So this is what Union soldiers fought for in the Civil War

No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be
Slavery was legal, had been for the entire first 89 years of the USA. There was still slavery in several Union States during the war. Why would the South want to continue this multi million dollar enterprise that was legal? Duh.
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be
Slavery was legal, had been for the entire first 89 years of the USA. There was still slavery in several Union States during the war. Why would the South want to continue this multi million dollar enterprise that was legal? Duh.
"Why would the South want to continue this multi million dollar enterprise that was legal?"

Because they were inbred racists and lazy. Duh

Now go try that independence bullshit on someone that is dumber than you. Maybe they will believe it.
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be
Slavery was legal, had been for the entire first 89 years of the USA. There was still slavery in several Union States during the war. Why would the South want to continue this multi million dollar enterprise that was legal? Duh.
"Why would the South want to continue this multi million dollar enterprise that was legal?"

Because they were inbred racists and lazy. Duh
So go ahead and categorize the Union/North that had slavery for 89 years...
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be
Slavery was legal, had been for the entire first 89 years of the USA. There was still slavery in several Union States during the war. Why would the South want to continue this multi million dollar enterprise that was legal? Duh.
"Why would the South want to continue this multi million dollar enterprise that was legal?"

Because they were inbred racists and lazy. Duh
So go ahead and categorize the Union/North that had slavery for 89 years...
Why? I'm talking about your lie not the North. Dont deflect. Focus on your lie.
Over 300,000 Union soldiers fought and died for this. Lincoln even said so halfway throught the war. Are Union soldiers rolling over in their graves? Or spinning? Are the yankee sympathyzers proud of what they created?
View attachment 359712

When I saw that photograph, it made me sick to my stomach.

I dare not say more.
Over 300,000 Union soldiers fought and died for this. Lincoln even said so halfway throught the war. Are Union soldiers rolling over in their graves? Or spinning? Are the yankee sympathyzers proud of what they created?
View attachment 359712

When I saw that photograph, it made me sick to my stomach.

I dare not say more.
This one made me sick.

No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be

So in your opinion, Northern Honkies were acting in a strictly altruistic manner when they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their own boys for the freedom of the African Americans?
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be

So in your opinion, Northern Honkies were acting in a strictly altruistic manner when they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their own boys for the freedom of the African Americans?
Hey retard. When have you ever seen me say the north was acting in an altruistic manner? They went to war to keep the Union intact and keep the south from enslaving whites.
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be

So in your opinion, Northern Honkies were acting in a strictly altruistic manner when they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their own boys for the freedom of the African Americans?
Hey retard. When have you ever seen me say the north was acting in an altruistic manner? They went to war to keep the Union intact and keep the south from enslaving whites.

That's even more interesting, you are contending the South's goal was to enslave whites? Is that what they taught you in Government School?
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be

So in your opinion, Northern Honkies were acting in a strictly altruistic manner when they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their own boys for the freedom of the African Americans?
Hey retard. When have you ever seen me say the north was acting in an altruistic manner? They went to war to keep the Union intact and keep the south from enslaving whites.

That's even more interesting, you are contending the South's goal was to enslave whites? Is that what they taught you in Government School?
Do you depend on dumbasses to teach you history all the time? You should learn to research for your self dummy.

No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be

So in your opinion, Northern Honkies were acting in a strictly altruistic manner when they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their own boys for the freedom of the African Americans?
Hey retard. When have you ever seen me say the north was acting in an altruistic manner? They went to war to keep the Union intact and keep the south from enslaving whites.
Why didnt the Union free their own slaves before they invaded the South?
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?

The south wanted to enslave Black people. How do we know? They said so in the cornerstone speech.

"The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African. The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."
-Alexander Stephens April 23 1861 be

So in your opinion, Northern Honkies were acting in a strictly altruistic manner when they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their own boys for the freedom of the African Americans?
Hey retard. When have you ever seen me say the north was acting in an altruistic manner? They went to war to keep the Union intact and keep the south from enslaving whites.
Why didnt the Union free their own slaves before they invaded the South?
What does that have to do with your lie? Dont ask me any more stupid questions until you fix your lie. Focus
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.

"Southern scum" wasn't trying to attack America, they were trying to break off from America. The War of Northern Aggression was the SUCCESSFUL mission to keep the country together.

And now, the liberals want to re-fight the damn thing. I guess they were dissatisfied with President Lincoln's objectives in fighting.
All The South wanted was independence from the North. Who wants a Tyrant in Washington telling their State what they had to do?
All The South wanted was independence from the North.
And keep their property, the black slave.

When you had Democrats depicting slaves as this, didnt help their cause for freedom.

So far, the gist of this thread from yankee sympathyzers is this...
It was an outrage for the Confederacy to have slavery for 4 years.
It was OK for the USA to have slavery for 89 years.
So far, the gist of this thread from yankee sympathyzers is this...
It was an outrage for the Confederacy to have slavery for 4 years.
It was OK for the USA to have slavery for 89 years.
You forgot to mention one other thing.

You got caught in a lie.
No, they died protecting America from Southern scum.
What kind of an ignoramus comment is that ??
Many of the finest folks live in the south ?
You’re a ....
Many of the finest folks live in the south ?

I hate to say this, but that was the exact statement that was about the Germans during the era of Nazi's. Look there were plenty of ignorant people in the south, just like their are lot of ignorant people all over the US today, but the problem is too many people are relying on what someone else says, instead of RESEARCHING the history of this great nation, its faults, and how each generation, overcoming those faults to make US better. Problem is that the Democrats, want US divided because that is the only way they can stay in power, because if people are united, they dont need a fucking worthless government telling them what to do.

I recommend this book. Many Democrats refuse to read this, because it shows their whole life has been one big lie...

Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White Paperback – September 1, 2004
by David Barton (Author)
4.7 out of 5 stars 446 ratings

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