So Truman was a KKK member

The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.

Words versus actions.

The GOP gained the Southern White Christian Conservative vote after they left the Democratic party for a safe haven

facts are stubborn things, No one denies racist comments and statements, but they alone do NOT prove any point you are attempting to make. :lol:


the democrats have, and still do, own racism. They use it daily to divide the country.

Tell me, are the following democrats: Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Jackson-Lee ? democrat = racist

Where are all the Southern White Conservative Christians hiding after washing their sheets?

Nice dodge. Rather than address the list of black racists that I gave you, you try to be funny. FAIL.

The KKK was made up of democrats primarilily, and not in just the south. One of the largest KKK groups was in Illinois
"I'll have them RedFi66es voting republican for the next 200 years" JakeStarkey :lol:

You goober: there is no primary source for the quote. It is simply another far right made up nonsense.
saying this blog has no credibility would be giving it tooo much credit for accuracy.

go do your own search, that was just the first on the popped up. there are hundreds of places where this quote is verified as accurate.
every heard the term context? from what you posted you have not.
If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.

Words versus actions.

The GOP gained the Southern White Christian Conservative vote after they left the Democratic party for a safe haven

facts are stubborn things, No one denies racist comments and statements, but they alone do NOT prove any point you are attempting to make. :lol:


the democrats have, and still do, own racism. They use it daily to divide the country.

Tell me, are the following democrats: Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Jackson-Lee ? democrat = racist

Where are all the Southern White Conservative Christians hiding after washing their sheets?

Nice dodge. Rather than address the list of black racists that I gave you, you try to be funny. FAIL.

The KKK was made up of democrats primarilily, and not in just the south. One of the largest KKK groups was in Illinois
WAS being the operative word.
If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.

Words versus actions.

The GOP gained the Southern White Christian Conservative vote after they left the Democratic party for a safe haven

facts are stubborn things, No one denies racist comments and statements, but they alone do NOT prove any point you are attempting to make. :lol:


the democrats have, and still do, own racism. They use it daily to divide the country.

Tell me, are the following democrats: Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Jackson-Lee ? democrat = racist

Where are all the Southern White Conservative Christians hiding after washing their sheets?

Nice dodge. Rather than address the list of black racists that I gave you, you try to be funny. FAIL.

The KKK was made up of democrats primarilily, and not in just the south. One of the largest KKK groups was in Illinois

Jim Crow.

and wtf cares about the poverty pimps you've listed?
"I'll have them RedFi66es voting republican for the next 200 years" JakeStarkey :lol:

You goober: there is no primary source for the quote. It is simply another far right made up nonsense.
Thank you for being honest.

The links goes to "Well this is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching, or one of the links below, can help."
go do your own search, that was just the first on the popped up. there are hundreds of places where this quote is verified as accurate.
No, they only repeat it the quote, they don't validate it.
The KKK was made up of democrats primarilily, and not in just the south. One of the largest KKK groups was in Illinois
Don't you do research?

That was in the 1920s. Indiana, Illinois, and Washington were Republican states.

Look up "context", please.
Now Dante or anyone else. The bull ring is there.

Meet me. Or shut the fuck up,.
For 6 years, any time you brought up the President's predacessor, you were skewered by the right wing. Bringing up a character whose been dead for what, 50 years is somehow valid?
Why is it that old white men are the ones who keep trying to convince us that Democrats are the real racists- while African Americans since Truman have consistantly voted Democrats?

Every time they do this they are saying that African Americans are just too stupid to know who the real racists are.
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Democrats are KKK to their very core how do you explain the overwhelming majority of blacks within the Democratic parties at the local, state, and national levels?


Bull ring

"I'll have them Ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" LBJ

But sadly for you dems, that is changing. Blacks in america are seeing through the bullshit and lies of the dems that have created generational poverty and kept blacks on the dem ghetto plantations.

Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, just to name a few.

Words versus actions.

The GOP gained the Southern White Christian Conservative vote after they left the Democratic party for a safe haven

facts are stubborn things, No one denies racist comments and statements, but they alone do NOT prove any point you are attempting to make. :lol:


the democrats have, and still do, own racism. They use it daily to divide the country.

Tell me, are the following democrats: Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Jackson-Lee ? democrat = racist

Love it when old white guys think that the only racists in America are African American.

Hence their bafflement when African Americans consistently reject the old white guys who tell them that they are stupid.
dante thumped you, td, hard, and put you up wet.

You debate him on this and you will lose again.

I won. This is decided.

I can win again.

I shall.

