So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Wrong, they have far more home invasions in Europe, especially Britain...they know how long it takes the police to arrive if the victims manage to call for help, and they torture their victims for information and doofus.


Burglary victims attacked in their own home once every 30 minutes

A householder is attacked by a violent burglar every 30 minutes.

The shocking statistic exposes for the first time the epidemic of terrifying intruder confrontations taking place in Britain.

It will intensify demands for householders to be given greater protection if they use force to protect themselves and their family against a burglar.

In the wake of the case of Munir Hussain, who was jailed and later freed for beating a raider, ministers insisted it was extremely rare for a person to find themselves in trouble with the police for fighting back against a burglar.

But with householders suffering violence on 23,000 occasions last year, campaigners say the case for a change to the law is growing ever stronger.

The Tories, who compiled the figures, have given a manifesto commitment to review the law, which currently allows a householder to respond with 'reasonable force'.

Under one option being considered, a burglary victim who took on an intruder could only be prosecuted if they used 'grossly disproportionate force'.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'These figures are an alarming indication of the culture of violence that has built up in our society.

'It just goes to show how important it is that we change the law to give proper protection to householders who defend themselves and their families against a violent intruder in their homes.

'The Government promised to change the law, but then didn't. We will.'

The figures emerged in an analysis of official crime statistics. Last year, the number of domestic burglaries recorded by police in England and Wales rose for the first time in six years, from 280,694 in 2007-08 to 284,427.

The British Crime Survey provides more information on the nature of burglaries than those recorded in police crime figures.

According to the BCS, householders came face-to-face with burglars in 20 per cent of domestic burglaries last year. That translates one every ten minutes. In other cases, either no one was at home or the victim was at home but unaware they were being burgled and did not see the offender.

Of the burglaries in which the victim came face-to-face with the intruder, violence was either used or threatened in 59 per cent of crimes.

Read more: Burglary victims attacked in their own home once every 30 minutes
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An Englishman's home is his dungeon

But the trouble is that this kind of burglary - the kind most likely to go "wrong" - is now the norm in Britain. In America, it's called a "hot" burglary - a burglary that takes place when the homeowners are present - or a "home invasion", which is a much more accurate term. Just over 10 per cent of US burglaries are "hot" burglaries, and in my part of the world it's statistically insignificant: there is virtually zero chance of a New Hampshire home being broken into while the family are present.

But in England and Wales it's more than 50 per cent and climbing. Which is hardly surprising given the police's petty, well-publicised pursuit of those citizens who have the impertinence to resist criminals.

These days, even as he or she is being clobbered, the more thoughtful British subject is usually keeping an eye (the one that hasn't been poked out) on potential liability. Four years ago, Shirley Best, proprietor of the Rolander Fashion emporium, whose clients include Zara Phillips, was ironing some clothes when the proverbial two youths showed up. They pressed the hot iron into her flesh, burning her badly, and then stole her watch. "I was frightened to defend myself," said Miss Best. "I thought if I did anything I would be arrested." There speaks the modern British crime victim.
More complete BS.
Cherry picked articles from unreliable sources (Even Wikipedia doesn't accept the Daily Mail as a valid source) and out of date to boot. From the 2004 article, the total number of burglaries that year was 820,013. This had dropped to 383,912 by 2019 (pre-pandemic) Burglary offences in England and Wales 2022 | Statista
Also BS in both articles is the law on the use of reasonable force. The reality can be found here: Using reasonable force against intruders
More complete BS.
Cherry picked articles from unreliable sources (Even Wikipedia doesn't accept the Daily Mail as a valid source) and out of date to boot. From the 2004 article, the total number of burglaries that year was 820,013. This had dropped to 383,912 by 2019 (pre-pandemic) Burglary offences in England and Wales 2022 | Statista
Also BS in both articles is the law on the use of reasonable force. The reality can be found here: Using reasonable force against intruders

Yes......anything that shows you are an idiot is an "unreliable source," even if it is simply reporting on an actual doofus.
So what?

We have a society that breeds criminals

I agree.. we have grinding poverty, institutionalized racism, easy access to weapons, untreated mental illness and addiction. All of these things breed criminals, as does a prison industrial complex that creates a recidivist class.

We should probably do something about those things.

Wrong, they have far more home invasions in Europe, especially Britain...they know how long it takes the police to arrive if the victims manage to call for help, and they torture their victims for information and doofus.

Number of murders in the UK - 809 in 2018. Homicide rate of 1.18 per 100,000.
Number of murders in the US - 24,576 in 2020, Homicide rate of 7.5 per 100,000.

