So we're back to the "root causes of illegal immigration" malarkey

Just because you sit on your ass all day at home doesn’t mean I do.

It was all the news that many Democratic County Executives were hiding illegals when ICE came around for a month or so.

No they weren't. Democrat County Exec's are not even able to determine who was here illegally or not. They hid 10 plus million people? It was all an excuse for doing nothing. Besides, he didn't even have to do raids. Pass mandatory e-verify with strong enforcement and major fines.

The Republicans had all three branches and never attempted it.
No they weren't. Democrat County Exec's are not even able to determine who was here illegally or not. They hid 10 plus million people? It was all an excuse for doing nothing. Besides, he didn't even have to do raids. Pass mandatory e-verify with strong enforcement and major fines.

The Republicans had all three branches and never attempted it.
Wrong moron, the only option Trump had was to withhold Federal funding from Laura Curran to make her comply.

Please don’t embarrass yourself and pretend you’re an expert at the USC.
According to the White House, here is what VP Harris plans to do to stop illegal immigration by addressing the root causes of it:

Desired End State

A democratic, prosperous, and safe Central America, where people advance economically, live, work, and learn in safety and dignity, contribute to and benefit from the democratic process, have confidence in public institutions, and enjoy opportunities to create futures for themselves and their families at home.

First of all, why Central America, when so many of the illegal immigrants are from Mexico, which is North America, not to mention illegal immigrants from all over the world, who are flocking to Mexico to take advantage of Biden's open border?

But, how in the world is Kamala Harris going to bring prosperity and safety to Central America? If she had the ability to do that, shouldn't her efforts be spent on Democratic Party-controlled cities in the United States first?
She is saying that are going to steal more money----that can funnelled into their bank accounts in kickback form.

The illlegals are here for the welfare and the tax rebate bullshit---end the anchor nonsense and welfare/tax rebate for having extra kids for illegals altogether and bye bye illegals.
No they weren't. Democrat County Exec's are not even able to determine who was here illegally or not. They hid 10 plus million people? It was all an excuse for doing nothing. Besides, he didn't even have to do raids. Pass mandatory e-verify with strong enforcement and major fines.

The Republicans had all three branches and never attempted it.

The same way you trust those who pretend to want to address the issue but never does a thing about those employing illegals.

There is little that can be done. In our society of innocent until proven guilty, the federal government must prove that the employer knew they were hiring illegals. If they can't come up with empirical that's what they were doing, the federal government can't even bring a case to court.
States can not address immigration per the U.S. Constitution.

No, but what they can do is notify ICE when an illegal is in custody which some commie cities refuse to do. In fact at least one of those cities (I believe in California, where else) will hold anybody in the police department responsible for contacting ICE which they created a law against.
The vast majority of illegals work or have a partner that works. It's the only way one can survive here.

They come here for a variety of reasons. Birther tourism, anchor babies, taking care of family while legal immigrants go to work, drug sales.

It's estimated that we have over 20 million illegals in this country, an estimate that has held for at least the last 20 years. I seriously doubt most of them are illegally working jobs in the US.
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Ignoring those who refuse to address the issue. Jobs.

Nobody can hire illegals that aren't here in the first place. The problem is not jobs, the problem is we are not doing everything possible to stop them from coming in the first place. Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful border policies. The first thing he did after invading the White House is stop the wall construction. Now that he ended Title 42 on May 23rd, the BP is predicting a three fold problem than we have today.
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Done, you are simply incapable of admitting that lowlife foreigners who snuck into our country with bogus asylum claim are usurping Americans who are waiting for a subsidized apartment (once they drop their taxpayer-supported little anchor).

We could go a long way to discouraging the swarm if we got rid of the birthright amendment. It was never intended for foreigners to swarm in in order to get taxpayer money for giving birth within months, and then suck a lifetime of benefits from American taxpayers.

There is always a solution to every problem. It's just having the representation to do it.

