So this guy from Chicago, shows up at a Florida Convenience store showing the clerk he has a gun. Clerk shows robber his gun. Yeah for 2nd amend.

Because they are non-events. We don't know how many times someone ran away because someone waived his penis compensator at them. And we don't know how many battered housewives live in terror that their husbands will use that gun to hunt them and the children down if they try to leave. Because these numbers are largely uncountable.

We do have very countable numbers in how many people DIE from gunshot wounds.

We know that only 200 people are killed by guns fired by civilians that are classified as justified. (Ironically, many of them not home invaders, but domestic abusers.)
We know that 1000 people are shot by the police, but I doubt our police would be so trigger happy if they weren't dealing with a heavily armed public. British cops only shoot 5 people a year on average. In Japan, it's considered a bit of a scandal when the police even take their guns out of their holsters.

We know that we have 19,000 gun homicides and 23,000 gun suicides and 800 gun accidents every year...
We have so many mass shootings you have to rack up an impressive body count to even get the national news to notice.
So you're just making shit up

As usual.

And it has been repeatedly that not all DGUs result in the death f the piece of shit criminal so the fact that there are only 200 DGU deaths annually proves the restraint of the average law abiding gun owner.
Because they are non-events. We don't know how many times someone ran away because someone waived his penis compensator at them. And we don't know how many battered housewives live in terror that their husbands will use that gun to hunt them and the children down if they try to leave. Because these numbers are largely uncountable.

We do have very countable numbers in how many people DIE from gunshot wounds.

We know that only 200 people are killed by guns fired by civilians that are classified as justified. (Ironically, many of them not home invaders, but domestic abusers.)
We know that 1000 people are shot by the police, but I doubt our police would be so trigger happy if they weren't dealing with a heavily armed public. British cops only shoot 5 people a year on average. In Japan, it's considered a bit of a scandal when the police even take their guns out of their holsters.

We know that we have 19,000 gun homicides and 23,000 gun suicides and 800 gun accidents every year...
We have so many mass shootings you have to rack up an impressive body count to even get the national news to notice. know so little about so much and you know it with such conviction....

The gun murder rate is normally about 10,000 a year...but thanks to you and other democrats, you have allowed violent criminals to run free, and then, when captured, you release them over and over again.....

You keep bringing up would hate the Japanese Criminal Justice system because they actually hold criminals responsible for their crimes....

You hate American police...but the Japanese police, prosecutors and judges have power you hate...the cops can search you whenever they want for whatever reason they want, including your home, they can arrest and hold you, and the prosecutors can hold you for as long as they want until you confess....and the judges go along with it...

You are insane.
Quite the contrary..

I would like to have had us reform the police when BLM was peacefully protesting between Trayvon Martin and George Floyd.

View attachment 706823

Sadly, white people only care about things when you threaten to break their stuff. We saw that in the 1960's when we had race riots, we saw that in 1992 when we had riots after the Rodney King verdict.

Shouldn't be that way. We should have realized we had a problem and addressed it years before any riots broke out. We didn't. Then you scratch your big monkey cranium and wonder why they riot.

I wondered what took so long.

I understand the numbers just fine... it's your side that was so afraid of the numbers you insisted the CDC stop studying gun violence.

Hey, dumb shit......the democrat party unleashed their brown shirts, blm and antifa into black loot, burn and murder........because those areas are controlled by the democrat party and their extreme gun your democrats looted, burned and murdered in black neighborhoods for 7 are racists.......
And it has been repeatedly that not all DGUs result in the death f the piece of shit criminal so the fact that there are only 200 DGU deaths annually proves the restraint of the average law abiding gun owner.

A non-lethal DGU is a non-event.... and can safely be ignored So when we talk about lethal DGU's, that' only 200 a year.

Seriously no one believes that you ammosexuals finally get a chance to plug you a darkie, and you don't take it.

The gun murder rate is normally about 10,000 a year...but thanks to you and other democrats, you have allowed violent criminals to run free, and then, when captured, you release them over and over again.....

