So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

Funny how the Dems always seem to be already on every new horse when it arrives. Pretty suspicious. Pandemics. Foreign wars. Market dips and spikes. Always knowing when to buy or sell (like Martha Stewart). They come riding out with obvious crumbs on their lips, looking for someone to blame the empty cookie jar on. They brutally insult or attack anyone who sees it and calls them out on it and then proceed to lecture us all on preventing hate crimes.

I guess if you are a paranoid loon. So how did Biden get Putin to invade the Ukraine again?
No it doesn't.

It means that employers can fire you at any time for any reason, and they don't have to give cause.

You see, back in the good old days when we had a middle class and unions, yes, companies had to lay people off when times were slow, but those were the FIRST people they had to call back when business picked back up again.

Today thanks to the wonders of At Will Employment, companies use any recession as an excuse to lay a bunch of people off, and then hire new bodies at cheaper rates.

Except now we have a labor shortage, and we are experiencing the "Great Resignation", where people are walking away from shitty jobs, because they can.

What you want is government mandated serfdom without the benefits to the non-serfs.

Employment is simply a contract between the employer and the employee, it isn't something that supposed to guarantee the worker perpetual employment without having to actually perform the work they are being paid for.
What a difference 20 years make

Exclusive: Trump’s Chief of Staff Was on Phone Call Planning Jan. 6 March on Capitol​

What you want is government mandated serfdom without the benefits to the non-serfs.

Employment is simply a contract between the employer and the employee, it isn't something that supposed to guarantee the worker perpetual employment without having to actually perform the work they are being paid for.

What I want are jobs that pay a minimum wage, decent benefits, and reasonable protections for workers from awful bosses.

We had that before Ronnie Ray-gun declared war on the unions. Even non-union jobs benefitted.
What I want are jobs that pay a minimum wage, decent benefits, and reasonable protections for workers from awful bosses.

We had that before Ronnie Ray-gun declared war on the unions. Even non-union jobs benefitted.

He didn't "declare war on Unions"

Public sector unions are the bane of our government.
You should be apologizing for your ignorance, if anything.
Don't worry about republicans supporting Putin. It's b.s.
Well Nord Stream 2 would have solved that. And Ukraine would have had to have paid up after Russia stopped using it as a land route.

On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".[13]

Russia plans to completely abandon gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine after 2018.[14][15] Gazprom has already substantially reduced the volumes of gas it transits across Ukraine, and expressed its intention of reducing the level further by means of transit diversification pipelines (Nord Stream, Turkish Stream, etc.).[16]

But really, you're just spinning. Putin's invasion had nothing to do with natl gas.

Natural gas was just the first example.
There is even more in oil, there are the 14,000 murdered ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea, Zelensky accumulating western arms, trying to join NATO, wanting a no-fly-zone, breaking off negotiations, etc.
Those are ALL acts of war.
How could Putin continue to ignore these deliberate provocation?
There is no moral support for what Putin is doing.

How is that?
Putin did nothing at all for decades, while the west ran a fake rebellion and military coup in the Ukraine.
Zelensky is worse than Putin as far as censoring, murdering, or jailing opponents.
He is totally corrupt.
We see proof of that in the kickbacks to Burisma Holdings, from US foreign aid.
The Ukraine was stealing oil from Russia even before Zelensky, but clearly Zelensky is on the take.
There no longer are real elections, Zelensky has violated half a dozen treaties where the Ukraine is not supposed to join alliances against Russia, acquire weapons to use against Russia, abuse ethnic Russians as he is, etc.
The final straw is Zelensky is the one who broke off negotiations with Russia.
That is an unforgivable act of war.
Actually, that's exactly what he did. By firing the PATCO workers, he gave a clear signal that the Federal Government would take the side of the Investor Class over the Working Class, every time..

And we've seen how that worked out.

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Government workers, with civil service protections who were warned of the consequences of continuing the strike and chose to be idiots.

Zero sympathy.

Also, standard commie phraseology is standard.
Government workers, with civil service protections who were warned of the consequences of continuing the strike and chose to be idiots.

Zero sympathy.

Also, standard commie phraseology is standard.

While I am skeptical of government employee unions because they are a dangerous lobbying block, the air traffic controllers were dangerously over worked.
Reagan should have been arrested for what he did.
He had the authority to fire the 11,359 striking air traffic controllers, but he did NOT have the authority to arrest them, confiscate funds, etc.
Federal Marshals and the FBI were used to hunt down strikers. Their phones were tapped and their families were harassed. Strikers were arrested, fined, and jailed. The union's strike fund was seized by the courts and Reagan declared the strike “over.” The union was decertified in October 1981 and forced into bankruptcy by the courts.
Overworking air traffic controllers is like over working surgeons.
It is stupid, immoral, and dangerous.

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