Woodie was asking if a federal law might become necessary on abortion.
My Point: It won't work, because nobody trusts the Federal Government with that power over the citizens. The people were protected, by Supreme Court Decision, but stacking the court, made it so protection under Roe v Wade decision no longer exist. The anti-abortion people moved quickly to restrict or eliminate abortion by force of law. Some states, immediately put it on state referendum to protect the right from the right wing anti-abortion forces. Where they could get it on the ballot, it has been protected, without fail, so that government or politicians do not have the power to do away with it, as a right, in every state. Where the anti-abortion forces failed to keep it off the ballot, even in RED States. There are several states, where it is on the ballot, this fall. Most likely the outcomes will be the same ie, new protections in those states.
There will be no Federal Law on Abortion. The gutless politicians failed to get it through Congress in the past, and will not be able to get it through Congress in the future. Politician in US Congress, that run on establishing Federal Rule over the issues, will not get to Congress or Senate with anywhere near the power to take control and establish Federal Government control, and the issue is probably a career killer.