Uh, guy, nobody is committing murders because the cops have to justify why they pulled you over for a DWB. We have murders because your side flooded our streets with guns.

So how about allowing us to ban guns in communities that want to ban guns, and we'll see how that works.

You keep bringing up would hate the Japanese Criminal Justice system because they actually hold criminals responsible for their crimes....

Again, let's get real here.

The US locks up 2 million people.

The Japanese lock up 45,000 people.

You hate American police...but the Japanese police, prosecutors and judges have power you hate...the cops can search you whenever they want for whatever reason they want, including your home, they can arrest and hold you, and the prosecutors can hold you for as long as they want until you confess....and the judges go along with it...

You are insane.

See above. If the Japanese are so awful, why do they lock up so few people?

Hey, dumb shit......the democrat party unleashed their brown shirts, blm and antifa into black loot, burn and murder........because those areas are controlled by the democrat party and their extreme gun your democrats looted, burned and murdered in black neighborhoods for 7 are racists.......

We don't have extreme gun control anywhere in this country. Sorry, man making me pay $11.00 to get a FOID card and pinky-swearing I'm not a criminal is hardly gun control.

Black people didn't riot because BLM or the Democrats told them to, they rioted because they got fed up with police misconduct combined with a heightened level of anxiety due to Covid and Trump's recession.
A non-lethal DGU is a non-event.... and can safely be ignored So when we talk about lethal DGU's, that' only 200 a year.

Seriously no one believes that you ammosexuals finally get a chance to plug you a darkie, and you don't take it.

Uh, guy, nobody is committing murders because the cops have to justify why they pulled you over for a DWB. We have murders because your side flooded our streets with guns.

So how about allowing us to ban guns in communities that want to ban guns, and we'll see how that works.

Again, let's get real here.

The US locks up 2 million people.

The Japanese lock up 45,000 people.

See above. If the Japanese are so awful, why do they lock up so few people?

We don't have extreme gun control anywhere in this country. Sorry, man making me pay $11.00 to get a FOID card and pinky-swearing I'm not a criminal is hardly gun control.

Black people didn't riot because BLM or the Democrats told them to, they rioted because they got fed up with police misconduct combined with a heightened level of anxiety due to Covid and Trump's recession.

The Japanese are conformist to the point of being almost drones, and their police, prosecutors and judges can lock people up hate American police, but applaud the police state of are an idiot.....
Quite the contrary..

I would like to have had us reform the police when BLM was peacefully protesting between Trayvon Martin and George Floyd.

View attachment 706823

Sadly, white people only care about things when you threaten to break their stuff. We saw that in the 1960's when we had race riots, we saw that in 1992 when we had riots after the Rodney King verdict.

Shouldn't be that way. We should have realized we had a problem and addressed it years before any riots broke out. We didn't. Then you scratch your big monkey cranium and wonder why they riot.

I wondered what took so long.

I understand the numbers just fine... it's your side that was so afraid of the numbers you insisted the CDC stop studying gun violence.

Tell us about peaceful protests.

The Japanese are conformist to the point of being almost drones, and their police, prosecutors and judges can lock people up hate American police, but applaud the police state of are an idiot.....

Wow, you don't know a lot of Japanese people... they would call you a baka for such an idiotic statement.

The Japanese have low crime rates and prison rates because they do the things we refuse to do.

They ban private gun ownership.
They have extensive anti-poverty programs.
They treat their mentally ill, they don't let them wander the streets.
They treat addiction as a medical problem and not a criminal one.

Their police and judges only lock up 47,000 people.
Our Police and judges lock up nearly 2 million people.

Someone is getting this right, and it's not us.
Tell us about peaceful protests.

Sure. We had peaceful protests from 2010 to 2020.
And fucking white people, being kind of fucking awful, didn't care.
What, you're taking a knee during the national anthem? YOU FUCKING TRAITOR, LET'S DESTROY YOUR CAREER!!!
So all those peaceful protests were ignored, the cops kept killing people, and just like that, when another aggravating incident happened, people rioted.
A non-lethal DGU is a non-event.... and can safely be ignored So when we talk about lethal DGU's, that' only 200 a year.

