So truther has become a derogatory term?

So truth is a bad thing to be ridiculed?

If you mean the 911 conspiracy types, then label them something else.
Labels are such a political tool to be used by the parroting masses.
"Truther" is a term I use for folks who believe George Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks - I apologize if that is a misuse of the term. But whatever word you use to describe these folks - it SHOULD be derogatory imho.
I believe the proper derogatory term is 'Trooffer'... as in the 9/11 conspiracy whack jobs...
The punchline being... Birth Certificate tea baggers don't realize they share the same bench in the dunce box with 9/11 truthers.
The punchline being... Birth Certificate tea baggers don't realize they share the same bench in the dunce box with 9/11 truthers.


I've seen posts that seem to indicate others are using the term the same way I do. As in
"9/11 government conspiracy." Is that inncorrect? If not - yup, it's a derogatory term and it should be. Just like birther, holocaust denier, or folks who think Dan Brown writes non-fiction.
So truth is a bad thing to be ridiculed?

If you mean the 911 conspiracy types, then label them something else.
Labels are such a political tool to be used by the parroting masses.

If you are so against labels, why the hell did you author a thread to discuss the use of them?????:cuckoo:
The punchline being... Birth Certificate tea baggers don't realize they share the same bench in the dunce box with 9/11 truthers.

Do not forget the 'War For Oil' BDSers

but seriously... even those do not come close to the ridiculousness of the Truffers...
Some labels fit. Alcoholic is an appopriate label for an alcoholic, Democrat is a proper label for a member of the Democratic Party, minor is an appropriate level for a 12-year-old.

The problem is in the misapplication or in trying to assume characteristics that the label DOES NOT accurately reflect. Like, "oh he's an alcoholic, he must not have any self-control" etc .,...

But imho using the label truther accurately reflects a fantasy-driven break with reality
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I think 911 truther would be an appropriate label.

But the truther label alone to me indicates someting being wrong with the truth.
So truth is a bad thing to be ridiculed?

If you mean the 911 conspiracy types, then label them something else.
Labels are such a political tool to be used by the parroting masses.

It is derogatory in the sense that people who call themselves as such really aren't interested in the truth. A 'truther' or troofer' as in the group of people is an afront to the concept of actual truth.

Just look at their position on the issue on the events of 9/11. This can be explained by looking at the monicker of one of USMB's very own poster, 9/11 Inside Job. Let's look at all that name implies. It doesn't imply simply that controlled demolitions brought down WTC. It doesn't just imply that a missile hit the pentagon, not a plane. It doesn't just imply that flight 93 wasn't real. It implies all of those things are true AND that our government did it. THAT our government did it, is the truth to them despite the huge lack of evidence for it. THAT my friends is what we call a preconceived conclusion and that is NOT how someone who claims to be after the truth operates. There are no preconceived conlcusions at the outset of an investigation on the part of someone looking for the truth. Evidence of controlled demolition is NOT evidence that our government planted the explosives. Evidence of a missile is NOT evidence that our government fired it.

The commonality among most truthers is heigtened paranoia and a belief in what can best be described as a black helicopter, secret society, world. These people aren't after the truth. They already have a set view of the world and the events that occur within are rationalized to fit into that conception. Proof? Simple. Even if everything the likes of Terral, eots, 9/11 say is true; it was a missile, it was a CD, there was no flight 93... even if all of that were true, how does one come to the 'truth' that OUR government perpreated all of that. If that is true, isn't it just as plausible or even more so that another entity orchestrated this conspiracy like Al Queda for example?
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I think 911 truther would be an appropriate label.

But the truther label alone to me indicates someting being wrong with the truth.

OK - I can live with that. I have nothing against the truth. IN fact I have NOTHING AGAINST 9-11 conspiracy theorists - I just think they (like the vast majority of conspiracy theories) require such HUGE leaps of faith, and so many people being involved with NO ONE EVER coming clean that it is absurd.

But I also have nothing against birth - it's the birthers that I find so hard to believe.
The punchline being... Birth Certificate tea baggers don't realize they share the same bench in the dunce box with 9/11 truthers.

At least the nonsense that the 9/11 truthers push is something to become alarmed about( if it was true)........:eusa_whistle:
but socialism is now becoming a term of enlightenment..funny how that works

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