So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

And how is that different than the civilian world? I would say that applies to most jobs, except everyone thinks they are in the 5% even if they really aren't. Nobody ever thinks they are in the 10%.

Um, okay... given the fact you are a brainwashed cultist, you probably put up with it.

Bob, if you act at work the way you do here, most of your co-workers probably avoid you because you are a crazy person.

You mean they all made fun of your cult, too? Because I probably wouldn't do that at work. That's a good way to get a trip to Human Resources.

In the civilian world they would have been fired.

It's almost as if you want the concept of serfdom to come back, i.e. a person can't be fired "from the land" but they can't leave either.

Employment at will is for the protection of the employee as much as the employer.
Unlike Republicans, Zelensky can't be bought.
Post image
Uh, he sure supplies a bunch of the Dims with their main sources of income.
In the civilian world they would have been fired.

It's almost as if you want the concept of serfdom to come back, i.e. a person can't be fired "from the land" but they can't leave either.

Employment at will is for the protection of the employee as much as the employer.
Oh, my God, I can't believe you actually said that with a fucking straight face.

At Will employment shifts the power away from the Employee and towards the Employer.

Now, my Dad was a union guy in the 70's. And late in his life, he suffered from a series of health issues, many of them job related. (Essentially, he was a sheet metal worker and worked with asbestos a lot.) At will employment, they'd have done to him what they did to me in the Aughts when I had my knee problems.. find an excuse to fire him and ignore his seniority.
At will employment, they'd have done to him what they did to me in the Aughts when I had my knee problems.. find an excuse to fire him and ignore his seniority.

You think that was because of your knee problem?

I've had the misfortune, a few times, of having to work with guys who had exactly the same attitude that you consistently display. Fortunately, those types do not last very long in my trade. Probably not in whatever trade you were in, when you got fired, either.
You think that was because of your knee problem?
Um, yeah, actually, I did because this company had a habit of firing anyone who had medical issues, including two girls who got pregnant, a fellow who had cancer and another gentleman who had expensive Gastric Bypass Surgery.

I've had the misfortune, a few times, of having to work with guys who had exactly the same attitude that you consistently display.

Except you've never worked with me...

If you had, you'd know that I received exceptional reviews for every year I worked at that company, and for the seven years I worked for the company after that before I started my own business.

The funny thing is you develop all these fantasies about me because you can't really refute my slam-dunk criticisms of your bizarre cult. You know, like when you finally had to admit that Joseph Smith married all those teenagers, but then claimed he wasn't fucking them. No, really!
Oh, my God, I can't believe you actually said that with a fucking straight face.

At Will employment shifts the power away from the Employee and towards the Employer.

Now, my Dad was a union guy in the 70's. And late in his life, he suffered from a series of health issues, many of them job related. (Essentially, he was a sheet metal worker and worked with asbestos a lot.) At will employment, they'd have done to him what they did to me in the Aughts when I had my knee problems.. find an excuse to fire him and ignore his seniority.

At will employment means the employer can't add conditions keeping the employee at the current job.

Even Union employment is at will.

You want the requirements of serfdom on the employer without the benefits given to the employer of serfdom.
At will employment means the employer can't add conditions keeping the employee at the current job.

No it doesn't.

It means that employers can fire you at any time for any reason, and they don't have to give cause.

You see, back in the good old days when we had a middle class and unions, yes, companies had to lay people off when times were slow, but those were the FIRST people they had to call back when business picked back up again.

Today thanks to the wonders of At Will Employment, companies use any recession as an excuse to lay a bunch of people off, and then hire new bodies at cheaper rates.

Except now we have a labor shortage, and we are experiencing the "Great Resignation", where people are walking away from shitty jobs, because they can.
No it doesn't.

It means that employers can fire you at any time for any reason, and they don't have to give cause.

You see, back in the good old days when we had a middle class and unions, yes, companies had to lay people off when times were slow, but those were the FIRST people they had to call back when business picked back up again.

Today thanks to the wonders of At Will Employment, companies use any recession as an excuse to lay a bunch of people off, and then hire new bodies at cheaper rates.

