So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

No they are not. The Trump Cult is the results of 30 years of Republicans lying to the American people about Democrats, and minorities.
Yet the democrats have been in control a majority of those 30 years. Dragonlady need dose of reality......Repo's been telling the truth about Dem's. Repo's didn't create the plantation. All the lies coming out of the democrats, about Trump, finally seeing the light of day, and they lied, big time. Wake up.
Listen no one is falling for your pathetic attempts at gaslighting. If you are too weak kneed to acknowledge the reality that Trump and many Trumpers have supported Putin in the past, you are beyond having a rational conversation with.
Please post an example of a rightwing forum member support Putin.
I support Putin.
I think the Ukraine are a bunch of corrupt thieves, criminals, and oppressors.
They are preventing local autonomy in Donetsk and Crimea, stealing oil/gas, and trying to join NATO.
Anyone of which is enough to invalidate those in Kyiv responsible.
I support Putin.
I think the Ukraine are a bunch of corrupt thieves, criminals, and oppressors.
They are preventing local autonomy in Donetsk and Crimea, stealing oil/gas, and trying to join NATO.
Anyone of which is enough to invalidate those in Kyiv responsible.
Well Nord Stream 2 would have solved that. And Ukraine would have had to have paid up after Russia stopped using it as a land route.

On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".[13]

Russia plans to completely abandon gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine after 2018.[14][15] Gazprom has already substantially reduced the volumes of gas it transits across Ukraine, and expressed its intention of reducing the level further by means of transit diversification pipelines (Nord Stream, Turkish Stream, etc.).[16]

But really, you're just spinning. Putin's invasion had nothing to do with natl gas.
So those chants of "Putin! Putin! Putin!" that MTG lead the group at the America First Conference this weekend, were just figments of our imagination, as was Trump calling him a "genius".
I kinda doubt it happened. You leftists are so gullible, you'll believe anything that supports ORANGE MAN BAD.
You clowns are SOOOOO hypocritical.

Putin is not and have never been a "leftist". He's been out to destroy left wing democracies for a generation.
Not unlike American Democrats.

Putin is a leftist totalitarian. There is no question about this.
I am an extreme leftist, which means I do NOT support Joe or Hillary, but do support the squad.
And I also do not at all like the Ukraine, since they would not free the people of Donetsk and Crimea.
And here we have a leftist who supports Putin.

Don't even think you're along, Rigby. Most leftists do; they're just parroting their propaganda.
I support Putin.
I think the Ukraine are a bunch of corrupt thieves, criminals, and oppressors.
They are preventing local autonomy in Donetsk and Crimea, stealing oil/gas, and trying to join NATO.
Anyone of which is enough to invalidate those in Kyiv responsible.
There is no moral support for what Putin is doing.
Listen no one is falling for your pathetic attempts at gaslighting. If you are too weak kneed to acknowledge the reality that Trump and many Trumpers have supported Putin in the past, you are beyond having a rational conversation with.

Вы делаете печальную попытку связать Трампа и его сторонников с вашей несостоявшейся демократической повесткой дня всего, что Трамп является причиной ваших демократических провалов при голосовании..... LOL
So those chants of "Putin! Putin! Putin!" that MTG lead the group at the America First Conference this weekend, were just figments of our imagination, as was Trump calling him a "genius".

You clowns are SOOOOO hypocritical.

Putin is not and have never been a "leftist". He's been out to destroy left wing democracies for a generation.
Bless your heart. Given what we've seen in Canada recently, you wouldn't know a democracy if it bit you on the ass. Trudeau and Putin both in hiding while sending jack booted thugs against anyone daring to protest their authoritarian decrees.
I cannot for the life of me understand why people on the Right take the bait every freakin time and feed these trolls a 9 course 5 star meal of attention over and over and over ????

These bitches are OBVIOUSLY trolls, Marxists Communists or other laid to waste souls who don't deserve the time of day.....much less YOUR time.
They would eventually wither up and slither away into a hole...but YOU KEEP FEEDING THEM !

Who's more stupid? The trolls or the willing participants?


Besides, the premise is flaming...yet it has remained in POLITICS, clearly violating the rules but it gets a pass?

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