So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Nope....the democrat party run cities are crap holes, and violent dystopias directly because the democrat party in those cities have destroyed their police, and they began releasing criminals no matter how violent and dangerous they were......and you can't lie about this anymore....uninformed Americans who never used to pay attention to what assholes like you were doing to their cities are now paying attention and seeing what you are doing to their cities....

Crime went up across the whole country during Trump Plague/Recession/Riots... and as much as you guys want to create fake panic about crime, (It's actually STILL much lower than it was in the 1990's), most Americans are kind of horrified you want to turn the Country into "The Republic of Gilead". So for every white person pissing themselves over "crime", you'll have a woman legitimately concerned she might have to give birth to her rapist's baby.

You'll still do okay in the midterms due to Gerrymandering and general disinterest, just not as well as you think.

Sure. We had peaceful protests where BLM and leftists rioted, you know, peaceful riots where cities burned, businesses and lives were destroyed, because leftist clowns wanted a ''summer of love''.

I think everyone gets it, You're self-loathing and a keyboard social justice warrior.

No, we had riots because black people finally got fed up with thug police and a racist president cheering them on.

I'm a pragmatist. There are two solutions to our race problems.

We can fix the problems of poverty, wealth inequality, police misconduct and gun proliferation.

Or we can live like the Israelis, terrified of our neighbors.

I like the first option better.
That's strange.

That you think Breitbart is a credible source? Yes, that is strange. They show you a picture of some scary Muslims praying to a sky pixie that isn't your sky pixie and you pee yourself.

Actually, the UK is doing far worse. See if you can pay attention.

No, they aren't... We have far more murders than they have. .

Now, some of these stats are misleading. The US only counts sexual assault if there is penetration. The UK counts sexual assault if there is any unwanted touching. The US counts battery as only things resulting in serious injury, while the UK counts any pub brawl as battery... you get the idea.

You don't know shit about poverty or racism

I was poorer than dirt poor and homeless, born to a mixed race single parent who ended up a junkie and dead when I was 14.

Hold on, let me break out the violins... 🎻🎻🎻🎻

According to your own story, you had a foster home you ran away from... sounds like most of your problems were self-inflicted.

And you can move to the fucking UK where you can get arrested for reading the "wrong" book or for having a fucking pocket knife or for being mean on Facebook and don't you dare protest the king.

Except for all these supposed crimes, the UK only lock up 79,000 people compared to the 1.38 million in the US with another 600,000 awaiting trial.


Our gun violence problem is what it is because the fucking government refuses to enforce gun laws.

No, our gun violence problem is because the gun industry floods the streets with guns, sells guns to people who have no business having them, to create panic.

Crime went up across the whole country during Trump Plague/Recession/Riots... and as much as you guys want to create fake panic about crime, (It's actually STILL much lower than it was in the 1990's), most Americans are kind of horrified you want to turn the Country into "The Republic of Gilead". So for every white person pissing themselves over "crime", you'll have a woman legitimately concerned she might have to give birth to her rapist's baby.

You'll still do okay in the midterms due to Gerrymandering and general disinterest, just not as well as you think.

No, we had riots because black people finally got fed up with thug police and a racist president cheering them on.

I'm a pragmatist. There are two solutions to our race problems.

We can fix the problems of poverty, wealth inequality, police misconduct and gun proliferation.

Or we can live like the Israelis, terrified of our neighbors.

I like the first option better.

Its just so predictable that self-hating leftists will retreat to the "I blame Trump'' mantra in an attempt to excuse their failures and ineptitudes. Liberals hate US citizens, US citizens who exercise their right, and they despise hard sentencing laws because liberals identify with criminals. Criminals are the darlings of the left because the self-hating left presumes the Great Satan is the root of all evil.

