So we're back to the "root causes of illegal immigration" malarkey

Thanks to Dementia. Under Trump, those asylum seekers had to wait in Mexico for their court date. Under Dementia, they are handed a smart phone and flown or bused to any part of the country they wish to live in and won't return for their final hearing on their asylum claim since most are fake claims anyway.

We are discussing illegals. They could still come here and seek asylum under Trump though.
There are other reasons but the root cause is jobs.
Yep. That's what this is about.

And here's how we can address that, turn Central and South America into great trading partners, and tell China to go fuck itself on trade all at the same time:
Yep. That's what this is about.

And here's how we can address that, turn Central and South America into great trading partners, and tell China to go fuck itself on trade all at the same time:

I'm all for us no longer undermining the economies of Central America countries.
Kids do NOT qualify for housing. But again, as I said before......

Illegals do not get benefits. The children born here, who are citizens get benefits that apply to minors.

That‘s right - the kids born to the illegal get benefits, including subsidized housing, and since you can’t have a 1 year old move into an apartment himself, the illegal parent gets the benefit as well. If married parents come in, and then have 2 babies in the next two years, they will get a 50% subsidy. The next year they have another? The subsidy jumps to 60%.

So the illegal DOES get taxpayer-benefits, through her anchors. You can argue that the baby is now a citizen, and is entitled, but both of them would NOT BE HERE if the Dems weren’t encouraging them.

And in the meantime, the FULL American family, with legal parents, are still on the waiting list for housing.

Why you libs would prefer scofflaws to benefit from taxpayer support instread of honest Americans is beyond me. There is no legitimate reason to prioritize undesirable* foreigners who come with bogus claims over Americans.

*They are undesirable under our normal immigration process, and they know it.
Right…..blame America. You haters are destroying this country.

What about the damage they are causing US as they swarm in, and Thr massivr drug problem HERE that results? Americans don’t count?
So I'm wrong? Central and South America are not all but wrecked by the cartels, who get their money and power from us?

Let's see if you can calm down and tackle those questions like an intelligent adult.
It is true....Free school (for what that's worth) free medical, free housing, EBT, WIC, and all the other handouts.

"The major federal public benefits programs have long excluded some non–U.S. citizens from eligibility for assistance. Programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program), nonemergency Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and its precursor, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), were largely unavailable to undocumented immigrants and people in the United States on temporary visas.

However, the 1996 federal welfare and immigration laws introduced an unprecedented era of restrictionism.[1] Prior to the enactment of these laws, lawful permanent residents of the U.S. generally were eligible for assistance in a manner similar to U.S. citizens. Once the laws were implemented, most lawfully residing immigrants were barred from receiving assistance under the major federal benefits programs for five years or longer.

Even where eligibility for immigrants was preserved by the 1996 laws or restored by subsequent legislation, many immigrant families hesitate to enroll in critical health care, job-training, nutrition, and cash assistance programs due to fear and confusion caused by the laws’ complexity and other intimidating factors. As a result, the participation of immigrants in public benefits programs decreased sharply after passage of the 1996 laws, causing severe hardship for many low-income immigrant families who lacked the support available to other low-income families.[2]"
Couldn’t argue my point I see: illegals get to live in subsidized housing if they’ve had an anchor baby, jumping right before an HONEST American parent.
There is no such thing as an "anchor baby."
Illegals do not qualify for free housing. They don't get medical outside of being able to go to the E.R. like anyone that is here.

Yeah, that’s right. The illegals get free health care at the top-rated nearby hospital ER while HONEST Americans have to drive 10 miles, with a badly bleeding hand to the nearest “in-network” Urgent Care facility because she can’t afford the ER! (I’ll spade you the gory details, but it involved cutting something in the kitchen with a sharp knife.)

If they have kids they can get some food stamps BUT that is nowhere near enough for someone to live on.
So, that’s the latest excuse? It’s not enough to live on? Why should honest Americans have to find illegals’ families at all? We are $30T in debt! Plus, it’s not just the food stamps - it’s the pro-rated portion of subsidized housing and Medicaid as well. If she pushes out three little anchors, the cost to Americans, is more thsn $60,000 a year for the family for next 18 years. (Value of Medicaid, 75% pro-rated housing subsidy, and Medicaid.)

And that doesn’t even include the cost of educating the kids, which we pay for illegals regardless. In my county, where Biden is dumping a lot of the illegals, the cost is $14,000 a year. Add those costs for the family above, and the undesirable illegal who came into this country with a bogus claim is now getting $100,000 PER YEAR of tax-payer benefits.

Biden will have let 2 million of these undesirables into the country. If even HALF of them drop an average of three benefit-soaking anchors, well….you do the math.
So I'm wrong? Central and South America are not all but wrecked by the cartels, who get their money and power from us?

Let's see if you can calm down and tackle those questions like an intelligent adult.
And all these people would have been fine, outstanding, educated citizens without drugs? Who forced them to take them in the first place?

And so the answer is to let these drug cartels come in and cause damage to Americans? Payback?

You people blaming America for the low-class, uneducated, semi-literate Central Americans trying to get freebies from honest Americans taxpayers are the same ones blaming racism for the failure of the subclass of black thugs to make a decent life for themselves. Always someone else’s fault.
No, those seeking asylum are. They will get their day in court and get to stay or not. Asylum seekers are here legally.
The scofflaws aren’t showing up for court. They’re being released all over the country, COVID and all, and told to show up. If they don’t, oh well.
The scofflaws aren’t showing up for court. They’re being released all over the country, COVID and all, and told to show up. If they don’t, oh well.

They have their jobs expecting them there.
Yeah, that’s right. The illegals get free health care at the top-rated nearby hospital ER ....
No one is turned away from an ER if they have a life-threatening medical situation. You don't want them to be.
Did your parents raise you this way or did you come by it on your own?

And out comes the libtard, implying he’s morally superior.

Yes, my parents taught me to have respect not only for the rule of law but its spirit, and I’ve never even gotten a speeding ticket in almost 50 years of driving. My worst law violation was getting back to the car five minutes agter the meter expired.

They also raised me to have pride in supporting myself and any family I might have, and not expect hard-working, taxpaying people of A FOREIGN COUNTRY to pay for my housing, my kids‘ medical needs, their food, and whatever else.

Did your parents teach you to prioritize foreigners who take advantage of a loophole in a law over honest Americans?

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