great being an anonymous poster, (poser), on a message board? You can be a welfare recipient who laughs off inflation, crime, etc., while claiming to work for a living.

Sure, I can.

Crime doesn't effect me.
I didn't buy a big gas guzzler, so gas prices don't effect me that much.
The billionaires losing money on the Dow doesn't effect me... we never should have given people that much power.

Again, I realize that Conservatism is a form of Stockholm syndrome, where you identify with your abusers... but you really need to realize who your enemies are.
Sure, I can.

Crime doesn't effect me.
I didn't buy a big gas guzzler, so gas prices don't effect me that much.
The billionaires losing money on the Dow doesn't effect me... we never should have given people that much power.

Again, I realize that Conservatism is a form of Stockholm syndrome, where you identify with your abusers... but you really need to realize who your enemies are.
That makes no sense. At least you're predictable.

If you were paying attention, you would know that crime and inflation are among the top concerns of voting Americans.

Do you feel safe standing in line for your government welfare check?
Yup, the old corrupt machine politicians are leaving, and frankly, no one is going to miss them.

You see, you have to understand how Foxx got elected to start with. Her predecessor was a kind of useless creature named Anita Alvarez. We had a case in Chicago were a police officer shot a teenager 16 times, and the Mayor's office, Alvarez and the CPD all conspired to cover it up for nearly a year. The only ones who showed any integrity was the coroner's office, that screamed this was a lie to press.

Well, when the Video of the shooting was finally made public, there was public outrage at Alvarez for not pressing charges. The state had to appoint a special prosecutor to take care of the case because she simply couldn't be trusted.

Now, because I am not a partisan robot, I have some criticism of Foxx. (I live in Cook County, but not in Chicago). But there's a reason why she got voted in... and a reason why she got retained despite the Machine's best attempt to dislodge her.
What corrupt machine politicians are leaving?

You wonderful keftists breed corrupt machine politicians.

Chicago Is Once Again The Most Corrupt City In The US, According To New Study​

The year 2019 "was a highly explosive year, during which some of the most important political corruption in the history of Chicago and Illinois was exposed," the report states.

Leftism. It's not just an adventure, it's a communicable disease.
That makes no sense. At least you're predictable.

If you were paying attention, you would know that crime and inflation are among the top concerns of voting Americans.

Um, sure. So is abortion. So is Republican craziness.

The only reason your party is going to do "well" in the midterms is that you've used redistricting to pick up seats you wouldn't have been competitive in otherwise. The senate is likely to be a wash, and no major governorships are in play.

Do you feel safe standing in line for your government welfare check?

Wouldn't know. I get my paycheck every 2 weeks Direct Deposit. I get most of my payments for my side business through Zelle now, along with payments on my rental property.

(Not that I ever wanted a rental property. I moved on the promise that a condo-deconversion was going to happen last year... I'm still waiting.)

This will be the first year I hit I will hit six figures in gross income. (Although it will be lower in net income when figuring in the expenses of property and side business)

What corrupt machine politicians are leaving?

You wonderful keftists breed corrupt machine politicians.

From 2019. That's why Lightfoot got elected... people were tired of the corruption.
Um, sure. So is abortion. So is Republican craziness.

The only reason your party is going to do "well" in the midterms is that you've used redistricting to pick up seats you wouldn't have been competitive in otherwise. The senate is likely to be a wash, and no major governorships are in play.

Wouldn't know. I get my paycheck every 2 weeks Direct Deposit. I get most of my payments for my side business through Zelle now, along with payments on my rental property.

(Not that I ever wanted a rental property. I moved on the promise that a condo-deconversion was going to happen last year... I'm still waiting.)

This will be the first year I hit I will hit six figures in gross income. (Although it will be lower in net income when figuring in the expenses of property and side business)

From 2019. That's why Lightfoot got elected... people were tired of the corruption.
You're way too attached to conspiracy theories. I'm afraid that corruption and sleaze has become a hallmark of the dem / leftist party.

The reason Republicans and Independents will do well in the mid terms has everything to do with the retrograde, anti-american policies of the left. The dem /leftist party is now controlled by woke, self-hating ideologues with a true pathology. They see themselves as separate and distinct from the rest of society and as the ruling class that must act on its behalf.

The dems / left have become just a cabal of coffeehouse communists, lead by ethically challenged and morally bankrupt hacks.
The reason Republicans and Independents will do well in the mid terms has everything to do with the retrograde, anti-american policies of the left. The dem /leftist party is now controlled by woke, self-hating ideologues with a true pathology. They see themselves as separate and distinct from the rest of society and as the ruling class that must act on its behalf.

You keep telling yourself that... because frankly, it was the same kind of shit you said in 2012 and 1996, when your side got major schellackings because you couldn't tamp down the crazy.

The ironic things is, Republicans of back then seem relatively sane compared to the cult of Trump.

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