Except now we have a labor shortage, and we are experiencing the "Great Resignation", where people are walking away from shitty jobs, because they can.
Yeah, but inflation has really cut into your free stuff and Brandon failed of his Build More Free Stuff, so back to flippn burgers.
No it doesn't.

It means that employers can fire you at any time for any reason, and they don't have to give cause.

You see, back in the good old days when we had a middle class and unions, yes, companies had to lay people off when times were slow, but those were the FIRST people they had to call back when business picked back up again.

Today thanks to the wonders of At Will Employment, companies use any recession as an excuse to lay a bunch of people off, and then hire new bodies at cheaper rates.

Except now we have a labor shortage, and we are experiencing the "Great Resignation", where people are walking away from shitty jobs, because they can.

Except now we have a labor shortage, and we are experiencing the "Great Resignation", where people are walking away from shitty jobs, because they can.

Because they can? Why can they? Any specifics?
Oh, my God, I can't believe you actually said that with a fucking straight face.

At Will employment shifts the power away from the Employee and towards the Employer.

Now, my Dad was a union guy in the 70's. And late in his life, he suffered from a series of health issues, many of them job related. (Essentially, he was a sheet metal worker and worked with asbestos a lot.) At will employment, they'd have done to him what they did to me in the Aughts when I had my knee problems.. find an excuse to fire him and ignore his seniority.
You are saying that he couldn't do his job----but that you think the employer should have to still pay him and pay him more than those who can do their jobs.
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Joe's magic economy helps people who don't work?

New York (CNN Business)Employers added a record 6.6 million jobs during Joe Biden's first 12 months in office, by far the strongest record of any president's first year in office.
The unexpected strength of the January jobs report — along with some revisions in readings for November and December — pushed Biden over the 6 million mark. But he could have claimed that distinction even without them. The previous record holder was Jimmy Carter, who saw a gain of 3.9 million jobs in his first 12 months in office.
By comparison, Donald Trump's first 12 months in office notched a gain of 2 million jobs.
The jobs numbers from the Labor Department go back to 1939, when Franklin Roosevelt was in his seventh year in office. No president other than Carter has enjoyed even half as many jobs being added during their first year as Biden's record: No. 3 Bill Clinton posted an addition of 2.8 million jobs.

New York (CNN Business)Employers added a record 6.6 million jobs during Joe Biden's first 12 months in office, by far the strongest record of any president's first year in office.
The unexpected strength of the January jobs report — along with some revisions in readings for November and December — pushed Biden over the 6 million mark. But he could have claimed that distinction even without them. The previous record holder was Jimmy Carter, who saw a gain of 3.9 million jobs in his first 12 months in office.
By comparison, Donald Trump's first 12 months in office notched a gain of 2 million jobs.
The jobs numbers from the Labor Department go back to 1939, when Franklin Roosevelt was in his seventh year in office. No president other than Carter has enjoyed even half as many jobs being added during their first year as Biden's record: No. 3 Bill Clinton posted an addition of 2.8 million jobs.

People are quitting their crappy jobs to take other crappy jobs?
It's not our war.

Just a conveniently-timed vehicle for the Democraps to try to distract the attention of Americans away from the disastrous effects of the Democraps' own policies here at home, on our own country and on our own people.

How much of a coincidence is it, really, that this war that is none of our fucking business happened to erupt right at a time when a large group of patriotic Americans are carrying out a large-scale protest against the horrendous abuses that the Democrapic tyrants and criminals that infest our government have been perpetrating against us?

Th Democraps want us to pay attention to Russian and Ukraine, and not to what is happening in our own country, at the hands of the Democraps. It is not at all difficult to discern why this is.

America's enemies are not the Russians or Ukrainians on the other side of the word; America's enemies are the Democraps here in our own country.
Funny how the Dems always seem to be already on every new horse when it arrives. Pretty suspicious. Pandemics. Foreign wars. Market dips and spikes. Always knowing when to buy or sell (like Martha Stewart). They come riding out with obvious crumbs on their lips, looking for someone to blame the empty cookie jar on. They brutally insult or attack anyone who sees it and calls them out on it and then proceed to lecture us all on preventing hate crimes.

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