So, uh...who all, if anyone, is here on the WEF's ''Information Warrior'' program?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016

So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ - UN communications director Melissa Fleming''

So. Anyone here on that program? Nobody ever says in the introduction threads. I, for one, seem to observe quite a lot of the WEF narrative invoked out the wild of the www, including here. Though the loudest promotion of the agenda, observably, seems to be invoked by some of our Canadian usership, the Biden administration seems to be carrying the same water for the WEF here at home as well. It's kind of the WEF's policy enforcer here in our once great Republic. And that's not to say that the controlled opposition party hasn't also contributed their fair share and helped lay the ground work for the current administration. Recall operation foreknowledge, I mean warp speed and its negative effect on everything from our economy to civil liberties.

There was that one Congressman who stood up and who stood alone for the Republic during the whole operation foreknowledge, I mean warp speed thing, but the former President said he should be kicked out of the Republican Party for doing so and the former President's own controlled opposition at the time, Pelosi (she's the one who gave him everything he wanted in what was, at the time, the largest spending bll in history...while she was impeaching him,) called him a dangerous nuiisance for doing so. As it turns out, and predictably, the Congressman was correct.

Anyway. Given the admission of the organized...oh..let's call it create and equip this so-called "Information Warrior'' program, the question naturally piqued my curiosity.

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''As per : The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down.''
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NC, this is a call out thread. If we want to start talking about, and accusing specific individual members, it will have to be moved to the FZ or the taunting sub-forum.

So. . . do you want to keep it clean, and have folks refrain from mentioning specific other members, or do you want to choose where it goes?


Dont EVER post call-out threads like this one anywhere but in a Taunting Forum.
We'll keep it here unless and until folks get trollish, and allegations start flying. I loath modding folks or censoring speech.

I find it interesting that when I went to research this, so much is gone or censored. I don't know if this is only concerned with COVID, or everything in general.

Finding the original article was VERY difficult. I can't find the original WEF podcast, just the link to the page that once had it. Here is that News Punch article that is now impossible to find;


WEF Announce Recruitment of ‘Information Warriors’ To Control the Narrative on Social Media​

". . . Announcing the news on a WEF podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said “So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels.”

The WEF are subliminally influencing the masses in order to push their narratives onto the people.

You can listen to the podcast in question here.

Also on the podcast, mainstream journalist Mark Little sets out potential solutions to the “infodemic.”

Little has worked for Twitter and founded Storyful, a social media news agency closely linked to the fact-checking program. He has now launched Kinzen, a company which is threatening to use artificial intelligence to censor online content.. . . "

There's no vaccine for the infodemic - so how can we combat the virus of misinformation?​


I did find these videos;

The infodemic - Mark Little interview​

37 views Aug 30, 2021
Mark Little is the CEO and Co-Founder of Kinzen – the Irish tech company which aims to empower the people who protect communities and conversations from disinformation campaigns and dangerous content. Prior to setting up Kinzen, Mark worked as a journalist with RTÉ and later founded the social media news agency Storyful. In this interview, Mark discusses what has lead to the viral spread of disinformation online and some of the possible solutions to this “infodemic.”

And by searching, "Melissa Fleming, Verified, WEF" I found this;

Tackling Disinformation #SDIM22

21,777 views Streamed live on Sep 20, 2022
Disinformation is not new. Examples of disinformation and so-called fake news campaigns are plentiful. But with increasing fears about the cost of living – exacerbated by the pandemic and the energy crisis – it is now more critical than ever to tackle disinformation head-on. Join this Special Agenda Dialogue to discuss how the public, regulators and social media companies can collaborate to increase online safety.

So, even though the original WEF video is now inaccessible, the folks that presented it, still have their ideas out there?

If it were me, I wouldn't tarnish the good reputation of the fine folks in FZ with what very likely could turn into a useless exercise in useless finger pointing, though, so maybe the Badlands instead?

To be clear, however, mine was a question that was invoked with genuine sincerity and with the fundamental expectation that any feedback would be equally sincere. Speaking only for myself, I've always tried to stand by every word I say and for every principle that I hold without fear of transparency of why I do. So, I think my intent, largely speaking, was to invite that opportunity. It just makes for better, more germane dialogue when everyone has all of their cards on the table.
So, even though the original WEF video is now inaccessible, the folks that presented it, still have their ideas out there?


Of course.

In fact, a lot of these ideas are beyond ''presentation'' and are largely shared and are being implemented gradually over the course of time by their proponents who have operated across and from within various modern administrations.

Remember WEF Founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab openly said vee haz peneetrated zee cabeenets?

Well, he wasn't lying. They really have.

So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’UN communications director Melissa Fleming''

So. Anyone here on that program? Nobody ever says in the introduction threads. I, for one, seem to observe quite a lot of the WEF narrative invoked out the wild of the www, including here. Though the loudest promotion of the agenda, observably, seems to be invoked by some of our Canadian usership, the Biden administration seems to be carrying the same water for the WEF here at home as well. It's kind of the WEF's policy enforcer here in our once great Republic. And that's not to say that the controlled opposition party hasn't also contributed their fair share and helped lay the ground work for the current administration. Recall operation foreknowledge, I mean warp speed and its negative effect on everything from our economy to civil liberties.

There was that one Congressman who stood up and who stood alone for the Republic during the whole operation foreknowledge, I mean warp speed thing, but the former President said he should be kicked out of the Republican Party for doing so and the former President's own controlled opposition at the time, Pelosi (she's the one who gave him everything he wanted in what was, at the time, the largest spending bll in history...while she was impeaching him,) called him a dangerous nuiisance for doing so. As it turns out, and predictably, the Congressman was correct.

Anyway. Given the admission of the organized...oh..let's call it create and equip this so-called "Information Warrior'' program, the question naturally piqued my curiosity.

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''As per : The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down.''

What's funny though is that it's not working except among the already credulous. They blew all their credibility on Covid.

As an aside--it's rather funny that that actual villains, like Schwab and Soros, DO look like movie stereotypes.
What's funny though is that it's not working except among the already credulous. They blew all their credibility on Covid.

As an aside--it's rather funny that that actual villains, like Schwab and Soros, DO look like movie stereotypes.

The organization itself and the governmental purveyors of its endeavor are shooting for full spectrum dominance, no doubt. It's abundantly clear to anyone who can see.

I'd probably disagree that it isn't working, though. Cripes, they have people believing that aliens and UFOs are gonna come get em now. It's non-stop all over mainstream cable news entertainment all day long. They're even debating it in Congress. That's how hard up they are to expand/fund this so-called space force and the further militarization of space/information infrastructure/flow of information. Of course, that's merely an aspect of the broader scheme of things if thought through all the way. It just came to mind when you mentioned about movie villains. lol...
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Curse you for posting something from this social media site. :laugh:

This is like, the only rabbit hole place, I have even considered getting an account at, in the past decade. I love looking at accounts here, till I get to a post or video it won't let me look at. . .

It seems to me that every forum that starts with the word "world" turns out to be a left wing mostly foreign based network that domestic liberals automatically support. If you point it out they call you a conspiracy nut. Am I wrong about the WEF?

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