The UK is doing better than us in nearly every metric related to crime.
I agree.. we have grinding poverty, institutionalized racism, easy access to weapons, untreated mental illness and addiction. All of these things breed criminals, as does a prison industrial complex that creates a recidivist class.

We should probably do something about those things.

Number of murders in the UK - 809 in 2018. Homicide rate of 1.18 per 100,000.
Number of murders in the US - 24,576 in 2020, Homicide rate of 7.5 per 100,000.

The UK is doing better than us in nearly every metric related to crime.

We were talking home invasions, doofus.....

No, they aren't. They don't have a political party that is destroying their police and releasing violent criminals...but they are working on those too......

And the murder rate in the U.S. is driven almost exclusively by democrat party controlled cities and the policies of the democrat party.......
And Britain with your no go zones....

And this is what happens when you watch too much Fox News.. you think "No Go Zones" are real.

The bottom line — as Fox News was forced to admit in four separate apologies — is that while all pluralistic societies include areas that are more or less comfortable for certain individuals depending on cultural expectations, and all cities have high-crime areas (though these two are not necessarily overlapping), there are not now, nor have there been in living memory, actual Muslim-controlled “no-go zones” anywhere in Europe or the U.S.
We were talking home invasions, doofus.....

No, they aren't. They don't have a political party that is destroying their police and releasing violent criminals...but they are working on those too......

And the murder rate in the U.S. is driven almost exclusively by democrat party controlled cities and the policies of the democrat party.......

That's not really true. Murder rates have increased in the Rural Areas (or as I loving call them, Jesusland) as well.

But now, a report from the Wall Street Journal says it’s just not that simple. For example, homicide rates in rural America spiked 25 percent according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s not far behind the 30 percent increase urban areas saw. In other words, whatever slight bump affected places like Chicago, San Francisco and New York City is happening in the small towns of South Carolina, Montana and Arkansas too.

(I'd link to the OG WSJ article, but Paywall.)

We found that murder rates are, on average, 40% higher in the 25 states Donald Trump won in the last presidential election compared to those that voted for Joe Biden. In addition, murder rates in many of these red states dwarf those in blue states like New York, California, and Massachusetts. And finally, many of the states with the worst murder rates—like Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arkansas—are ones that few would describe as urban. Only 2 of America’s top 100 cities in population are located in these high murder rate states. And not a single one of the top 10 murder states registers in the top 15 for population density.
And this is what happens when you watch too much Fox News.. you think "No Go Zones" are real.

The bottom line — as Fox News was forced to admit in four separate apologies — is that while all pluralistic societies include areas that are more or less comfortable for certain individuals depending on cultural expectations, and all cities have high-crime areas (though these two are not necessarily overlapping), there are not now, nor have there been in living memory, actual Muslim-controlled “no-go zones” anywhere in Europe or the U.S.

Yeah....lefty news sources covering up the actual no go zones in these European doofus......

Among the Mosques: Author's study of Muslim Britain reveals a no-go area for white people, children 'attacked for being white', parents making families live under Taliban-like rules and women who can't leave home without permission

  • Author Ed Husain visited places of worship across UK for Among the Mosques

That's not really true. Murder rates have increased in the Rural Areas (or as I loving call them, Jesusland) as well.

But now, a report from the Wall Street Journal says it’s just not that simple. For example, homicide rates in rural America spiked 25 percent according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s not far behind the 30 percent increase urban areas saw. In other words, whatever slight bump affected places like Chicago, San Francisco and New York City is happening in the small towns of South Carolina, Montana and Arkansas too.

(I'd link to the OG WSJ article, but Paywall.)

We found that murder rates are, on average, 40% higher in the 25 states Donald Trump won in the last presidential election compared to those that voted for Joe Biden. In addition, murder rates in many of these red states dwarf those in blue states like New York, California, and Massachusetts. And finally, many of the states with the worst murder rates—like Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arkansas—are ones that few would describe as urban. Only 2 of America’s top 100 cities in population are located in these high murder rate states. And not a single one of the top 10 murder states registers in the top 15 for population density.

That debunked piece of Toobfreak listed, the top murder cities in this country are all under democrat party shitheads cite that article because it says Red States, while the murders are happening in the Blue Cities in those lying piece of shit....

From poster, Toobfreak.