Seriously no one believes that you ammosexuals finally get a chance to plug you a darkie, and you don't take it.

Uh, guy, nobody is committing murders because the cops have to justify why they pulled you over for a DWB. We have murders because your side flooded our streets with guns.

So how about allowing us to ban guns in communities that want to ban guns, and we'll see how that works.

Again, let's get real here.

The US locks up 2 million people.

The Japanese lock up 45,000 people.

See above. If the Japanese are so awful, why do they lock up so few people?

We don't have extreme gun control anywhere in this country. Sorry, man making me pay $11.00 to get a FOID card and pinky-swearing I'm not a criminal is hardly gun control.

Black people didn't riot because BLM or the Democrats told them to, they rioted because they got fed up with police misconduct combined with a heightened level of anxiety due to Covid and Trump's recession.
Wrong as usual.

Using a gun to stop a crime without a shot fired is still a DGU
Wrong as usual.

Using a gun to stop a crime without a shot fired is still a DGU

Well, no, it's threatening a person with a gun who may not even have been intending to commit a crime.

"Oh, there was a scary black man on the subway, and I pointed my gun at him and he ran away... DGU! DGU!"

"Yeah, honey, I was riding home and some crazy cracker pulled out a gun and started waiving it around."

So let's review, shall we. The way you guys tell it, there is a constant threat of home invasions where you have to worry about being killed by armed invaders... but..

3. There are around 100 burglaries that result in homicide every year in the United States.

Home invasion murders statistics are actually lower than many people believe. In fact, in many cases, burglars are not armed with guns. Protection against home invasion is one of the reasons that people who own guns buy them.

But wait, there's more. You think with all the Ammosexuals in Jesusland, you'd have less issues with burglary and home invasion, but...

8. 44% of break-ins in the US happen in the South.

With a burglary rate of 767.8 per 100,000 population, New Mexico had the greatest incidence of break-ins for 2018. Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Louisiana ranked next to New Mexico, with 697.8, 681.1, and 668.1 burglary cases per 100,000, respectively.


21. Only 30% of perpetrators were armed in the case of a home invasion, gun statistics reveal.


Following the results of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) published by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2010, a member of a household was present in about 28% of the committed break-ins between 2003 and 2007.

In 63% of the cases, the household members were faced with an unarmed offender, and around 92% of them were left unharmed. In case you were wondering how many home invasions were stopped by guns, it’s important to note that the majority of home invaders are unarmed themselves.

While 7% of all home invasions in this period resulted in an injury, killings were very rare. Namely, of the overall burglaries with fatal consequences, only 0.004% were due to household burglaries.
Wow, you don't know a lot of Japanese people... they would call you a baka for such an idiotic statement.

The Japanese have low crime rates and prison rates because they do the things we refuse to do.

They ban private gun ownership.
They have extensive anti-poverty programs.
They treat their mentally ill, they don't let them wander the streets.
They treat addiction as a medical problem and not a criminal one.

Their police and judges only lock up 47,000 people.
Our Police and judges lock up nearly 2 million people.

Someone is getting this right, and it's not us. hate AMerican police, but praise Japanese are a pathetic asshole....I would love to see you facing Japanese police, prosecutors and dimwit.....

Japan: Gun Control and People Control

Japan's low crime rate has almost nothing to do with gun control, and everything to do with people control. Americans, used to their own traditions of freedom, would not accept Japan's system of people controls and gun controls.

Robbery in Japan is about as rare as murder. Japan's annual robbery rate is 1.8 per 100,000 inhabitants; America's is 205.4. Do the gun banners have the argument won when they point to these statistics? No, they don't.

A realistic examination of Japanese culture leads to the conclusion that gun control has little, if anything, to do with Japan's low crime rates.

Japan's lack of crime is more the result of the very extensive powers of the Japanese police, and the distinctive relation of the Japanese citizenry to authority. Further, none of the reasons which have made gun control succeed in Japan (in terms of disarming citizens) exist in the U.S.

