So Trump's campaign doesn't have enough funding to July. This is hilarious for two reasons.

He DID self finance the primary. And he won, now its a new race with new rules.

He did not "self-fund" the primaries. He used the $7 million plus he received in donations, and he "loaned" his campaign money. Once the Republican Party money kicks in, he repays those loans, to himself, and the whole thing has cost the Donald nothing, zip, nada.
...and what's your source?
Google Trump campaign loan and pick from the plethora....
Trump Campaign Could Use Donations to Pay Back Mogul's $36M Loan
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google
He DID self finance the primary. And he won, now its a new race with new rules.

He did not "self-fund" the primaries. He used the $7 million plus he received in donations, and he "loaned" his campaign money. Once the Republican Party money kicks in, he repays those loans, to himself, and the whole thing has cost the Donald nothing, zip, nada.
...and what's your source?
Google Trump campaign loan and pick from the plethora....
Trump Campaign Could Use Donations to Pay Back Mogul's $36M Loan
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Trump's campaign financial information filings are available online. Self-financing by "loaning" your campaign money is the standard way people do it.

Whether or not he does decide to pay himself back from donations remains to be seen, but there's no question he could do so.
Thought he said that about the Primary, not the General.


Do you have a link to him qualifying his statements on self-funding being only for "the primary"?

Or did you add that qualifier yourself to combat the cognate dissonance?

Neither, and I said ''thought''.


Yeah, that's my point. What made you "think" that?

Was it because he actually said it, or just because you really want to believe it?

I have no reason to want to believe anything if it isn't true. I THOUGHT I remembered him saying it. But, I have heard and read so much I was not sure. Hence ''thought''.
Do You have viable proof he is literally begging for money?


They had a "private meeting", and now Adelson's gonna fund a Trump SuperPAC for $100 Million dollars.

I am sorry, but I do not see where this is Trump begging for money. Plus it is the NYT. For me that is not a viable source. :dunno:

Do you have a link to him qualifying his statements on self-funding being only for "the primary"?

Or did you add that qualifier yourself to combat the cognate dissonance?

Neither, and I said ''thought''.


Yeah, that's my point. What made you "think" that?

Was it because he actually said it, or just because you really want to believe it?

I have no reason to want to believe anything if it isn't true. I THOUGHT I remembered him saying it. But, I have heard and read so much I was not sure. Hence ''thought''.
Do You have viable proof he is literally begging for money?


They had a "private meeting", and now Adelson's gonna fund a Trump SuperPAC for $100 Million dollars.

I am sorry, but I do not see where this is Trump begging for money. Plus it is the NYT. For me that is not a viable source. :dunno:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, you go with that.

Cognitive dissonance, indeed.
He DID self finance the primary. And he won, now its a new race with new rules.

He did not "self-fund" the primaries. He used the $7 million plus he received in donations, and he "loaned" his campaign money. Once the Republican Party money kicks in, he repays those loans, to himself, and the whole thing has cost the Donald nothing, zip, nada.
...and what's your source?
Google Trump campaign loan and pick from the plethora....
Trump Campaign Could Use Donations to Pay Back Mogul's $36M Loan
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google

I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.
Neither, and I said ''thought''.


Yeah, that's my point. What made you "think" that?

Was it because he actually said it, or just because you really want to believe it?

I have no reason to want to believe anything if it isn't true. I THOUGHT I remembered him saying it. But, I have heard and read so much I was not sure. Hence ''thought''.
Do You have viable proof he is literally begging for money?


They had a "private meeting", and now Adelson's gonna fund a Trump SuperPAC for $100 Million dollars.

I am sorry, but I do not see where this is Trump begging for money. Plus it is the NYT. For me that is not a viable source. :dunno:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, you go with that.

Cognitive dissonance, indeed.

Well, you can ridicule, or call names if you choose, but I still do not see where he is begging. Are people donating? YES. Is is getting big donations? It appears so.
I was merely addressing the begging.
He did not "self-fund" the primaries. He used the $7 million plus he received in donations, and he "loaned" his campaign money. Once the Republican Party money kicks in, he repays those loans, to himself, and the whole thing has cost the Donald nothing, zip, nada.
...and what's your source?
Google Trump campaign loan and pick from the plethora....
Trump Campaign Could Use Donations to Pay Back Mogul's $36M Loan
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google

I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.

Are you trying to claim that Trump's "private meeting" with Adelson, and Adelson's promise to fund Trump SuperPacs with $100 Million dollars just coincidentally happened within hours of each other, and are entirely unrelated?
...and what's your source?
Google Trump campaign loan and pick from the plethora....
Trump Campaign Could Use Donations to Pay Back Mogul's $36M Loan
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google

I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.

Are you trying to claim that Trump's "private meeting" with Adelson, and Adelson's promise to fund Trump SuperPacs with $100 Million dollars just coincidentally happened within hours of each other, and are entirely unrelated?

Heck no. I am not trying to claim anything.

Yeah, that's my point. What made you "think" that?

Was it because he actually said it, or just because you really want to believe it?

I have no reason to want to believe anything if it isn't true. I THOUGHT I remembered him saying it. But, I have heard and read so much I was not sure. Hence ''thought''.
Do You have viable proof he is literally begging for money?


They had a "private meeting", and now Adelson's gonna fund a Trump SuperPAC for $100 Million dollars.

