So we are so anxious to replace gas with electric and it may not be necessary!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Forgotten Equation Could Be Key In Recycling CO2​

Thu, April 13, 2023, 2:00 PM CDT·3 min read

Cornell University scientists have dusted off an archaic – now 120 year old – electrochemical equation. The goal is to manage atmospheric carbon dioxide and convert the gas into a useful products.
The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide presents an opportunity to transform the gas from an environmental liability to a feedstock for chemical products or as a medium to store renewable electricity in the form of chemical bonds, as nature does.
There is a catch. It takes electricity to reform the CO2.
We’re not told how that might figure into the cost of the new products.
The idea might die a death of a shortage of electrical power as the onslaught of the electric vehicle push is yet to really get into its stride. Last summer some people (California) didn’t have enough power to go around.

BUT folks!!! You are laughing at my projections of massive electricity generating SHORTAGES that the Federal government is encouraging migration to EVs.

There will be a shortage of electricity generating plants of 33,839 power plants needed to create the 12,731,752,671,260 kWh per year in 2030 if the goals of the Biden administration is met! AND the whole reason to go to EVs to reduce CO2 emissions maybe totally UNNECESSARY as the above points out!

The FACT is EV chargers don't create electricity! The chargers, like your computer, etc. ALL depend on electricity to charge the batteries the chargers use to charge the EVS. Can we agree on that? Should be a no brainer. All electricity except for personal solar panels...(my son has them on his home) is generated by electric utility plants.
FACT: There are today 11,070 total power plants in usa
FACT: These power plants generated in 2021 over 4.165 Trillion kWh or an average of 376.244 Billion kWh per plant.
FACT SOURCE: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (AGAIN I didn't make up these numbers OK???)
According to Biden's latest efforts: "New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today
AGAIN FACT source: New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today
So today Depending on how automakers comply, the EPA projects that at least 60% of new passenger vehicles sold in the U.S. would be electric by 2030 and up to 67% by 2032. For slightly larger, medium-duty trucks, the EPA projects 46% of new vehicle sales will be EVs in 2032.
FACTS: U.S.: annual car sales 2022 | Statista
The U.S. auto industry sold nearly 2.86 million cars in 2022. That year, total car and light truck sales were approximately 13.75 million (or in the United States
60% of 2.86 million or 1,716,000 cars each year to BE EVs
45% of 10,890,000 or 5,009,000 trucks sold each year are to be EVs.
FACT: An EV car averages .25 kWh per mile. Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs] and
averages 14,263 miles per year
An average EV will then use 142.2 kWh a year X 1,716,000 EVs or 214,753,080 kWh per year. or over by 2030 total per year at that time: 1,713,271,560 kWh
FACT: An EV truck averages 4.3 kWh/mile Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV and
Averages 84,433 miles per truck/ year source:How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
So average truck will use 363,061 kWh or by the year 2030 or 7 years there will be 5,009,000 EV trucks X 7 years or 35,063,000 trucks.
Each truck using 363,061/year of kWh or 12,730,039,399,700 kWh a year by 2030.
FACT Then in the 7th year with 1,713,271,560 kWh by EV cars and 12,730,039,399 for 35,063,000 trucks total annual electricity needed 12,731,752,671,260 kWh.

FACT: If the current 11,070 electric generating plants each generate 376,244,805 kWh / year then there will need by the 7th year an additional
33,839 electric power plants JUST to meet the criteria of New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today

33,839 MORE electric plants to CHARGE the chargers!
There is a finite amount of oil.

You cannot generate more petroleum. Thusly the economy of consuming petroleum derivatives is finite.

EVs make sense long term. I think Hybrids make more sense short term though

Forgotten Equation Could Be Key In Recycling CO2​

Thu, April 13, 2023, 2:00 PM CDT·3 min read

Cornell University scientists have dusted off an archaic – now 120 year old – electrochemical equation. The goal is to manage atmospheric carbon dioxide and convert the gas into a useful products.
The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide presents an opportunity to transform the gas from an environmental liability to a feedstock for chemical products or as a medium to store renewable electricity in the form of chemical bonds, as nature does.
There is a catch. It takes electricity to reform the CO2.
We’re not told how that might figure into the cost of the new products.
The idea might die a death of a shortage of electrical power as the onslaught of the electric vehicle push is yet to really get into its stride. Last summer some people (California) didn’t have enough power to go around.

