so ufo's only appear to government entities, fbi, and Howard Hawks movies.

Thanks! It's at least a UFO to me so far!
So you've seen several, some in 68, some in 78, and this one. Any others?

No, the two best ones I saw were in the 1960s. Another I saw in the 70s and the one in the photo was 2004, plus a number of credible stories from people whom I knew personally whom I would trust as to the sincerity of what they say they saw.

But the one in 1968 I saw in the scope with the formation cannot be explained by any means by any science and knowledge of physics known to mankind. It would take some ability to defeat inertia, mass, gravity, perhaps time itself. I know what I saw, and stuff just can't do that, but it did.
No, the two best ones I saw were in the 1960s. Another I saw in the 70s and the one in the photo was 2004, plus a number of credible stories from people whom I knew personally whom I would trust as to the sincerity of what they say they saw.

But the one in 1968 I saw in the scope with the formation cannot be explained by any means by any science and knowledge of physics known to mankind. It would take some ability to defeat inertia, mass, gravity, perhaps time itself. I know what I saw, and stuff just can't do that, but it did.
Well, you certainly couldn't have seen anything that defies the laws of physics! That's impossible.
And fwiw, the photos you posted for me were explained by you yourself.

All you really have is a memory of what you think you saw 65 years ago and in all that time you haven't even settled on how many years ago!

You saying you don't care what I believe was expected. In fact you care a lot about being able to convince others. You're after attention, regardless of what else you're trying to prove.
As I just explained here:

I've seen a UFO first hand that could not possibly be anything terrestrial, man-made, and certainly not some reflection or weather phenomena. And as that was about 55 years ago, it cannot even be explained by some secret military technology. The stuff is real and the government has been covering it up. The only question is why?

I believe you saw something, or I believe you believe you saw something. But I do not believe you saw a alien spacecraft.

If they were flying around yes 55 years ago it would have been hard to prove. But now? Eh, no way. Earlier this year a meteero came down in Indiana/Ohio area and there were hundreds and hundreds of videos on the internet showing it on people's cell phones, security cameras, even doorbell cameras. Everyone just about in the damn world is carrying atleast a decent camera and video camera with them at all times and we have hundreds of millions of other cameras going all the time and no one can ever prove anything? I do not believe it.

I'm not saying the possibility of spacecraft isn't real because it is. Flying saucers are just technology. 8,000 years ago no one would believe you sit on a toilet and take a shit, in air conditioning, talking to someone on the other side of the workd, moving at 400mph, above the clouds. But now millions do it every year.

But I don't believe UFOs are here and I don't believe you saw one. And I don't believe the government.

And you also have no idea of the tech available 55 years ago. I mean, in 1899 nikola Tesla sent electricity safely through the air for 26 miles with no wires. Nazis created night vision in the 1920s. I mean you only think of what was around 55 years ago in terms of popular well known mainstream use technology. And hell, 55 years ago was 1968. That wasn't that long ago.

I think they should change the name. AA for alien aircraft, or something.

UFO just stands for unidentified flying object which could be anything from an aircraft to a withered balloon.


Anti aircraft.
African American (though they don't exist)
Alcoholics anonymous.
Altered altitude.
Associates in arts degree.
It's a battery size.
Athletic association.
Atomic absorption.
It's a bra size.
Anti armor.
Acrylic acid.

AA is already used for maybe 100 things. And no one ever, anywhere, any place hears ufo and thinks "they must be talking about a weather balloon they haven't verified as one yet". No, everyone thinks alien spacecraft so there is no need to change it.
Well, you certainly couldn't have seen anything that defies the laws of physics! That's impossible.
Yep. So then, how do flying objects, seemingly at the altitude of an aircraft flying at or above aircraft speed make instantaneous (double or triple) speed changes and hard right angle directional changes (and with no change in speed) now today, 55 years later, even with a drone and no pilot inside?

And fwiw, the photos you posted for me were explained by you yourself.
So? I only posted them because you wanted some "evidence" other than first-hand reports. And I have no facts to what it was I really imaged that day and there are some accounts of UFO reports that fit the look of that object. You sure like to cast your skepticism on others for merely reporting unusual sightings and things they've had as if you really don't want it to be true, and are really trying to skew the outcome, yet you still fail to account for the fact that these things have been reported and corroborated worldwide from astronauts and military pilots, to police, skilled observers, to often large groups of people at the same time spread city-wide involving up to hundreds of people!

All you really have is a memory of what you think you saw 65 years ago
All you have is your dick in your hand as usual as you can't even get or keep the dates right. Besides, do you really think I've told you everything?

You're after attention.
Go suck my ass. Predictably just as I said right above , you'd rather ignore the claims of millions of people over hundreds of years because you really just don't want it to be true! :auiqs.jpg: So you take it out on people for just doing what anyone should and would do--- tell others. I only bring this up here because THAT IS WHAT THE DAMNED THREAD IS ABOUT, MORON, and the point of this place IS DISCUSSION, and I've only offered it here as one of my extraordinary experiences that I think others should naturally know about.
---UFO sightings linked to military training locations, report finds---

Interesting. There are more UFO sightings where they are testing new airplanes.

I've seen a UFO first hand that could not possibly be anything terrestrial, man-made, and certainly not some reflection or weather phenomena.

Physical evidence... or even an in focus photo?
I see govt trying to draw out the masses to create another conflict for people to argue over. You're wrong, no you're wrong.
The UFO controversy is only real to the people that have seen them. The folks that haven't think it is nonsense.
No, the two best ones I saw were in the 1960s. Another I saw in the 70s and the one in the photo was 2004, plus a number of credible stories from people whom I knew personally whom I would trust as to the sincerity of what they say they saw.

But the one in 1968 I saw in the scope with the formation cannot be explained by any means by any science and knowledge of physics known to mankind. It would take some ability to defeat inertia, mass, gravity, perhaps time itself. I know what I saw, and stuff just can't do that, but it did.
I too have seen a UFO and it was the most incredible experience that will be etched in my mind forever.
Physical evidence... or even an in focus photo?
Sorry, when I was ten years old out in my backyard one summer night with my first telescope and happened upon the object quite unexpectedly, I forgot to bring along my Hasselblad.

Point being that a lack of physical evidence doesn't make something real or unreal, merely unproven.
Sorry, when I was ten years old out in my backyard one summer night with my first telescope and happened upon the object quite unexpectedly, I forgot to bring along my Hasselblad.

Point being that a lack of physical evidence doesn't make something real or unreal, merely unproven.
Only folks like us that have actually witnessed them are believers.
I was 15 years old at the time. I never witnessed it again.

I guess I'm a bit lucky in that as an amateur astronomer, you log a lot of time looking at the sky and developing observing skills, plus I've known at least there people personally right off the top of my head who have related experiences to me of their own.
I guess I'm a bit lucky in that as an amateur astronomer, you log a lot of time looking at the sky and developing observing skills, plus I've known at least there people personally right off the top of my head who have related experiences to me of their own.
What I witnessed would be hard to describe in words.
ya ok.
Till one lands here i burley and wants to play the back 9 with me; Im a non believer

There are aliens. There are. And, there is proof.


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