The Japanese criminal justice system bears more heavily on a suspect than any other system in an industrial democratic nation. One American found this out when he was arrested in Okinawa for possessing marijuana: he was interrogated for days without an attorney, and signed a confession written in Japanese that he could not read. He met his lawyer for the first time at his trial, which took 30 minutes.

Unlike in the United States, where the Miranda rule limits coercive police interrogation techniques,
Japanese police and prosecutors may detain a suspect indefinitely until he confesses. (Technically, detentions are only allowed for three days, followed by ten day extensions approved by a judge, but defense attorneys rarely oppose the extension request, for fear of offending the prosecutor.) Bail is denied if it would interfere with interrogation.

Even after interrogation is completed, pretrial detention may continue on a variety of pretexts, such as preventing the defendant from destroying evidence. Criminal defense lawyers are the only people allowed to visit a detained suspect, and those meetings are strictly limited.

Partly as a result of these coercive practices, and partly as a result of the Japanese sense of shame, the confession rate is 95%.

For those few defendants who dare to go to trial, there is no jury. Since judges almost always defer to the prosecutors' judgment, the trial conviction rate for violent crime is 99.5%.
Of those convicted, 98% receive jail time.

In short, once a Japanese suspect is apprehended, the power of the prosecutor makes it very likely the suspect will go to jail. And the power of the policeman makes it quite likely that a criminal will be apprehended.

The police routinely ask "suspicious" characters to show what is in their purse or sack. In effect, the police can search almost anyone, almost anytime, because courts only rarely exclude evidence seized by the police -- even if the police acted illegally.

The most important element of police power, though, is not authority to search, but authority in the community. Like school teachers, Japanese policemen rate high in public esteem, especially in the countryside. Community leaders and role models, the police are trained in calligraphy and Haiku composition. In police per capita, Japan far outranks all other major democracies.

15,000 koban "police boxes" are located throughout the cities. Citizens go to the 24-hour-a-day boxes not only for street directions, but to complain about day-to-day problems, such as noisy neighbors, or to ask advice on how to raise children. Some of the policemen and their families live in the boxes. Police box officers clear 74.6% of all criminal cases cleared. Police box officers also spend time teaching neighborhood youth judo or calligraphy. The officers even hand- write their own newspapers, with information about crime and accidents, "stories about good deeds by children, and opinions of

The police box system contrasts sharply with the practice in America. Here, most departments adopt a policy of "stranger policing." To prevent corruption, police are frequently rotated from one neighborhood to another. But as federal judge Charles Silberman writes, "the cure is worse than the disease, for officers develop no sense of identification with their beats, hence no emotional stake in improving the quality of life there."

Thus, the U.S. citizenry does not develop a supportive relationship with the police. One poll showed that 60% of police officers believe "it is difficult to persuade people to give patrolmen the information they need."

The Japanese police do not spend all their time in the koban boxes. As the Japanese government puts it: "Home visit is one of the most important duties of officers assigned to police boxes." Making annual visits to each home in their beat, officers keep track of who lives where, and which family member to contact in case of emergency. The police also check on all gun licensees, to make sure no gun has been stolen or misused, that the gun is securely stored, and that the licensees are emotionally stable.

Gun banners might rejoice at a society where the police keep such a sharp eye on citizens' guns. But the price is that the police keep an eye on everything.

Policemen are apt to tell people reading sexually-oriented magazines to read something more worthwhile. Japan's major official year-end police report includes statistics like "Background and Motives for Girls' Sexual Misconduct." In 1985, the police determined that 37.4% of the girls had been seduced, and the rest had had sex "voluntarily." For the volunteers, 19.6% acted "out of curiosity", while for 18.1%, the motive was "liked particular boy." The year-end police report also includes sections on labor demands, and on anti-nuclear or anti-military demonstrations.
Well, no, it's threatening a person with a gun who may not even have been intending to commit a crime.

"Oh, there was a scary black man on the subway, and I pointed my gun at him and he ran away... DGU! DGU!"

"Yeah, honey, I was riding home and some crazy cracker pulled out a gun and started waiving it around."