BUT folks!!! You are laughing at my projections of massive electricity generating SHORTAGES that the Federal government is encouraging migration to EVs.

There will be a shortage of electricity generating plants of 33,839 power plants needed to create the 12,731,752,671,260 kWh per year in 2030 if the goals of the Biden administration is met! AND the whole reason to go to EVs to reduce CO2 emissions maybe totally UNNECESSARY as the above points out!

The FACT is EV chargers don't create electricity! The chargers, like your computer, etc. ALL depend on electricity to charge the batteries the chargers use to charge the EVS. Can we agree on that? Should be a no brainer. All electricity except for personal solar panels...(my son has them on his home) is generated by electric utility plants.
FACT: There are today 11,070 total power plants in usa
FACT: These power plants generated in 2021 over 4.165 Trillion kWh or an average of 376.244 Billion kWh per plant.
FACT SOURCE: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (AGAIN I didn't make up these numbers OK???)
According to Biden's latest efforts: "New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today
AGAIN FACT source: New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today
So today Depending on how automakers comply, the EPA projects that at least 60% of new passenger vehicles sold in the U.S. would be electric by 2030 and up to 67% by 2032. For slightly larger, medium-duty trucks, the EPA projects 46% of new vehicle sales will be EVs in 2032.
FACTS: U.S.: annual car sales 2022 | Statista
The U.S. auto industry sold nearly 2.86 million cars in 2022. That year, total car and light truck sales were approximately 13.75 million (or in the United States
60% of 2.86 million or 1,716,000 cars each year to BE EVs
45% of 10,890,000 or 5,009,000 trucks sold each year are to be EVs.
FACT: An EV car averages .25 kWh per mile. Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs] and
averages 14,263 miles per year
An average EV will then use 142.2 kWh a year X 1,716,000 EVs or 214,753,080 kWh per year. or over by 2030 total per year at that time: 1,713,271,560 kWh
FACT: An EV truck averages 4.3 kWh/mile Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV and
Averages 84,433 miles per truck/ year source:How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
So average truck will use 363,061 kWh or by the year 2030 or 7 years there will be 5,009,000 EV trucks X 7 years or 35,063,000 trucks.
Each truck using 363,061/year of kWh or 12,730,039,399,700 kWh a year by 2030.
FACT Then in the 7th year with 1,713,271,560 kWh by EV cars and 12,730,039,399 for 35,063,000 trucks total annual electricity needed 12,731,752,671,260 kWh.

FACT: If the current 11,070 electric generating plants each generate 376,244,805 kWh / year then there will need by the 7th year an additional
33,839 electric power plants JUST to meet the criteria of New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today

33,839 MORE electric plants to CHARGE the chargers!
the not enough power to go around had to do with the heat and air conditioning. During peak power demand like that, everything that can be shut off should be shut off. That includes deferring car charging to off peak hours.

But the latest tesla charging stations are solar powered with energy storage. And there are new tesla megapack installations coming up for the purpose of eliminating peaker units. It also says telsa plans to put solar at all charging stations and eventual disconnect them from grid.

One thing that needs to be done is improve air condition efficiency, so hot days have less power demand. Tesla has a solution for that as well.
There have been several people over the past few decades that have created hydrogen (water) fueled engines.

Rips open assholes on top of assholes on gas AND electric!!!!

So WHY aren't they being produced?

Not for the benefit of the environment.........not for the benefit of mankind.
This tech has been around, whats the fucking holdup????

Greed. Pure greed and avarice.

Hydrogen is THE safe and clean fuel for vehicles.
No toxic chemicals, no toxic fumes, no toxic residue, no environmental destruction for giant batteries or oil.

I've driven natural gas vehicles before, and they are cheap and easy to fillup and maintain.
Any gas powered engine can be converted to natural gas as well. And although it is flammable, it is just as safe and reliable........and cheaper..........than hydrogen vehicles and fillups.

