So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

Zelensky fired a guy years before he was elected?
Put down the vodka, Ivan, you've had enough.

The people who took over who took over after the 2014 coup were the same ones who fired Shokin and got Zelensky elected.
Since Zelensky is just a puppet anyway, it does not matter when he was elected.
The same corrupt people were still in charge.
What you want is government mandated serfdom without the benefits to the non-serfs.

Employment is simply a contract between the employer and the employee, it isn't something that supposed to guarantee the worker perpetual employment without having to actually perform the work they are being paid for.

No individual is able to negotiate successfully against an entire corporation.
So unions and collective bargaining are the only fair way to ensure salaries are reasonable and fair.
For example, it is notorious that since women are not as intimidating, they always got paid less, without unions.
The people who took over who took over after the 2014 coup were the same ones who fired Shokin and got Zelensky elected.
Since Zelensky is just a puppet anyway, it does not matter when he was elected.
The same corrupt people were still in charge.

Putin invaded in 2022 because a guy was fired during the Obama administration?

Is your brain damage from an auto accident, or is it madcow disease?
You mean part of their contract? The contract that said they couldn't strike?

LOL! Fucking morons.

It is illegal to try to prevent strikes.
Strikes are required by law when the work conditions are so bad that mistakes and plane crashes are an assured result.
PATCO was not trying to strike for more money, but for fewer planes per minute.

But it is odd how your messages are totally disconnected.
The previous post was about how the amount air traffic controllers have to be paid effects what the private airlines are charged for using the airport facilities.
So it was the airlines that wanted lower air traffic controller wages and higher airplane volumes.
All contract say strikes are forbidden.
That does not mean you can't strike or that strikes are illegal.
That is just a promise that you won't strike.
And they did NOT strike during the valid contract period.
The strike was AFTER the contract ran out.
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Putin invaded in 2022 because a guy was fired during the Obama administration?

Is your brain damage from an auto accident, or is it madcow disease?

Where did I say Putin invaded over the 2014 coup or the firing of Shokin?
I never did say anything remotely like that.

I said the corrupt US controlled group took over in the Ukraine in 2014, and they were the same ones who got Shokin fired, bribed Biden, violated treaties, murdered ethnic Russians, tried to join NATO, got Zelensky elected, and accumulated weapons against Russia.
It is illegal to try to prevent strikes.
Strikes are required by law when the work conditions are so bad that mistakes and plane crashes are an assured result.
PATCO was not trying to strike for more money, but for fewer planes per minute.

But it is odd how your messages are totally disconnected.
The previous post was about how the amount air traffic controllers have to be paid effects what the private airlines are charged for using the airport facilities.
So it was the airlines that wanted lower air traffic controller wages and higher airplane volumes.
All contract say strikes are forbidden.
That does not mean you can't strike or that strikes are illegal.
That is just a promise that you won't strike.
And they did NOT strike during the valid contract period.
The strike was AFTER the contract ran out.

It is illegal to try to prevent strikes.

Man, you're funny.

PATCO was not trying to strike for more money, but for fewer planes per minute.

PATCO illegally went on strike.

The previous post was about how the amount air traffic controllers have to be paid effects what the private airlines are charged for using the airport facilities.

I doubt your claim, but post your proof.

All contract say strikes are forbidden.

Prove it.
Where did I say Putin invaded over the 2014 coup or the firing of Shokin?
I never did say anything remotely like that.

I said the corrupt US controlled group took over in the Ukraine in 2014, and they were the same ones who got Shokin fired, bribed Biden, violated treaties, murdered ethnic Russians, tried to join NATO, got Zelensky elected, and accumulated weapons against Russia.

Where did I say Putin invaded over the 2014 coup or the firing of Shokin?
I never did say anything remotely like that.


Post #795.
How is that?
Putin did nothing at all for decades, while the west ran a fake rebellion and military coup in the Ukraine.
Zelensky is worse than Putin as far as censoring, murdering, or jailing opponents.
He is totally corrupt.
We see proof of that in the kickbacks to Burisma Holdings, from US foreign aid.
The Ukraine was stealing oil from Russia even before Zelensky, but clearly Zelensky is on the take.
There no longer are real elections, Zelensky has violated half a dozen treaties where the Ukraine is not supposed to join alliances against Russia, acquire weapons to use against Russia, abuse ethnic Russians as he is, etc.
The final straw is Zelensky is the one who broke off negotiations with Russia.
That is an unforgivable act of war.
Biden is corrupt and a traitor and the Democrat party jails its opponents.....So they are the same as Putin too?
By getting Zelensky to fire Shokin, accept US weapons, trying to get the Ukraine into NATO, etc.

Except no one was trying to get Ukraine into NATO, Shokin was corrupt and everyone at the time agreed he needed to go. And the Urkainians were BEGGING for weapons.

