So this is what Union soldiers fought for in the Civil War


Gold Member
May 25, 2017
Over 300,000 Union soldiers fought and died for this. Lincoln even said so halfway throught the war. Are Union soldiers rolling over in their graves? Or spinning? Are the yankee sympathyzers proud of what they created?
Over 300,000 Union soldiers fought and died for this. Lincoln even said so halfway throught the war. Are Union soldiers rolling over in their graves? Or spinning? Are the yankee sympathyzers proud of what they created?
View attachment 359712
The Union soilders fought to keep the Union together and make sure the south didnt start enslaving whites. Stop being fooled by those white boy fables of goodness and wholesomeness. Besides white people do the same shit over retarded pumpkins.

No one died for this shit. The only people who should die are the ones perpetating this idiocy. They need to be eliminated from our society, our culture and the human gene pool.
No one died for this shit. The only people who should die are the ones perpetating this idiocy. They need to be eliminated from our society, our culture and the human gene pool.
Racist murdering cops brought this to us. I don`t want them to die, just lock them up.
The Union didn't fight to end slavery.

Cotton was an extremely valuable product for New York’s merchants: Before the Civil War, cotton represented 40 percent of all the goods shipped out of the city’s port. And long after the slave trade was made illegal in 1808, the city’s illicit slave market thrived.

When the war broke out in 1861, there was even talk of New York seceding from the Union itself, so entwined were the city’s business interests with the Confederate States.

No one died for this shit. The only people who should die are the ones perpetating this idiocy. They need to be eliminated from our society, our culture and the human gene pool.
Racist murdering cops brought this to us. I don`t want them to die, just lock them up.
And to think, that if George Floyd never used drugs, or tried to pass a fake 20 dollar bill stayed with his wife and kids and lived a civil and lawful life, he would be alive today, but it is the racist murdering cops that started all this shit...Man you are as retarded as it gets.......
No one died for this shit. The only people who should die are the ones perpetating this idiocy. They need to be eliminated from our society, our culture and the human gene pool.
Racist murdering cops brought this to us. I don`t want them to die, just lock them up.
And to think, that if George Floyd never used drugs, or tried to pass a fake 20 dollar bill stayed with his wife and kids and lived a civil and lawful life, he would be alive today, but it is the racist murdering cops that started all this shit...Man you are as retarded as it gets.......
none of that is a reason to treat him the way the cop did,,,
No one died for this shit. The only people who should die are the ones perpetating this idiocy. They need to be eliminated from our society, our culture and the human gene pool.
Racist murdering cops brought this to us. I don`t want them to die, just lock them up.
And to think, that if George Floyd never used drugs, or tried to pass a fake 20 dollar bill stayed with his wife and kids and lived a civil and lawful life, he would be alive today, but it is the racist murdering cops that started all this shit...Man you are as retarded as it gets.......
Yeah. Floyd put his knee on his own neck for 9 minutes.

You fucking retard. :lol:
No one died for this shit. The only people who should die are the ones perpetating this idiocy. They need to be eliminated from our society, our culture and the human gene pool.
Racist murdering cops brought this to us. I don`t want them to die, just lock them up.
And to think, that if George Floyd never used drugs, or tried to pass a fake 20 dollar bill stayed with his wife and kids and lived a civil and lawful life, he would be alive today, but it is the racist murdering cops that started all this shit...Man you are as retarded as it gets.......
If you think these protests in 40 countries were only about George Floyd you truly are an uninformed cretin.
The Union didn't fight to end slavery.

Cotton was an extremely valuable product for New York’s merchants: Before the Civil War, cotton represented 40 percent of all the goods shipped out of the city’s port. And long after the slave trade was made illegal in 1808, the city’s illicit slave market thrived.

When the war broke out in 1861, there was even talk of New York seceding from the Union itself, so entwined were the city’s business interests with the Confederate States.

Kansas-Nebraska Act
Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas–Abraham Lincoln’s opponent in the influential Lincoln-Douglas debates–the bill overturned the Missouri Compromise’s use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory. The conflicts that arose between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in the aftermath of the act’s passage led to the period of violence known as Bleeding Kansas, and helped pave the way for the American Civil War (1861-65).
The Union didnt start the war, but the Union couldnt allow the Southern White and Black Democrats to not only keep their blacks slaves but not allow it into the expansion of the new territories. This is history not being taught in the public education system because it doesnt fit the Progs agenda..
No one died for this shit. The only people who should die are the ones perpetating this idiocy. They need to be eliminated from our society, our culture and the human gene pool.
Racist murdering cops brought this to us. I don`t want them to die, just lock them up.
And to think, that if George Floyd never used drugs, or tried to pass a fake 20 dollar bill stayed with his wife and kids and lived a civil and lawful life, he would be alive today, but it is the racist murdering cops that started all this shit...Man you are as retarded as it gets.......
If you think these protests in 40 countries were only about George Floyd you truly are an uninformed cretin.
I know why the Protests are happening all over the world...Never let a crisis go to waste....

The Union didn't fight to end slavery.

Cotton was an extremely valuable product for New York’s merchants: Before the Civil War, cotton represented 40 percent of all the goods shipped out of the city’s port. And long after the slave trade was made illegal in 1808, the city’s illicit slave market thrived.

When the war broke out in 1861, there was even talk of New York seceding from the Union itself, so entwined were the city’s business interests with the Confederate States.

Kansas-Nebraska Act
Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas–Abraham Lincoln’s opponent in the influential Lincoln-Douglas debates–the bill overturned the Missouri Compromise’s use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory. The conflicts that arose between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in the aftermath of the act’s passage led to the period of violence known as Bleeding Kansas, and helped pave the way for the American Civil War (1861-65).
The Union didnt start the war, but the Union couldnt allow the Southern White and Black Democrats to not only keep their blacks slaves but not allow it into the expansion of the new territories. This is history not being taught in the public education system because it doesnt fit the Progs agenda..
Lincoln had no plans to interfere with slavery where it existed but he did intend to keep it out of the new states being formed. We have no agenda but we have books. Read some.
Over 300,000 Union soldiers fought and died for this. Lincoln even said so halfway throught the war. Are Union soldiers rolling over in their graves? Or spinning? Are the yankee sympathyzers proud of what they created?
View attachment 359712
I'm not sure that model police car was out during the Civil War. Perhaps you should check your dates.
Over 300,000 Union soldiers fought and died for this. Lincoln even said so halfway throught the war. Are Union soldiers rolling over in their graves? Or spinning? Are the yankee sympathyzers proud of what they created?
View attachment 359712
I'm not sure that model police car was out during the Civil War. Perhaps you should check your dates.
Never had quite the uprising as this in the Confederacy. Happens every day now. Look what the Union and Lincoln created...
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.

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