I am sorry, but I do not see where this is Trump begging for money. Plus it is the NYT. For me that is not a viable source. :dunno:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, you go with that.

Cognitive dissonance, indeed.

Well, you can ridicule, or call names if you choose, but I still do not see where he is begging. Are people donating? YES. Is is getting big donations? It appears so.
I was merely addressing the begging.

Why else would he take time out of his Presidential campaign to "privately meet" with a billionaire known for political donations, if not to beg for money?

Do you think they were just catching up on Vegas casino gossip?
Google Trump campaign loan and pick from the plethora....
Trump Campaign Could Use Donations to Pay Back Mogul's $36M Loan
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google

I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.

Are you trying to claim that Trump's "private meeting" with Adelson, and Adelson's promise to fund Trump SuperPacs with $100 Million dollars just coincidentally happened within hours of each other, and are entirely unrelated?

Heck no. I am not trying to claim anything.

And yet you're entirely hung up on the semantics of whether Trump was "begging" for money or not.

Why else would he meet with Adelson?
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google

I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.

Are you trying to claim that Trump's "private meeting" with Adelson, and Adelson's promise to fund Trump SuperPacs with $100 Million dollars just coincidentally happened within hours of each other, and are entirely unrelated?

Heck no. I am not trying to claim anything.

And yet you're entirely hung up on the semantics of whether Trump was "begging" for money or not.

Why else would he meet with Adelson?

I can't answer that, except for an assumption. I was not there. My guess would be they met over money. Whether Trump was begging Adelson or not I don't know.
I have had people beg me for money. Then I have given of my own free will, and for me there is a difference.
Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google

I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.

Are you trying to claim that Trump's "private meeting" with Adelson, and Adelson's promise to fund Trump SuperPacs with $100 Million dollars just coincidentally happened within hours of each other, and are entirely unrelated?

Heck no. I am not trying to claim anything.

And yet you're entirely hung up on the semantics of whether Trump was "begging" for money or not.

Why else would he meet with Adelson?

I can't answer that, except for an assumption. I was not there. My guess would be they met over money. Whether Trump was begging Adelson or not I don't know.
I have had people beg me for money. Then I have given of my own free will, and for me there is a difference.

This is what I mean by cognitive dissonance.

It's so important to you to not believe anything bad about Trump that you're haggling over the semantics of whether or not Trump "begged" for the $100 million, or whether he just met with Adelson for the fun of it, and then Adelson then spontaneously decided from the kindness of his heart give him a small fortune.

Would you have this same preoccupation for semantics of "begging" had you heard about any other candidate meeting with a billionaire then getting a huge donation?

Would you be this upset by a statement like "Hillary begged Wall Street donors..."? I don't think so.
fear not, libs and dems. The Trump campaign will be well funded and he will trounce the hildebeast-------------if the FBI doesn't do it first.
I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.

Are you trying to claim that Trump's "private meeting" with Adelson, and Adelson's promise to fund Trump SuperPacs with $100 Million dollars just coincidentally happened within hours of each other, and are entirely unrelated?

Heck no. I am not trying to claim anything.

And yet you're entirely hung up on the semantics of whether Trump was "begging" for money or not.

Why else would he meet with Adelson?

I can't answer that, except for an assumption. I was not there. My guess would be they met over money. Whether Trump was begging Adelson or not I don't know.
I have had people beg me for money. Then I have given of my own free will, and for me there is a difference.

This is what I mean by cognitive dissonance.

It's so important to you to not believe anything bad about Trump that you're haggling over the semantics of whether or not Trump "begged" for the $100 million, or whether he just met with Adelson for the fun of it, and then Adelson then spontaneously decided from the kindness of his heart give him a small fortune.

Would you have this same preoccupation for semantics of "begging" had you heard about any other candidate meeting with a billionaire then getting a huge donation?

Would you be this upset by a statement like "Hillary begged Wall Street donors..."? I don't think so.

To begin with I am not upset. And it isn't important to me whether he, Hillary, or Sanders beg for money. I made a simple statement,. which turned into this.
You can think what you want about me. It won't make you correct though.
Trump hasn't actually self funded at all. He LOANED his campaign money from his personal finances.

so he has to pay himself back

hillary set up a charity and gave herself millions

but trumps the evil guy...

Are you sure Hillary is using charity funds in her campaign?
never even implied that.

I compared something you think is bad to another thing that someone you probably support is doing.

don't you think it's wrong to set up a charity, in your name, give it your money, get the right off, get the charity to give that money out then get more wright offs?

doesn't that seem the least bit shady to you?

she can literally give the money to another charity she owns, for the tax breaks.
To the folks who bought that self-funding line I can only say, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Y'all are so new."

I thought he was going to self fund this campaign?

And so we witness yet another reason we were supposed to prefer Trump go the way of the dodo.

Two problems. One, he needs to explain why he isn't funding like he said he would. Two, This is a ridiculous management problem and I thought Trump was a successful businessman with a degree from Wharton?

There's a third one too:
  • Trump: I'm self funding. That means I won't be bought by the big money interests.
Well, by that line of argument, the end of self funding necessarily means too the end of the intractability that allegedly accompanied it. Moreover, assuming Trump wins the general election, that the big money interests have bought him will become a reason he has to do something completely opposite to what he promised during the campaign. He'll tell us that is the reason because, of course, Trump "tells it like it is," and that would be what it is. Right? Puh-lease.

I was born at night, but not last night.
-- ???​

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