So To Recap; Did Mike Pence Do The Right Thing or Not??

You made a claim about me and cannot back it up thus you did this.

That is a surrender, you just lack the integrity to admit it to yourself
You stupid fucker actually think this is the only thread about Trump that you have posted in? Fuck you lying ass bastard.
It's ok to admit you can't prove the existence of one can.....only he/she/it

And for some reason......After being really on the scene thousands of years ago -- he just up and stopped showing would think it would be so easy for him to just show up now and end all doubts...or at least talk to some new disciples and drop some new gospels like rappers drop mixtapes....but nope...he is shy I guess..
Thast is harsh. I think we have established that God speaks through Trump.
That this is even a ‘question’ for those on the right proves that conservatives have nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people.
America is a Republic you fucking idiot

"Former Vice President Mike Pence couldn’t “wait to go to Heaven” to thank the founding fathers for their “genius” in creating the Constitution, his chief legal counsel told the Jan. 6 committee Thursday. The ex-veep, who steadfastly resisted former President Trump’s effort to bully him into overturning the 2020 election, believed the framers would never have allowed one person to change the results of a presidential election. “I can’t wait to go to Heaven and meet the Framers and tell them: ‘The work that you did in putting together our Constitution is a work of genius,” Pence said, according to counsel Greg Jacobs. “It was divinely inspired.” “There is just no way the framers would have let one person determine who the next president would be,” Jacob said.

To further drive the point home that EVERYONE KNEW THIS WAS ILLEGAL -- INCLUDING TRUMP -- we have this....

"Dr. John Eastman, the conservative legal scholar and ex-lawyer for former President Trump who championed the theory along with Trump that the vice president could unilaterally reject electors, sought a presidential pardon in the aftermath of Jan. 6. The revelation came out in a hearing of the Jan. 6 select committee, where the panel sought to prove that Trump and those around him were fully aware of the illegality of their plans. "I've decided that I should be on the pardon list, if that is still in the works," Eastman wrote. Eastman, when he was deposed by the Jan. 6 committee, took the Fifth Amendment 100 times, Aguilar said."

So there is no ambiguity.....everyone knew that asking a Vice President to overturn an election and declare himself the winner was ILLEGAL...Even the fascist who came up with the plan, John Eastman, knew his scheme would lose 9-0 in the Supreme Court. You can't claim to be on solid legal footing then be afraid to assert your scheme to overturn the election once you were placed under oath -- he invoked the 5th every time he was asked.....Their ultimate plan was for this to never even be taken up by the courts...and then hope that might makes right. After all, they already had their MAGA army at the Capitol willing to fight for their fascist coup attempt.....

So the question remains, did Pence do the right thing?? Majority of the hard-core Trumpers I've seen; have all decided to go full fascist and claim Pence committed treason and should have been hunged...other Trumpers find a more weasely way to admit what Trump did was wrong, but always preface it by saying "but but but Democrats did it too" -- but fail to produce a single example....what do I think? I think Pence is no hero and he didn't do the right thing....

If he wanted to do the right thing, he should have exposed this scheme way back when it was first introduced...way back when he knew that was the plan.....if he had, I am CERTAIN that the wind would have been taken out of the sails of the Oath Keeper-Proud Boy-White Nationalist storm the Capitol brigade...if Pence made clear A LONG TIME AGO that he would not do what Trump was asking him to do, I doubt half of the people who went to storm the Capitol, would have been there...I also believe, had Pence known then how weak the legal actions would have been so far to hold those in power accountable --- he very well would have overturned the elections...but moving forward, people now see, ESPECIALLY REPUBLICANS, that simply having your Vice President overturn an election doesn't really yield you any real legal consequence...because you can simply rely on the courts to stay out of it -- and since the courts can't resolve it -- the only thing left is for it to be resolved in the streets....and Republicans feel, their years and years of pandering to white supremacist right-wing ammo-sexual militia types would pay off in that scenario....

Of course he did the right thing...

And if there was ever any doubt, it pissed Trump off so we know it was the right thing...
Yes, he did.........and why is this so hard for you to believe?? Didn't you folks believe Obama was a Kenyan muslim terrorist who is dumb and married to a man?? If all of that is true, in your mind...why is it hard for you to believe someone else got more votes in the future??

Sometimes, different amounts of people vote in different elections, it's crazy I know....the more people become politically engaged, via social media - -the more I expect voter participation numbers to rise...
Riiight…pedo Joe the senile diaper shitter got more votes than the first black President…you know the one the media promoted as “if you don’t vote for Obama your on the wrong side of history”.

Suuure he did.
Riiight…pedo Joe the senile diaper shitter got more votes than the first black President…you know the one the media promoted as “if you don’t vote for Obama your on the wrong side of history”.

Suuure he did.
Yes, he got more votes than Obama......

You remember Obama, the guy yall called a Kenyan muslim terrorist socialist communist -- the guy whom right-wingers hated so much, him in a tan suit was a national crisis to you cucks....yes, that guy with 0 indictments in 8 years, his VP got more votes than he did....

Funny thing about you cucks and your hate for Obama -- if it wasn't for some buffoon realizing how easy it was to pander to you racist cucks by jumping on the birther movement -- yall would have never worshiped Trump like you do now....funny how white supremacy works
Yes, he got more votes than Obama......

You remember Obama, the guy yall called a Kenyan muslim terrorist socialist communist -- the guy whom right-wingers hated so much, him in a tan suit was a national crisis to you cucks....yes, that guy with 0 indictments in 8 years, his VP got more votes than he did....

Funny thing about you cucks and your hate for Obama -- if it wasn't for some buffoon realizing how easy it was to pander to you racist cucks by jumping on the birther movement -- yall would have never worshiped Trump like you do now....funny how white supremacy works
What are you babbling about?

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