So let's review, shall we. The way you guys tell it, there is a constant threat of home invasions where you have to worry about being killed by armed invaders... but..

3. There are around 100 burglaries that result in homicide every year in the United States.

Home invasion murders statistics are actually lower than many people believe. In fact, in many cases, burglars are not armed with guns. Protection against home invasion is one of the reasons that people who own guns buy them.

But wait, there's more. You think with all the Ammosexuals in Jesusland, you'd have less issues with burglary and home invasion, but...

8. 44% of break-ins in the US happen in the South.

With a burglary rate of 767.8 per 100,000 population, New Mexico had the greatest incidence of break-ins for 2018. Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Louisiana ranked next to New Mexico, with 697.8, 681.1, and 668.1 burglary cases per 100,000, respectively.

View attachment 707335

21. Only 30% of perpetrators were armed in the case of a home invasion, gun statistics reveal.


Following the results of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) published by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2010, a member of a household was present in about 28% of the committed break-ins between 2003 and 2007.

In 63% of the cases, the household members were faced with an unarmed offender, and around 92% of them were left unharmed. In case you were wondering how many home invasions were stopped by guns, it’s important to note that the majority of home invaders are unarmed themselves.

While 7% of all home invasions in this period resulted in an injury, killings were very rare. Namely, of the overall burglaries with fatal consequences, only 0.004% were due to household burglaries.

Moron....American criminals state they don't invade homes when people are there because they are afraid of home owners with doofus.....;F64

C. In Homes and on the Street

Rengert and Wasilchick's book about how burglars work reveals that fear of armed homeowners played a major role in determining burglary targets. Burglars reported that they avoided late-night burglaries because, "That's the way to get shot." [FN63] Some burglars said that they shun burglaries in neighborhoods with people of mostly a different race because, "You'll get shot if you're caught there." [FN64]

The most thorough study of burglary patterns was a St. Louis survey of 105 currently active burglars. [FN65] The authors observed, "One of the most serious risks faced by residential burglars is the possibility of being injured or killed by occupants of a target. Many of the offenders we spoke to reported that this was far and away their greatest fear." [FN66] Said one burglar: "I don't think about gettin' caught, I think about gettin' gunned down, shot or somethin'...'cause you get into some people's houses...quick as I come in there, boom, they hit you right there. That's what I think about."
Another burglar explained:

Hey, wouldn't you blow somebody away if someone broke into your house and you don't know them? You hear this noise and they come breakin' in the window tryin' to get into your house, they gon' want to kill you anyway. See, with the police, they gon' say, "Come out with your hands up and don't do nothing foolish!" Okay, you still alive, but you goin' to jail. But you alive. You sneak into somebody's house and they wait til you get in the house and then they shoot you.. . .See what I'm sayin'? You can't explain nothin' to nobody; you layin' down in there dead! [FN67]
In contrast, Missouri is one of only nine states which has no provision for citizens to be issued permits to carry handguns for protection. Thus, a criminal in St. Louis faces a very high risk that the target of a home invasion may have a lawful gun for protection, but minimal risk that the target of a street robbery will have a lawful firearm for defense. The same authors who studied active St. Louis burglars conducted another study of active St. Louis armed robbers. [FN68] They found that "ome of the offenders who favored armed robbery over other crimes *355 maintained that the offense was also safer than burglary. . .." [FN69] As one armed robber put it: "My style is, like, don't have to be up in nobody's house in case they come in; they might have a pistol in the house or something." [FN70]
On the streets, many of the St. Louis robbers "routinely targeted law-abiding citizens," [FN71] who, unlike their counterparts in most American states, were certain not to be carrying a gun for protection. Law-abiding citizens were chosen as robbery victims because, as one robber noted, "You don't want to pick somebody dangerous; they might have a gun themselves." [FN72]
In addition to the St. Louis study, the Wright-Rossi National Institute of Justice surveyed felony prisoners in eleven state prison systems on the impact of victim firearms on burglar behavior. [FN73] In that survey, seventy-four percent of the convicts who had committed a burglary or violent crime agreed, "One reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot."
[FN74] hate AMerican police, but praise Japanese are a pathetic asshole....I would love to see you facing Japanese police, prosecutors and dimwit.....