Government workers, with civil service protections who were warned of the consequences of continuing the strike and chose to be idiots.

Zero sympathy.

Also, standard commie phraseology is standard.

Except they were striking because what we were doing up to that point was unsafe. Too many planes in the air, not enough controllers, not enough equipment upgrades.

Reagan started a war on unions and we've seen a decline in the middle class, where we all have to work a lot harder than our fathers did for less money.
While I am skeptical of government employee unions because they are a dangerous lobbying block, the air traffic controllers were dangerously over worked.
Reagan should have been arrested for what he did.
He had the authority to fire the 11,359 striking air traffic controllers, but he did NOT have the authority to arrest them, confiscate funds, etc.
Federal Marshals and the FBI were used to hunt down strikers. Their phones were tapped and their families were harassed. Strikers were arrested, fined, and jailed. The union's strike fund was seized by the courts and Reagan declared the strike “over.” The union was decertified in October 1981 and forced into bankruptcy by the courts.
Overworking air traffic controllers is like over working surgeons.
It is stupid, immoral, and dangerous.

And yet he wasn't arrested, so anything regarding that is wishful thinking at best, and outright lies at worst.
No individual is able to negotiate successfully against an entire corporation.
So unions and collective bargaining are the only fair way to ensure salaries are reasonable and fair.
For example, it is notorious that since women are not as intimidating, they always got paid less, without unions.

Plenty of professionals such as myself seem to do it all the time, and make plenty of money doing it.
Except no one was trying to get Ukraine into NATO, Shokin was corrupt and everyone at the time agreed he needed to go. And the Urkainians were BEGGING for weapons.

Except they were striking because what we were doing up to that point was unsafe. Too many planes in the air, not enough controllers, not enough equipment upgrades.

Reagan started a war on unions and we've seen a decline in the middle class, where we all have to work a lot harder than our fathers did for less money.

he went after one union that tried to cripple air travel using an illegal strike.
It is illegal to try to prevent strikes.

Man, you're funny.

PATCO was not trying to strike for more money, but for fewer planes per minute.

PATCO illegally went on strike.

The previous post was about how the amount air traffic controllers have to be paid effects what the private airlines are charged for using the airport facilities.

I doubt your claim, but post your proof.

All contract say strikes are forbidden.

Prove it.

It can NEVER be illegal to go on strike.
Strikes are an inherent right.
An organized response to criminal abuses, like unsafe conditions, abusive wage manipulations, or anything else, requires and justified a strike.
In fact, the whole American Revolution was essentially a strike against the abuses of England.

There is no question that PATCO was striking over dangerous air traffic loads.
So what the government did was totally illegal.
It is illegal to arrest strikers.
Where did I say Putin invaded over the 2014 coup or the firing of Shokin?
I never did say anything remotely like that.

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Post #795.

Zelensky did cause the war by illegally violating treaties, such as trying to join NATO, accumulating western weapons, and purging the government of anyone with Russian sympathies.
The fact Shokin was fired a few years before Zelensky, does not make any difference.
The US has been taking over the Ukraine since 2014.
Biden is corrupt and a traitor and the Democrat party jails its opponents.....So they are the same as Putin too?

I do not see the point?
I agree Biden is corrupt, but how is that the same as Putin, who has not shown corruption?
Except no one was trying to get Ukraine into NATO, Shokin was corrupt and everyone at the time agreed he needed to go. And the Urkainians were BEGGING for weapons.

Except they were striking because what we were doing up to that point was unsafe. Too many planes in the air, not enough controllers, not enough equipment upgrades.

Reagan started a war on unions and we've seen a decline in the middle class, where we all have to work a lot harder than our fathers did for less money.


Zelensky is constantly whining about how Russia won't let him join NATO.

NATO is full of countries with criminal imperial and colonial pasts, like the US, England, France, Italy, etc., and they saying Shokin is corrupt, makes Shokin look better, not worse.
And you normally do not fire an inspector general.
That is a civil service position where you have to prove something in court.
Nothing was ever proven.
Shokin was never even charged with anything, much less convicted.

But I agree PATCO was in the right and Reagan was criminal.
Collective bargaining is an inherent right.
And yet he wasn't arrested, so anything regarding that is wishful thinking at best, and outright lies at worst.

The US often does illegal things, without repercussion.
Like Vietnam, invading Iraq over WMD lies, etc.
The whole federal War on Drugs is totally illegal.
The whole BATF and DEA should not even exist.
That just means we live in a dictatorship and are in denial.
Plenty of professionals such as myself seem to do it all the time, and make plenty of money doing it.

Sure one with valuable skills can make a prosperous living, but not on the scale of those who cheat and steal, like Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Agrawal, etc.
There is no way individuals can negotiate fairly with a big company.

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