So Trump's campaign doesn't have enough funding to July. This is hilarious for two reasons.

He DID self finance the primary. And he won, now its a new race with new rules.

He did not "self-fund" the primaries. He used the $7 million plus he received in donations, and he "loaned" his campaign money. Once the Republican Party money kicks in, he repays those loans, to himself, and the whole thing has cost the Donald nothing, zip, nada.
Trump proves how smart he is with money.
You know. The sort of smart man we need in the Oval office right?
fear not, libs and dems. The Trump campaign will be well funded and he will trounce the hildebeast-------------if the FBI doesn't do it first.
Lol why isn't it now? Just explain that for me.

Tell me too, because I'd expect a billionaire's campaign to never be underfunded.

Doesn't Trump almost daily, if not daily, tell us about all his "friends" in both high and low places. Hmmmm....Let me ask you. If you were running for President, would your friends write some checks on your behalf? Why aren't Trump's friends opening their checkbooks to aid his cause?

Somewhat unrelated, but somewhat related too:
Let me start by saying that I'm not entirely sure that Trump is/will in the long run actually have self funded his campaign, not even his primary campaign. Why? Keep reading.

I see the funds Trump contributed to his campaign were loans, not donations, which is what you'd be sending if you give his campaign money. If his contributions were donations, he'd not get the money back. Because it was loaned, if/when the campaign has the money, it can and will "have to" pay it back. (The reason why "have to" is in quotes will become apparent.) If the campaign organization doesn't pay it back in connection with the terms of the loan, Trump gets a deduction for "bad debt expense." Bad debt expense that is a non-business expense is deductible as a short term capital loss, thus offsetting capital gains.

Here's a one possible scenario given the circumstances in play:
  1. Loan $50M to your campaign.
  2. Campaign fails to repay the loan.
  3. Trump records $50M as bad debt expense.
  4. Trump generate $50M in capital gains.
  5. Taxable income on the net of the transactions: $0.
  6. Campaign eventually gets the money and repays the loan in a subsequent tax year. One, three, five years, whenever..
  7. Trump Campaign repays Donald Trump.
What is the impact of that? He's deferred taxes on $50M of capital gains for however long it takes to get his money back. What's that worth right now? Just shy of $20M at current tax rates. In effect, Trump has received $20M tax free for however long it takes his campaign to repay him.

Had his contribution to his campaign been a donation, he'd have paid out the $50M and the taxes on his $50M capital gain, but since the campaign will repay him in a future period, he'll actually only pay the deferred taxes on the $50M capital gain. What's the deferral of X years on $20M worth? Well, that depends on inflation since all these transactions are domestic U.S. ones. What's certain is that $1 today is worth more than $1 in the future; thus the tax on $50M that would have been payable today, if paid in the future, is less impactful to the payee's bottom line because the tax is being paid with less valuable dollars. The higher inflation is, the more the deferral is worth.

Folks are wondering why Trump doesn't want to disclose his tax return. I'm all but certain that "shenanigans" like that, or similar to it, are why.
Adelson just gave 100 million.
Uh when exactly? It couldn't have been all that recently.

Also, oh great, 100 million from one donor. That's democracy in action right there!

Like how the Blood Minerals company from Canada have the Clinton Foundation $100M....

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Clinton Foundation money can only be directed to charities, not a political campaign like a super-pac can.
The 'Pay To Play' Clinton foundation is now on the 'Charity Watch' list.
The Clinton Foundation spends over 90% of what's donated to help people on 'cough' 'Administration' expenses.
Charity Watch is telling potential donors to think twice about donating to the Clinton Foundation.
Those Clinton's eh?
They perfected their 'grifter' model.
Thought he said that about the Primary, not the General.


Do you have a link to him qualifying his statements on self-funding being only for "the primary"?

Or did you add that qualifier yourself to combat the cognate dissonance?

Neither, and I said ''thought''.


Yeah, that's my point. What made you "think" that?

Was it because he actually said it, or just because you really want to believe it?

I have no reason to want to believe anything if it isn't true. I THOUGHT I remembered him saying it. But, I have heard and read so much I was not sure. Hence ''thought''.
Do You have viable proof he is literally begging for money?


They had a "private meeting", and now Adelson's gonna fund a Trump SuperPAC for $100 Million dollars.
Oh yes. Mr. "Unnamed Source" is back. He sure gets around when the LIBs need him to say something.
Recently he told someone at CNN the FBI INVESTIGATION!!!!!! had concluded Hillary did nothing wrong.
When he's not at CNN he's over at MSNBC. where he spends a lot of time, telling the bull dyke Madcow what's really happening.
...and what's your source?
Google Trump campaign loan and pick from the plethora....
Trump Campaign Could Use Donations to Pay Back Mogul's $36M Loan
I don't do homework for anybody. Beyond that an op-ed staing what could possibly happen doesn't remotely back up your claims. I'm not a libtard, op-eds are opinion articles, not a fact so they don't work for me. Try again.

Since clearly you have been living under a rock since the beginning of the campaign, here's a page of links to articles: Politico, BBC, Business Insider, and many, many more:

trump funding campaign with loans - Google Search

No wonder conservatives are so ill-informed. They're too lazy to google

I personally did Google. But again, your link is not providing proof he is BEGGING for money.

Are you trying to claim that Trump's "private meeting" with Adelson, and Adelson's promise to fund Trump SuperPacs with $100 Million dollars just coincidentally happened within hours of each other, and are entirely unrelated?
How do YOU know fuck all about what happened visa vi Adelson's donation?
I mean really!
For all we know Adelson told Trump and every other REP candidate six months ago whoever wins the nomination will receive a 100 million dollar donation from him.
You think if Kasich had won Adelson wouldn't have donated to him also?
Adelson is first and foremost a Republican
Adelson doesn't make snap decisions. He didn't wake up a few days ago and say to his mirror: "You know what? Today I'm going to donate 100 million bucks to Trump".
Ya fucking right!

Wise up and think things through a little more before posting your 'assumptions'.
Adelson just gave 100 million.
Uh when exactly? It couldn't have been all that recently.

Also, oh great, 100 million from one donor. That's democracy in action right there!

Like how the Blood Minerals company from Canada have the Clinton Foundation $100M....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Clinton Foundation money can only be directed to charities, not a political campaign like a super-pac can.
The 'Pay To Play' Clinton foundation is now on the 'Charity Watch' list.
The Clinton Foundation spends over 90% of what's donated to help people on 'cough' 'Administration' expenses.
Charity Watch is telling potential donors to think twice about donating to the Clinton Foundation.
Those Clinton's eh?
They perfected their 'grifter' model.

Uber-Grifter model

Clinton Cash Is the Movie Every Voter Should See before Election Day, by Myra Adams, National Review
fear not, libs and dems. The Trump campaign will be well funded and he will trounce the hildebeast-------------if the FBI doesn't do it first.
Lol why isn't it now? Just explain that for me.

It is. you are being lied to by the biased media. Trump's campaign has no financial problems.

Based on what? Because he said so?

Because he said the same thing about the casinos... and the airline... and the vodka... and the steaks... and the New Jersey Generals... and the magazine.... you get the idea. Even today he's claiming his bankruptcies aren't "having financial problems".

You keep opening wide now.

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