So Truman was a KKK member

Anyone who says that the GOP of today is the same as the GOP of Lincoln is horribly wrong and doesn't understand history.

Want to know when the GOP shifted? It was in the 70's during something called the Southern Strategy.

Google it sometime, and you'll see how much the GOP changed during that time.
Anyone who says that the GOP of today is the same as the GOP of Lincoln is horribly wrong and doesn't understand history.

Want to know when the GOP shifted? It was in the 70's during something called the Southern Strategy.

Google it sometime, and you'll see how much the GOP changed during that time.
that was also when the republicans sold their soul to the religious Reich.
Truman advanced a civil rights agenda that split the Democratic Party,

on one side, the party that agreed with Truman, which is the Democratic Party of today,

on the other side, the Democrats who disagreed with Truman, who are included in the Republican Party of today.

An example of how this split began to show itself:

Primary Resources: Southern Response to Civil Rights Speech, 1948
Other Primary Resources
A Mississippi Democrat responds to Truman's position.
April 8, 1948

Mr. Speaker, not since the first gun was fired on Fort Sumter, resulting as it did in the greatest fratricidal strife in the history of the world, has any message of any President of these glorious United States provoked so much controversy, and resulted in the driving of a schism in the ranks of our people, as did President Truman's so-called civil-rights message, sent to the Congress several weeks ago. Not only did that message provoke serious racial controversies, but it raised anew the issue of the rights of the sovereign States as against a strong centralized government and drove a devastating wedge into the unity of the Democratic Party at a time when that party was riding high on a wave of popularity in the entire country.

It revived the age-old controversy which flourished at the very beginning of our Government, the controversy of a strong centralized government as advocated by Alexander Hamilton on the one hand, and a government of the people as opposed to a government by the rulers, as advocated by the greatest of all exponents of civil rights, possibly the greatest Democrat of them all, Thomas Jefferson. For, after all, it was Jefferson's theory that that people is best governed who is least governed, and the closer the government is to the people, the better the government is.

And while it is freely admitted and generally understood that this message was conceived as a political maneuver, at a time when that erstwhile Republican and Democrat, Henry Wallace, who echoes the voice of the Kremlin in Moscow, was attempting to form a third party, it must also be recognized that this proposed program would adversely affect the rights, privileges, and freedom of the people of all sections and of all walks of life in this country. It stabs at the very heart of the rights and freedom of all races, colors, and sections of our great country. For, if the Federal Government can repeal the poll tax in Mississippi and several other Southern States, regulate employment under the FEPC, punish innocent taxpayers under the Anti-Lynch Bill, and abolish segregation in the several States by usurpation of the sovereign rights of the several States of the Union, then we have indeed witnessed an end of constitutional government as conceived by the founding fathers....

Is it any wonder then, Mr. Speaker, that a revolt has arisen all over our country, from Mississippi on the shores of the Gulf-kissed coast in the South to the stony crags of Maine in the North, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, by southern Democrats and those freedom-loving Americans everywhere, at this attempt to destroy the true civil rights of the citizens of our great and common country? For, I again call to the attention of my northern colleagues what I have often repeated upon the floor of this House, namely, that the South is not the only section aggrieved by those proposed unconstitutional laws, the same sharp resentment at the interference by a powerful Federal Government with their individual liberties as the people of the South.

Does any fair-minded American find amazement, however, that the people of the South are in revolt against the leadership of the Democratic Party? It is necessary to remind any student of political history in this country that it was the section from which I hail that has cradled, nourished, and sustained the Democratic Party throughout its lean as well as its prosperous years? The South has ever been a strong believer in and contender for the Jeffersonian theory of democracy. It has ever been ready to fight for those principles. Many of its most gallant sons shed their precious blood upon the altar of States' rights. Certainly it is not surprising, therefore, that it should take the lead in the battle against this program, which would destroy the last vestige of the rights of the sovereign States....

But now, for the first time in the history of the country, and the loyalty of my section to the Democratic Party, a President of the United States has asked the Congress to enact such a devastating, obnoxious, and repugnant program to the people of that section and their Jeffersonian conception of democracy as this so-called civil-rights program. No President, either Democrat or Republican, has ever seen fit heretofore to make such recommendations.

And what, I ask you, my colleagues, has this message of our President, calling for the enactment of this program, accomplished to date? So far as I have been able to observe its accomplishments have been two-fold. First, it has inflicted an apparently fatal blow, not only to the unity of the party, but to the unity of the country, at a time when that unity is so highly desirable in a fight to the death with the enemy of free men--communism. Secondly, it has encouraged the arrogant demands of these minority groups to whom it was designed to appeal. Witness, Mr. Speaker, the sorry spectacle of an erstwhile pullman porter, William Randolph, a Negro labor leader, defiantly telling the membership of a committee of this Congress that unless segregation in the armed forces should be abolished that he would call upon the Negroes of this country to ignore the call of their country in the event of a war with Russia. Such ingratitude, such arrogance, such treason can only be attributed to such political bargaining as this proposed program.

WGBH American Experience . Truman | PBS
So I believe if people are going to claim Trump's father was KKK then we should go after every single Democrat elected or not that had a family member in the KKK.

Game on.

Instead of monkey see monkey do, why don't you rummage around on that vacant lot between your ears and see if you can find some semblance of an intelligent argument against someone trying to make hay over Trump's father's affiliations?
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring
dante thumped you, td, hard, and put you up wet.

You debate him on this and you will lose again.
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.

Words versus actions.

The GOP gained the Southern White Christian Conservative vote after they left the Democratic party for a safe haven

facts are stubborn things, No one denies racist comments and statements, but they alone do NOT prove any point you are attempting to make. :lol:

"I'll have them RedFi66es voting republican for the next 200 years" JakeStarkey :lol:

You goober: there is no primary source for the quote. It is simply another far right made up nonsense.
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.

Words versus actions.

The GOP gained the Southern White Christian Conservative vote after they left the Democratic party for a safe haven

facts are stubborn things, No one denies racist comments and statements, but they alone do NOT prove any point you are attempting to make. :lol:


the democrats have, and still do, own racism. They use it daily to divide the country.

Tell me, are the following democrats: Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Jackson-Lee ? democrat = racist
"I'll have them RedFi66es voting republican for the next 200 years" JakeStarkey :lol:

You goober: there is no primary source for the quote. It is simply another far right made up nonsense.
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.
Last edited:
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.

Words versus actions.

The GOP gained the Southern White Christian Conservative vote after they left the Democratic party for a safe haven

facts are stubborn things, No one denies racist comments and statements, but they alone do NOT prove any point you are attempting to make. :lol:


the democrats have, and still do, own racism. They use it daily to divide the country.

Tell me, are the following democrats: Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Jackson-Lee ? democrat = racist

Where are all the Southern White Conservative Christians hiding after washing their sheets?
"I'll have them RedFi66es voting republican for the next 200 years" JakeStarkey :lol:

You goober: there is no primary source for the quote. It is simply another far right made up nonsense.
saying this blog has no credibility would be giving it tooo much credit for accuracy.

go do your own search, that was just the first on the popped up. there are hundreds of places where this quote is verified as accurate.

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