Make being here illegally a felony. The minimum sentence 5 years in federal prison. We will still have a border problem but a good one; people trying to get the hell out of this country before being caught.
Illegals do not qualify for free housing. They don't get medical outside of being able to go to the E.R. like anyone that is here. If they have kids they can get some food stamps BUT that is nowhere near enough for someone to live on.

e. The law makes eligible for assistance certain categories of noncitizens, including most categories of immigrants, while excluding unauthorized immigrants and those in temporary status (e.g., tourists and students).

No, but their American born kids do. The benefits are in the kids names, not the parents. But the parents are the ones who get to spend the money, get the subsidized section eight housing, and so on. Plus at least one parent works under the table or uses a stolen SSAN to work illegally.
No, those seeking asylum are. They will get their day in court and get to stay or not. Asylum seekers are here legally.

Thanks to Dementia. Under Trump, those asylum seekers had to wait in Mexico for their court date. Under Dementia, they are handed a smart phone and flown or bused to any part of the country they wish to live in and won't return for their final hearing on their asylum claim since most are fake claims anyway.
Illegals do not qualify for free housing. They don't get medical outside of being able to go to the E.R. like anyone that is here. If they have kids they can get some food stamps BUT that is nowhere near enough for someone to live on.

e. The law makes eligible for assistance certain categories of noncitizens, including most categories of immigrants, while excluding unauthorized immigrants and those in temporary status (e.g., tourists and students).

American-born children of immigrants — including those born to illegal immigrants — are automatically awarded U.S. citizenship and are therefore eligible for all welfare programs at birth. These programs include Medicaid, cash assistance, subsidized housing, disability benefits, WIC, free or reduced-cost school lunches, and food stamps.

Wrong moron, the only option Trump had was to withhold Federal funding from Laura Curran to make her comply.

Please don’t embarrass yourself and pretend you’re an expert at the USC.

Trump had the entire Justice Dept.
There is little that can be done. In our society of innocent until proven guilty, the federal government must prove that the employer knew they were hiring illegals. If they can't come up with empirical that's what they were doing, the federal government can't even bring a case to court.

This has been covered many times. It's an excuse the government uses. Even raids where a large number of an employers employee's are removed will hurt as the employer has to shut down and no business has no idea when hiring so many illegals.

Still as I noted, mandatory e-verify takes care of all of that which is why no one even really tries to pass it.
No, but what they can do is notify ICE when an illegal is in custody which some commie cities refuse to do. In fact at least one of those cities (I believe in California, where else) will hold anybody in the police department responsible for contacting ICE which they created a law against.

This was done for years. ICE would tell them to hold them but when a city (that can't operate on fake money like the Federal government can) would want reimbursed there would be no reimbursement.

The courts also ruled that a person can only be held for a short time on a misdemeanor charge so they would get sued and lose.

Judge approves $14-million settlement over Sheriff's Department's illegal immigration holds

The Supreme Court is supposed to rule on this but even if they rule they can be held, no state is under any obligation to do so without being reimbursed.

But as I said earlier this has been covered over and over and it just rolls off your back to be repeated over and over.
They come here for a variety of reasons. Birther tourism, anchor babies, taking care of family while legal immigrants go to work, drug sales.

It's estimated that we have over 20 million illegals in this country, an estimate that has held for at least the last 20 years. I seriously doubt most of them are illegally working jobs in the US.

They are living off your good wishes I suppose. I see ads in the seedier papers............

4 bedroom apt. Needs work but rent is Ray's good wishes a month.

The vast majority are here for work. Some survive on doing things illegally but they are far easier to deal with if those working are removed. But you aren't interested in that.
No, but their American born kids do. The benefits are in the kids names, not the parents. But the parents are the ones who get to spend the money, get the subsidized section eight housing, and so on. Plus at least one parent works under the table or uses a stolen SSAN to work illegally.

I've covered this and covered this and covered this. No one can survive on the benefits a minor gets and you note that they are working to survive. OK, that's what I said so where is your disagreement? Remove the ability to get a job and they have to leave.

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