LOL- you lost when you started this thread.

Have you witnessed the debate? It should still be up in the bull ring. Loved that feature. Dante and I were two of the first to go at it.

I won without a doubt because I tied in the Fourteenth to the Second and nuked him. Only one other soul had the temerity debate me.


Nuked him too. That debate was over Muslims and Nazis.
Last edited:
For 6 years, any time you brought up the President's predacessor, you were skewered by the right wing. Bringing up a character whose been dead for what, 50 years is somehow valid?

When fools on the left can bring up a dog in a kennel moment on the roof of a family vacation car during an election year, you set the rules. Anything goes.

Wait till I start in on the media and every whacked out loony that is related to them.

I have really long winters up here. No television. Just radio and dial up. Ten months of winter. Two months of bad skating. So I've been on a mission to collect as much data on US/Canadian/British media stars. To make certain every one of them gets the same treatment they gave Palin.

I am so looking forward to unleashing the data. Its so juicy.
For 6 years, any time you brought up the President's predacessor, you were skewered by the right wing. Bringing up a character whose been dead for what, 50 years is somehow valid?

When fools on the left can bring up a dog in a kennel moment on the roof of a family vacation car during an election year, you set the rules. Anything goes.

Wait till I start in on the media and every whacked out loony that is related to them.

I have really long winters up here. No television. Just radio and dial up. Ten months of winter. Two months of bad skating. So I've been on a mission to collect as much data on US/Canadian/British media stars. To make certain every one of them gets the same treatment they gave Palin.

I am so looking forward to unleashing the data. Its so juicy.
And don't forget that stoic day when you had your nose cemented in Pootin's azz...
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why is it you republicans like to distort the facts

Harry S. Truman, the Democratic Missouri politician who became president in 1945, dabbled with the Klan briefly. In 1924, he was a judge in Jackson County, Missouri, which includes Kansas City. Truman was up for reelection, and his friends Edgar Hinde and Spencer Salisbury advised him to join the Klan. The Klan was politically powerful in Jackson County, and two of Truman's opponents in the Democratic primary had Klan support. Truman refused at first, but paid the Klan's $10 membership fee, and a meeting with a Klan officer was arranged.

According to Salisbury's version of the story, Truman was inducted, but afterward “was never active; he was just a member who wouldn't do anything”. Salisbury, however, told the story after he became Truman's bitter enemy, so historians are reluctant to believe his claims.

According to Hinde and Truman's accounts, the Klan officer demanded that Truman pledge not to hire any Catholics or Jews if he was reelected. Truman refused, and demanded the return of his $10 membership fee; most of the men he had commanded in World War I had been local Irish Catholics.

Truman had at least one other strong reason to object to the anti-Catholic requirement, which was that the Catholic Pendergast family, which operated a political machine in Jackson County, were his patrons; Pendergast family lore has it that Truman was originally accepted for patronage without even meeting him, on the basis of his family background plus the requirement that he was not a member of any anti-Catholic organization such as the Klan. The Pendergast faction of the Democratic Party was known as the “Goats”, as opposed to the rival Shannon machine's “Rabbits”. The battle lines were drawn when Truman put only Goats on the county payroll, and the Klan began encouraging voters to support Protestant, “100% American” candidates, which was anathema to the Catholic Pendergasts. The Klan allied itself against Truman and with the Rabbits, and Shannon instructed his people to vote Republican in the election, which Truman lost. Truman later claimed that the Klan “threatened to kill me, and I went out to one of their meetings and dared them to try”, speculating that if Truman's armed friends had shown up earlier, violence might have resulted. However, biographer Alonzo Hamby believes that this story, which is not supported by any recorded facts, was a confabulation based on a meeting with a hostile and menacing group of Democrats that contained many Klansmen, showing Truman's “Walter Mitty-like tendency […] to rewrite his personal history”. Sympathetic observers see Truman's flirtation with the Klan as a momentary aberration and point out that his close friend and business partner Eddie Jacobson was Jewish, and assert that in later years, Truman's presidency marked the first significant improvement in the federal government's record on civil rights since the post-Reconstruction nadir marked by the Wilson administration.

so if you're trying to distort the dems/liberals at least you can do is get a better source
The Democrats are such a funny bunch. Running with trying to brand R's as racist because they only wish to have a decent immigration and refugee policy and the D's are still KKK to the core.

I wonder how many know that Truman was KKK?


Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
when the dixiecrats said to Kennedy and Johnson if they passed the laws that they did, they would leave the party so in 1964 they became republicans and still are ....

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