Self-hating leftists rationalize the acts of criminals, the darlings of the left, by screeching ''it’s the law that’s bad'', society is unjust, that the criminal is being unfairly persecuted. Not coincidently, that's exactly the same sort of rationalization that every criminal uses. It’s not surprising then that self-hating leftists will identify with the criminal rather than the victim.
That you think Breitbart is a credible source? Yes, that is strange. They show you a picture of some scary Muslims praying to a sky pixie that isn't your sky pixie and you pee yourself.

No, they aren't... We have far more murders than they have. .

Now, some of these stats are misleading. The US only counts sexual assault if there is penetration. The UK counts sexual assault if there is any unwanted touching. The US counts battery as only things resulting in serious injury, while the UK counts any pub brawl as battery... you get the idea.

Hold on, let me break out the violins... 🎻🎻🎻🎻

According to your own story, you had a foster home you ran away from... sounds like most of your problems were self-inflicted.

Except for all these supposed crimes, the UK only lock up 79,000 people compared to the 1.38 million in the US with another 600,000 awaiting trial.

View attachment 707671

No, our gun violence problem is because the gun industry floods the streets with guns, sells guns to people who have no business having them, to create panic.

View attachment 707674

I think my source left you unable to defend your earlier comments so you retreated to the usual, ''do you think xxxxxxx is a credible source''?

It was predictable that you ran for cover when you used ''NationMaster'' as a source without ever checking the veracity of the data. You realized quickly that what you hoped to convey was contradicted by your own source. You do have this habit of making baseless claims and then when refuted, you retreat to the, ''but... but... but... but what about....'' Take responsibility for what you cut and paste,

Stop being an accomplice to fraud.

Do you really think a pie chart from ''prisonpolicy'' is a credible source?

What is the purpose of a graph showing firearm ownership in the US? Is that supposed to convey some frantic leftist talking point?
Its just so predictable that self-hating leftists will retreat to the "I blame Trump'' mantra in an attempt to excuse their failures and ineptitudes. Liberals hate US citizens, US citizens who exercise their right, and they despise hard sentencing laws because liberals identify with criminals. Criminals are the darlings of the left because the self-hating left presumes the Great Satan is the root of all evil.

Naw, man, I hate US citizens who let irresponsible people get guns, and we have to mold our entire society around gun-toting maniacs. Children should not have to walk through metal detectors to get to class and do active shooter drills. We shouldn't have to put up with trigger happy cops who shoot first and ask questions later because they can't tell the difference between a gun and a cell phone.

Crime is a reflection of our failures...

Self-hating leftists rationalize the acts of criminals, the darlings of the left, by screeching ''it’s the law that’s bad'', society is unjust, that the criminal is being unfairly persecuted. Not coincidently, that's exactly the same sort of rationalization that every criminal uses. It’s not surprising then that self-hating leftists will identify with the criminal rather than the victim.

Actually, the law is bad if you can't enforce it. So let's look at the premise of the Ammosexuals. "My gun isn't the problem (unless my wife burns the pot roast!), it's those guns possessed by criminals. Lock them up!!!"

But we lock up 2 million people. Our courts are clogged with people in jail awaiting trial, most of them (big surprise) people of color who couldn't afford bail. We throw someone in jail for just having a gun, it means we have to let someone else out because we don't have room for them. Which is why we have 5 million people on probation or parole, and 100 million Americans with a police record that limits their job opportunities.

While "Punishing the darkies" might make you feel good, as a policy, it's counterproductive. It actually makes things worse.

It was predictable that you ran for cover when you used ''NationMaster'' as a source without ever checking the veracity of the data. You realized quickly that what you hoped to convey was contradicted by your own source. You do have this habit of making baseless claims and then when refuted, you retreat to the, ''but... but... but... but what about....'' Take responsibility for what you cut and paste,

You picked one stat instead of reading through ALL the states, probably because you didn't have the mental bandwidth to process the data. That's really not impressive. If you look at ALL the compared stats, the US does worse in nearly every last one of them, particularly the violent crimes.

Do you really think a pie chart from ''prisonpolicy'' is a credible source?

Um, yeah, given that they research the issue, it's very credible. As opposed to a whacky website like Breitbart that has no one in the UK and just repeats crap from racist groups over there.

