So today I get a letter from my retirement insurance company....

That's why big insurance hates ObamaCare. Now they have to spend 80 cents of every dollar you pay on patient care. If they don't, they have no choice but to pay you a refund. we've gotten two checks.

Of course the Rs are on the side of big insurance and big pharma but I can't figure out why the average man wants to protect them and give up their own health to do it.

Different strokes, I guess.

EDITED TO ADD - non-profit? Never heard of an ins company being "non-profit".

Yes. Absolutely they are non-profit. It was a big deal here. That's why people were up in arms because they were non-profit and chose to spend on ads instead of refunds. For months it seemed every other ad on every local TV and radio station were BCBS ads. Sickening. Also when I started working for my company we had 4 insurance companies to choose from. After 2 years it was BCBS only. I was paying more for my premiums than for my mortgage payment.

They are probably 'not for profit.' There is a difference in that and 'non profit.' Both, however, DO make profits, as to hospitals that are not for profit.

Interesting, elaborate?
I suggest those who believe the propaganda about Obamacare read Time Magazine's March 4, 2013 Special Issue, see:

TIME Magazine Cover: Bitter Pill - Mar. 4, 2013 - medicine - health care - U.S. - America - politics - doctors - health - pills -

Or, at least, watch/read this link:

Inside ?Bitter Pill?: Steven Brill Discusses His TIME Cover Story |

Nebraska rates went through the roof, unless the subsidies are large the death of the industry is assured.

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