If American police behaved like Japanese police, most people wouldn't have a problem with them.

Now, obviously, Japan does not have the issues the US has with Racism because 99% of the population of Japan are ethnic Japanese.

Japan's biggest crime problem right now are old people committing petty shoplifting because they are lonely and want the police to pay attention to them. The police usually handle these people with great delicacy and care.

If American police behaved like Japanese police, most people wouldn't have a problem with them.

Now, obviously, Japan does not have the issues the US has with Racism because 99% of the population of Japan are ethnic Japanese.

Japan's biggest crime problem right now are old people committing petty shoplifting because they are lonely and want the police to pay attention to them. The police usually handle these people with great delicacy and care.

If American police behaved like Japanese police, prosecutors and judges, you gang banger buddies would all be in prison for life....not released the same day with no cash bail..........
Moron....American criminals state they don't invade homes when people are there because they are afraid of home owners with doofus.....

We have 1 million burglaries in this country... most criminals are smart enough to wait until they know nobody is home to rob it...

And look, Free Gun! You didn't think this through at all, did you?

Well, no, it's threatening a person with a gun who may not even have been intending to commit a crime.

"Oh, there was a scary black man on the subway, and I pointed my gun at him and he ran away... DGU! DGU!"

"Yeah, honey, I was riding home and some crazy cracker pulled out a gun and started waiving it around."

So let's review, shall we. The way you guys tell it, there is a constant threat of home invasions where you have to worry about being killed by armed invaders... but..

3. There are around 100 burglaries that result in homicide every year in the United States.

Home invasion murders statistics are actually lower than many people believe. In fact, in many cases, burglars are not armed with guns. Protection against home invasion is one of the reasons that people who own guns buy them.

But wait, there's more. You think with all the Ammosexuals in Jesusland, you'd have less issues with burglary and home invasion, but...

8. 44% of break-ins in the US happen in the South.

With a burglary rate of 767.8 per 100,000 population, New Mexico had the greatest incidence of break-ins for 2018. Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Louisiana ranked next to New Mexico, with 697.8, 681.1, and 668.1 burglary cases per 100,000, respectively.

View attachment 707335

21. Only 30% of perpetrators were armed in the case of a home invasion, gun statistics reveal.


Following the results of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) published by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2010, a member of a household was present in about 28% of the committed break-ins between 2003 and 2007.

In 63% of the cases, the household members were faced with an unarmed offender, and around 92% of them were left unharmed. In case you were wondering how many home invasions were stopped by guns, it’s important to note that the majority of home invaders are unarmed themselves.

While 7% of all home invasions in this period resulted in an injury, killings were very rare. Namely, of the overall burglaries with fatal consequences, only 0.004% were due to household burglaries.
Wrong again.

And a 1 in 3 chance of a home invader being armed are not odds I want against me especially since the Supreme Court has ruled that the police have absolutely no legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone.

The Marxists so hate people who are free to carry a weapon, just in case crap like this happens in your neighborhood. I had said many time before, when there isnt anything left to loot in the inner cities, the savages will move on to places that still have stuff to steal. Problem for those Marxists idiots when you move to a carry state, you might just meet your maker. Luckily for the thug, he got away from the clerk, but not the police that are respected down here.
Another good guy Trump's bad guy with a gun.
If American police behaved like Japanese police, prosecutors and judges, you gang banger buddies would all be in prison for life....not released the same day with no cash bail..........

Except the Japanese only lock up 45,000 people
And we lock up 2 million.
We have 1 million burglaries in this country... most criminals are smart enough to wait until they know nobody is home to rob it...

And look, Free Gun! You didn't think this through at all, did you?

Fuck off
We have 1 million burglaries in this country... most criminals are smart enough to wait until they know nobody is home to rob it...

And look, Free Gun! You didn't think this through at all, did you?

There you go again blaming law abiding citizens for the crimes committed by others

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