What is the purpose of a graph showing firearm ownership in the US? Is that supposed to convey some frantic leftist talking point?

It shows the problem.

You see, in the past, very few people owned guns. They didn't need them. So you had 40 million guns in the hands of some 140 million Americans in 1945. Most of those were hunting rifles.

Then this funny thing happened. First, hunting fell out of favor as a sport. Turns out that torturing and killing animals isn't actually a sport, it's more a sign of psychopathy. Who knew? Second, the gun industry started flooding our streets with guns hoping to gin up enough fear to make more people want to buy them.

And of course, when a Democrat gets elected, the first thing they blurt out is "Biden is going to take your guns, better rush out and buy more!!!!"

So we have more guns than people, the gun industry realizes the mentally unstable are their prime market, and you wonder why we have gun violence?
That you think Breitbart is a credible source? Yes, that is strange. They show you a picture of some scary Muslims praying to a sky pixie that isn't your sky pixie and you pee yourself.

No, they aren't... We have far more murders than they have. .

Now, some of these stats are misleading. The US only counts sexual assault if there is penetration. The UK counts sexual assault if there is any unwanted touching. The US counts battery as only things resulting in serious injury, while the UK counts any pub brawl as battery... you get the idea.

Hold on, let me break out the violins... 🎻🎻🎻🎻

According to your own story, you had a foster home you ran away from... sounds like most of your problems were self-inflicted.

Except for all these supposed crimes, the UK only lock up 79,000 people compared to the 1.38 million in the US with another 600,000 awaiting trial.

View attachment 707671

No, our gun violence problem is because the gun industry floods the streets with guns, sells guns to people who have no business having them, to create panic.

View attachment 707674
Yeah because every kid should be grateful and happy to live with an abusive asshole right?
Naw, man, I hate US citizens who let irresponsible people get guns, and we have to mold our entire society around gun-toting maniacs. Children should not have to walk through metal detectors to get to class and do active shooter drills. We shouldn't have to put up with trigger happy cops who shoot first and ask questions later because they can't tell the difference between a gun and a cell phone.

Crime is a reflection of our failures...

Actually, the law is bad if you can't enforce it. So let's look at the premise of the Ammosexuals. "My gun isn't the problem (unless my wife burns the pot roast!), it's those guns possessed by criminals. Lock them up!!!"

But we lock up 2 million people. Our courts are clogged with people in jail awaiting trial, most of them (big surprise) people of color who couldn't afford bail. We throw someone in jail for just having a gun, it means we have to let someone else out because we don't have room for them. Which is why we have 5 million people on probation or parole, and 100 million Americans with a police record that limits their job opportunities.

While "Punishing the darkies" might make you feel good, as a policy, it's counterproductive. It actually makes things worse.

You picked one stat instead of reading through ALL the states, probably because you didn't have the mental bandwidth to process the data. That's really not impressive. If you look at ALL the compared stats, the US does worse in nearly every last one of them, particularly the violent crimes.

Um, yeah, given that they research the issue, it's very credible. As opposed to a whacky website like Breitbart that has no one in the UK and just repeats crap from racist groups over there.

It shows the problem.

You see, in the past, very few people owned guns. They didn't need them. So you had 40 million guns in the hands of some 140 million Americans in 1945. Most of those were hunting rifles.

Then this funny thing happened. First, hunting fell out of favor as a sport. Turns out that torturing and killing animals isn't actually a sport, it's more a sign of psychopathy. Who knew? Second, the gun industry started flooding our streets with guns hoping to gin up enough fear to make more people want to buy them.

And of course, when a Democrat gets elected, the first thing they blurt out is "Biden is going to take your guns, better rush out and buy more!!!!"

So we have more guns than people, the gun industry realizes the mentally unstable are their prime market, and you wonder why we have gun violence?