I chose 58 cities as that was the largest number I could fit on a page. I then went through each city one by one to look up the major of every city. Aside from the fact that you can forget finding any pattern of cities in "red" states being the most with the highest crime as the idiot Marc tries to claim, but I went down the list marking all the mayors of the highest crimes cities in America in BRIGHT RED who were DEMOCRATS.

Look at what I found:

Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 7.02.25 PM.png

Every city above in red is RUN BY A DEMOCRAT!

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities
That debunked piece of Toobfreak listed, the top murder cities in this country are all under democrat party shitheads cite that article because it says Red States, while the murders are happening in the Blue Cities in those lying piece of shit....

Um, cities have larger concentrations of people... so of course, they are going to have more murders...

I see math is one of those challenges on the right wing.

So why do the red states have higher murder rates than the blue states? They have more guns and more prisons and more brutal cops...
Um, cities have larger concentrations of people... so of course, they are going to have more murders...

I see math is one of those challenges on the right wing.

So why do the red states have higher murder rates than the blue states? They have more guns and more prisons and more brutal cops...

Nope....the democrat party run cities are crap holes, and violent dystopias directly because the democrat party in those cities have destroyed their police, and they began releasing criminals no matter how violent and dangerous they were......and you can't lie about this anymore....uninformed Americans who never used to pay attention to what assholes like you were doing to their cities are now paying attention and seeing what you are doing to their cities....
Sure. We had peaceful protests from 2010 to 2020.
And fucking white people, being kind of fucking awful, didn't care.
What, you're taking a knee during the national anthem? YOU FUCKING TRAITOR, LET'S DESTROY YOUR CAREER!!!
So all those peaceful protests were ignored, the cops kept killing people, and just like that, when another aggravating incident happened, people rioted.
Sure. We had peaceful protests where BLM and leftists rioted, you know, peaceful riots where cities burned, businesses and lives were destroyed, because leftist clowns wanted a ''summer of love''.

I think everyone gets it, You're self-loathing and a keyboard social justice warrior.

How droll.
I agree.. we have grinding poverty, institutionalized racism, easy access to weapons, untreated mental illness and addiction. All of these things breed criminals, as does a prison industrial complex that creates a recidivist class.

We should probably do something about those things.

Number of murders in the UK - 809 in 2018. Homicide rate of 1.18 per 100,000.
Number of murders in the US - 24,576 in 2020, Homicide rate of 7.5 per 100,000.

The UK is doing better than us in nearly every metric related to crime.
You don't know shit about poverty or racism

I was poorer than dirt poor and homeless, born to a mixed race single parent who ended up a junkie and dead when I was 14.

And you can move to the fucking UK where you can get arrested for reading the "wrong" book or for having a fucking pocket knife or for being mean on Facebook and don't you dare protest the king.

Our gun violence problem is what it is because the fucking government refuses to enforce gun laws.
And this is what happens when you watch too much Fox News.. you think "No Go Zones" are real.

The bottom line — as Fox News was forced to admit in four separate apologies — is that while all pluralistic societies include areas that are more or less comfortable for certain individuals depending on cultural expectations, and all cities have high-crime areas (though these two are not necessarily overlapping), there are not now, nor have there been in living memory, actual Muslim-controlled “no-go zones” anywhere in Europe or the U.S.

That's strange.

No-Go Zones’ for White People in Britain, Muslim Author Documents​

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 27: A British police officer watches as followers of radical muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri gather for Friday prayers on May 28, 2004 outside the Finsbury Park mosque in north London, England. Abu Hamza al-Masri was arrested yesterday and remanded in custody pending hearings into his …

A British Muslim author has said that certain British towns have “no-go zones” for white people and that school children are attacked by Muslim children for “being white”, in an investigation into mosques in the United Kingdom.

Ed Husain, a professor in the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, warned that many Muslims in Britain are living in “another universe” in which Taliban-esque cultural norms are enforced.
I agree.. we have grinding poverty, institutionalized racism, easy access to weapons, untreated mental illness and addiction. All of these things breed criminals, as does a prison industrial complex that creates a recidivist class.

We should probably do something about those things.

Number of murders in the UK - 809 in 2018. Homicide rate of 1.18 per 100,000.
Number of murders in the US - 24,576 in 2020, Homicide rate of 7.5 per 100,000.

The UK is doing better than us in nearly every metric related to crime.

Actually, the UK is doing far worse. See if you can pay attention.

UK total crimes per thousand. 109.96

US total crimes per thousand 41.92

Cheer up, though. With leftist policies that ensure criminals are not charged with crimes they commit, we will be catching up to UK crime figures.

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