I would love a natural gas or hydrogen vehicle. Problem is, you HAVE to keep them maintained........but its not a difficult thing to do.
A once a month visit to the mechanic for a peekaboo would work.
Look, take some of the $6,800 BILLION dollars those idiots in government spend every damn year and plow it into alternative energy research to find a final solution. In the mean time all you environmental climate change shit for brains shut your damn pie hole about fossil fuels. We are not going to sacrifice the poor and working class on the alter of your stupid shit climate change agenda.
Frankly, I don't give a damn what you drive, what you drink, who you fuck, whether you like gas or electric....Just like you don't give a damn wtf I do with my life....Take a chill pill, smoke a fatty and find something to be happy about.
Frankly, I don't give a damn what you drive, what you drink, who you fuck, whether you like gas or electric....Just like you don't give a damn wtf I do with my life....Take a chill pill, smoke a fatty and find something to be happy about.
Even if you are totally living off the grid, the efforts to convert to EVs is going to cost you money not directly but in some of the necessities that people living off the grid still have to have.
Living Off The Grid: A Complete Guide ERIN GOBLER9-MINUTE READ
No matter what power source you choose, you’ll want to invest in batteries to store the excess power you produce.
"Batteries" to store your solar panel electricity. But batteries are one of the very few items you'll need to buy from the outside world.
And when you pay your gold currency the price asked will include a portion of the merchant's electricity bill which will be paid indirectly by you!
Scary isn't it?
BUT it is even worse though if you don't live off the grid!
I've proven that Biden's plan to make 60% of cars sold and 46% of Trucks be EVs by 2032 will require 33,839 electric power plants
JUST to meet the Biden's plan to force EV cars/trucks to be sold criteria
New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today
According to the experts the 33,839 power plants must be non-fossil fuels of which today consists of 3,400 fossil fuel plants. So to replace the fossil fuel and
the new plants for EVs 37,239 NEW plants will be needed by 2032!
Since they won't be fossil fuels the only choice is nuclear. :
Progress Energy has projected a cost with financing costs for 2 plants at about $13-14 billion.
One plant costs $6 billion x 37,239 new nuclear power plants to provide all the electricity for EVs according to Biden's plan: $260,673,000,000,000
$260 Trillion
over next 7 years to meet the 12,731,752,671,260 kWh per year to power JUST the EVs.
Over 10 times the USA GDP in 2022 of $25,464,500,000,000! SOURCE: United States (USA) GDP - Gross Domestic Product 2022
The USA has 4,165,030,000,000 kWh Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants

Forgotten Equation Could Be Key In Recycling CO2​

Thu, April 13, 2023, 2:00 PM CDT·3 min read

Cornell University scientists have dusted off an archaic – now 120 year old – electrochemical equation. The goal is to manage atmospheric carbon dioxide and convert the gas into a useful products.
The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide presents an opportunity to transform the gas from an environmental liability to a feedstock for chemical products or as a medium to store renewable electricity in the form of chemical bonds, as nature does.
There is a catch. It takes electricity to reform the CO2.
We’re not told how that might figure into the cost of the new products.
The idea might die a death of a shortage of electrical power as the onslaught of the electric vehicle push is yet to really get into its stride. Last summer some people (California) didn’t have enough power to go around.

BUT folks!!! You are laughing at my projections of massive electricity generating SHORTAGES that the Federal government is encouraging migration to EVs.

There will be a shortage of electricity generating plants of 33,839 power plants needed to create the 12,731,752,671,260 kWh per year in 2030 if the goals of the Biden administration is met! AND the whole reason to go to EVs to reduce CO2 emissions maybe totally UNNECESSARY as the above points out!