Naw, man. You don't go far left enough. Your personal Jihad to rid the Great Satan of its founding Constitution is pathetically weak. All you're accomplishing with your adoring, pro-criminal identity policies is to rid states of an economic base.
THANK A DEMOCRAT: Businesses Continue to Flee Big Cities Thanks to Lawless Democrats and Rise in Violent Crime

It's important that we realize leftists identify with criminals. Actions of criminals make sense to leftists. Leftists tend to be people who can't conceive of personal responsibility so they fail to see the connection between their giving money to criminal organizations and the violent acts of those criminals. The most blatant example of that dynamic is the Democrat party funding Mexican cartels which brings them billions of dollars annually.

Leftists think the justice system is corrupt because it holds people accountable. Accountability is difficult for leftists because everything is someone else's fault. Leftists tend to be people who refuse personal responsibility so they fail to see the connection between their giving money to criminal organizations and the violent acts of those organizations. It was leftists who funded and enabled the criminal organization of BLM. Those funds made a few people very rich. So, here again, we have self-hating leftists funding criminal syndicates while taking no responsibility for their actions.

With leftists, it's always about, ''da man keeps oppressing me''.

You poor, delicate rose bud.
Crime went up across the whole country during Trump Plague/Recession/Riots... and as much as you guys want to create fake panic about crime, (It's actually STILL much lower than it was in the 1990's), most Americans are kind of horrified you want to turn the Country into "The Republic of Gilead". So for every white person pissing themselves over "crime", you'll have a woman legitimately concerned she might have to give birth to her rapist's baby.

You'll still do okay in the midterms due to Gerrymandering and general disinterest, just not as well as you think.

No, we had riots because black people finally got fed up with thug police and a racist president cheering them on.

I'm a pragmatist. There are two solutions to our race problems.

We can fix the problems of poverty, wealth inequality, police misconduct and gun proliferation.

Or we can live like the Israelis, terrified of our neighbors.

I like the first option better.

Yes....when the democrat party decided to use the DOJ to attack local police forces....and the democrat party turned their "Legal Warfare" teams against local police, the message was sent across the country that if you do your job as a police officer...the democrat party will do their best to destroy you and your family...

Message sent, Message recieved, and the police stopped pro-active police work, retired and quit in massive dumb ass......the democrats made this a national problem.

You asshats are the ones grooming kids for sex, sterilizing children, chopping off their sex organs...not us....
Yeah because every kid should be grateful and happy to live with an abusive asshole right?
better than living on the street...

It's important that we realize leftists identify with criminals. Actions of criminals make sense to leftists. Leftists tend to be people who can't conceive of personal responsibility so they fail to see the connection between their giving money to criminal organizations and the violent acts of those criminals. The most blatant example of that dynamic is the Democrat party funding Mexican cartels which brings them billions of dollars annually.

That sounds like the voice of a fat happy white person who went to bed last night with a full belly. It's easy to be "moral" when you aren't desperate.

Leftists think the justice system is corrupt because it holds people accountable. Accountability is difficult for leftists because everything is someone else's fault. Leftists tend to be people who refuse personal responsibility so they fail to see the connection between their giving money to criminal organizations and the violent acts of those organizations. It was leftists who funded and enabled the criminal organization of BLM. Those funds made a few people very rich. So, here again, we have self-hating leftists funding criminal syndicates while taking no responsibility for their actions.

No, I think it's corrupt because it's uneven in it's approach.

Some poor black kid goes to jail for life and has a permanent record for smoking a little crack, but Rush Limbaugh and Cindy McCain get sweetheart deals and rehab.

The black lady who lied about her address to get her kid out of a dangerous school gets five years, but Lori McLaughlin pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to steal a working class kid's college admission for her slacker daughter, and she gets 11 days at a Club Fed.

Some black guy gets years for simple robbery, but Jason Van Dyke pumps 16 rounds into a black kid who was lying on the ground, and only gets three years.

This is the shit that people are upset about, and frankly, they should be.
Yes....when the democrat party decided to use the DOJ to attack local police forces....and the democrat party turned their "Legal Warfare" teams against local police, the message was sent across the country that if you do your job as a police officer...the democrat party will do their best to destroy you and your family...

Shooting an unarmed kid 16 times is "doing your job". (Van Dyke actually tried to claim this in court. Probably made the jury hate him even more.)
Shooting a kid playing with a toy in the park is "Doing your job"?
Shooting a kid who has his hands up 8 times is doing your job?

Frankly, my problem with Obama's DOJ is that it didn't do enough. It didn't file federal charges against Zimmerman or Van Dyke or Wilson or Loehmann...

Message sent, Message recieved, and the police stopped pro-active police work, retired and quit in massive dumb ass......the democrats made this a national problem.

Right... so where does it say, "mistreat black people' was part of their job, exactly.

The problem is, racist cops are a liability... more so now that the settlements for misconduct have gone from 7 figures to 8 figures.

In 2018, the City of Chicago spent 118 MILLION settling claims of police misconduct. For that cost, we could have put 170 more cops on the street.
better than living on the street...

That sounds like the voice of a fat happy white person who went to bed last night with a full belly. It's easy to be "moral" when you aren't desperate.

No, I think it's corrupt because it's uneven in it's approach.

Some poor black kid goes to jail for life and has a permanent record for smoking a little crack, but Rush Limbaugh and Cindy McCain get sweetheart deals and rehab.

The black lady who lied about her address to get her kid out of a dangerous school gets five years, but Lori McLaughlin pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to steal a working class kid's college admission for her slacker daughter, and she gets 11 days at a Club Fed.

Some black guy gets years for simple robbery, but Jason Van Dyke pumps 16 rounds into a black kid who was lying on the ground, and only gets three years.

This is the shit that people are upset about, and frankly, they should be.

Um, yeah, I get it. You're a social justice warrior on a Jihad to make sure everyone knows you're apologizing for your mere existence. Strange, though. It's difficult to tell the difference between you social justice warriors and the most angry racists.
Um, yeah, I get it. You're a social justice warrior on a Jihad to make sure everyone knows you're apologizing for your mere existence. Strange, though. It's difficult to tell the difference between you social justice warriors and the most angry racists.

Naw, man, I'm just pointing out the obvious... which you seem to be in denial of.

Crime is a symptom of other societal ills, most of which root from conservative policies...

Address the root causes, you'll address crime.
Naw, man, I'm just pointing out the obvious... which you seem to be in denial of.

Crime is a symptom of other societal ills, most of which root from conservative policies...

Address the root causes, you'll address crime.

Naw, man. You just repeat slogans your hear on MSNBC. It's fashionable to be a self-hater. Self hating is a societal ill that strongly affects a certain personality type.

You might consider joining the Kamala Harris "Root Causes", tour. Laugh, giggle and do nothing.
Anything you don't like is declared it.
Oh, you mean like every time someone quotes data from Concealed Carry Killers or Violence Policy Centre... got it.
Any time anyone posts something you don't like, you post a torrent of BS cut and paste to try to bury whatever they say... got it.
Oh, you mean like every time someone quotes data from Concealed Carry Killers or Violence Policy Centre... got it.
Any time anyone posts something you don't like, you post a torrent of BS cut and paste to try to bury whatever they say... got it.
Just like you do with sources you don't like.

Pot Kettle Black
No, they aren't... We have far more murders than they have. .

Now, some of these stats are misleading. The US only counts sexual assault if there is penetration. The UK counts sexual assault if there is any unwanted touching. The US counts battery as only things resulting in serious injury, while the UK counts any pub brawl as battery... you get the idea.
I've already debunked his/her/its argument, but like a dog with a bone, he/she/it clings desperately to "Nation master" for some reason.
I've already debunked his/her/its argument, but like a dog with a bone, he/she/it clings desperately to "Nation master" for some reason.
You poor, dear. I can understand you're offended at sources that contradict your biases. You somehow missed that Joe B linked to NationMaster in an earlier post but never bothered to check the data. The data contradicted what he attempted to convey.

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