The FACT is EV chargers don't create electricity! The chargers, like your computer, etc. ALL depend on electricity to charge the batteries the chargers use to charge the EVS. Can we agree on that? Should be a no brainer. All electricity except for personal solar panels...(my son has them on his home) is generated by electric utility plants.
FACT: There are today 11,070 total power plants in usa
FACT: These power plants generated in 2021 over 4.165 Trillion kWh or an average of 376.244 Billion kWh per plant.
FACT SOURCE: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (AGAIN I didn't make up these numbers OK???)
According to Biden's latest efforts: "New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today
AGAIN FACT source: New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today
So today Depending on how automakers comply, the EPA projects that at least 60% of new passenger vehicles sold in the U.S. would be electric by 2030 and up to 67% by 2032. For slightly larger, medium-duty trucks, the EPA projects 46% of new vehicle sales will be EVs in 2032.
FACTS: U.S.: annual car sales 2022 | Statista
The U.S. auto industry sold nearly 2.86 million cars in 2022. That year, total car and light truck sales were approximately 13.75 million (or in the United States
60% of 2.86 million or 1,716,000 cars each year to BE EVs
45% of 10,890,000 or 5,009,000 trucks sold each year are to be EVs.
FACT: An EV car averages .25 kWh per mile. Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs] and
averages 14,263 miles per year
An average EV will then use 142.2 kWh a year X 1,716,000 EVs or 214,753,080 kWh per year. or over by 2030 total per year at that time: 1,713,271,560 kWh
FACT: An EV truck averages 4.3 kWh/mile Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV and
Averages 84,433 miles per truck/ year source:How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
So average truck will use 363,061 kWh or by the year 2030 or 7 years there will be 5,009,000 EV trucks X 7 years or 35,063,000 trucks.
Each truck using 363,061/year of kWh or 12,730,039,399,700 kWh a year by 2030.
FACT Then in the 7th year with 1,713,271,560 kWh by EV cars and 12,730,039,399 for 35,063,000 trucks total annual electricity needed 12,731,752,671,260 kWh.

FACT: If the current 11,070 electric generating plants each generate 376,244,805 kWh / year then there will need by the 7th year an additional
33,839 electric power plants JUST to meet the criteria of New Biden administration pollution rules would require almost 10 times as many EV sales in 2032 as today

33,839 MORE electric plants to CHARGE the chargers!

We aren't doing anything....the democrats are pushing this stupidity...they see it as a way to control people, and to reduce our population......if we don't have enough energy, people will have to live their lives completely differently........and according to the dictates of the democrats...
You may not have noticed but population is growing....that means that we are consuming more plants and animals.

You got an F.
Small government survives fraud statements that we make and keeps freedoms is written in the constitution. Large central governments do not have that luxury as every whim is a potential act on. We also have humongous state, local and city governments also.
Frankly, I don't give a damn what you drive, what you drink, who you fuck, whether you like gas or electric....Just like you don't give a damn wtf I do with my life....Take a chill pill, smoke a fatty and find something to be happy about.

yet you support the clowns that want to implement this BS on us. Kerry Obodien, dumb as sack of washers. Are you dumb too? Deeply sighing.
You may not have noticed but population is growing....that means that we are consuming more plants and animals.

You got an F.
Once again NO FACT and for that you are a ZERO!

PIP: Replacement level fertility is the level of fertility at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next. In developed countries, replacement level fertility can be taken as requiring an average of 2.1 children per woman
A number above 2.1 is associated with a growing population, and anything lower than 2.1 indicates population decline.

So If you haven't noticed the current USA
The U.S. population’s total fertility rate is now approximately 1.7 births per female, which is below the replacement rate of 2.1 that is required for the U.S. population not to shrink without increases in immigration.
This also means there will be fewer workers to care for the INCREASING senior citizens!
In terms some ignorant people would understand... as the average age of Americans grows OLDER..

In 2021, the median age of the population of the United States was 38.8 years.
While this may seem quite young, the median age in 1960 was even younger, at 29.5 years.

AGAIN what the above FACTS show is the USA is NOT replacing the USA population but the population is growing OLDER with fewer younger people to support!
For someone like you it is even less complicated: SS/Medicare incoming revenue based on workers and employers taxes of 12.4% total is DECREASING while
the Payments going to a growing over 65 population is increasing!
So not are more people becoming over 65, but their payments are increasing AS WELL as their health care expenses!
ANYONE with a little common sense will agree!

AGAIN the population is growing older while the birth rate per women is smaller... i.e. today 1.7 births/female vs the required rate of 2.1 so the population
doesn't shrink (as it doing now contrary to your uninformed opinion)!
You may not have noticed but population is growing....that means that we are consuming more plants and animals.

You got an F.
LMAO the population is growing I see. You know the difference between the number of humans and the 3 trillion trees on the planet? Yeah pretty much 3 trillion. Your lack of schooling and science knowledge is so embarrassing for you.
Biden's trip to Ireland accomplished nothing and probably used more fossil fuel than every vehicle in the U.S. combined. The message is that the political elite do not have to comply with their own mandates. Shades of Marie Antonette.

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