So What Do You Think Is A Fair And Decent Wage?...

I'm not a Communist.

Correction, you're not educated.

But you DO spew Communist propaganda.

But i do believe American Workers should get organized and fight back.

Against whom?

Quick, raise your hand if you're working at a job where you did not agree to accept the wage offered?


What 40 hour work week? And according to you Union types, wages are below slavery.

Overtime laws were legislative, won through the political process. Putting fast food workers out of jobs in an attempt to feed union greed had nothing to do with it.

And now, here we are again. The Nation has gone backwards. The American Worker has been backed into a corner.

You mean, you're union is not solvent, the parasites have killed the host and you need to loot a new host to feed your greed. You see Walmart and fast food as juicy targets and are drooling over the prospect of looting them.

They've been abused for so many years. So now it's time to stand up and fight again. Until that happens, the abuse will continue. It's just not enough to complain. You have to actually do something. American Workers can achieve significant gains. But they'll have to organize. That's what American Workers did in the past. It can be done. But it's gonna take a whole lot of sacrifice. I guess we'll see if today's American Workers can muster the strength to fight. Time will tell.

Da Comrade!


Caring about the American Worker doesn't make you a 'Communist.' Today's American Workers owe everything to those in the past who risked their lives so that they wouldn't be treated like cowering beaten Slaves. However, we've gone backwards as a Nation. Very few are standing up for the American Worker these days. Slave Labor has returned. So the time to fight has once again come. Americans have grown fat, callous and greedy. They've become everything Jesus taught them not to be. So yes, American Workers will have to fight to get their's in this debauched Nation. And good for them. They have every right to do so. That's what America is all about.
Caring about the American Worker doesn't make you a 'Communist.'

You don't give a shit about the "American worker," you want to shore up your union.

Today's American Workers owe everything to those in the past who risked their lives so that they wouldn't be treated like cowering beaten Slaves.


However, we've gone backwards as a Nation. Very few are standing up for the American Worker these days. Slave Labor has returned. So the time to fight has once again come. Americans have grown fat, callous and greedy. They've become everything Jesus taught them not to be. So yes, American Workers will have to fight to get their's in this debauched Nation. And good for them. They have every right to do so. That's what America is all about.

You keep reciting your SEIU script - which has been refuted dozens of times.

What government agency do you work for? The DMV? A school custodian?

I'm just curious.
Caring about the American Worker doesn't make you a 'Communist.'

You don't give a shit about the "American worker," you want to shore up your union.

Today's American Workers owe everything to those in the past who risked their lives so that they wouldn't be treated like cowering beaten Slaves.


However, we've gone backwards as a Nation. Very few are standing up for the American Worker these days. Slave Labor has returned. So the time to fight has once again come. Americans have grown fat, callous and greedy. They've become everything Jesus taught them not to be. So yes, American Workers will have to fight to get their's in this debauched Nation. And good for them. They have every right to do so. That's what America is all about.

You keep reciting your SEIU script - which has been refuted dozens of times.

What government agency do you work for? The DMV? A school custodian?

I'm just curious.

I'm neither a Communist or a Union Member. You really do need to let go of all that anger and greed. It's what Jesus wants. I will never begrudge anyone trying to get more for themselves and their families. And you shouldn't either. It's what America is all about.
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I'm just dealing in reality. Entitlements aren't going away. More Unemployed Citizens will only increase dependence on them. We want our Citizens working and making a survivable living. Happy & prosperous Workers will benefit us all in the long run.

Then why do you insist on forcing millions out of work by forcing owners to pay exorbitant sums for what used to be a first part time job of a high school kid?

"used to be" is the key phrase in your statement. I'm dealing with the here & now. And i'm just curious, what would you consider an 'exorbitant sum?' I think we can have a better discussion if we start from there.

That would be one penny more than that negotiated between the high school kid and the owner. Forcing the price up prices the kid out of the equation.. forcing the price even higher eventually prices the job out of the equation for any worker no matter how good they are at asking if you want fries.
I'm neither a Communist or a Union Member. You really do need to let go of all that anger and greed. It's what Jesus wants. I will never begrudge anyone trying to get more for themselves and their families. And you shouldn't either. It's what America is all about.

You know, even if Jesus had ever existed, you'd have know way of knowing what he wanted.

I fully support every person negotiating the very best deal they can.

Where you and I differ is that you want the government to step in and force one side to lose.

When leftists like you demand that government set wages, it is no different than if government dictated where you could shop, and the "minimum price" you could pay. Sorry, no sale on that iPhone - the federal government set a minimum price. After all, it's no fair if Verizon charges less than AT&T - so government needs to determine the price we pay for goods - as well as the wages paid, as you have advocated.

Oh, and take the fucking Paul avi down - you have ZERO in common with Ron Paul. Put up Pol Pot instead.
You all had a lot different experience with unions growing up than I did. In Dayton Oh back in the 60ties and 70ties, everybody knew lots people that worked for a union. Entire families had union jobs. And the standard of living was high.

And Dayton Oh was one prosperous city with all the job opportunities you could ask for. Apprenticeships in tool and die, union line worker jobs building car, car parts, tires, printing, cash registers, etc etc. with ot and good hourly wages.

Even if you were not in a union, the companies paid close to union scale so good employees didn't leave.

I am blue collar, middle class, hard working, high school educated, red blooded, All American from the Appalachian Mountains.

And I am telling you that when we Americans gave up our manufacturing jobs (with out hardly a fight) we gave up the middle classes future prosperity.

We are developing ourselves a permanent underclass of citizens. Service sector workers. Where very few of these Americans will get an education level that will allow them to find better jobs with better pay.

But when you build and make lots of things, consumer goods that people want and need, you are building prosperity for lots and lots of people. All the unions did was make sure that if those items were made in America that the man making it got paid well.

I won't damn them for that. I benefited from that. Everybody I knew benefited from them (unions). We were a union town. That's why all the briar's came up from Va, and Ky and Tn. Union jobs that were not under ground in a coal mine.

Did the unions get greedy. Absolutely. Right along with management and bankers and everybody else.
But at one time, when the UAW was trying to save the car and truck plant in Dayton, the union accepted a two tier wage. New hires started just above minimum wage. They topped at 14 bucks. Try selling that idea to membership. But they did because they told them the jobs would be gone if they didn't take the deal. The union took it and the jobs ended up leaving anyway.

Any way, the idea the unions didn't try and save the manufacturing jobs in the USA is wrong. Government allowed the companies to move those jobs as the company saw fit. No other country that I know of would allow their manufacturing base to move offshore.

You can't be a just be a country that makes guns, bullets and bombs, hamburgers, movies and sports/movie starts. You have to make things that are disposable and keep giving people a job everyday.

But dem days are gone and they ain't coming back. Welcome to the new, sorry about your declining standard of living, grab your boots straps if you got 'em and I wish you'd quit bumming off me, America.

Where the union man who works with his hands used to be a well thought of American, (I mean at one time the nations factories were FULL of WWII combat vets and Korean War and even the Vietnam Vet got in on the back end of union jobs when they got back) now too many of you act like a working man ain't worth shit.

You are making a mistake. Cause one extreme to another (wealth to poverty) with not much in the middle is a recipe for bad things to happen. We need the middle class bad.

But them days are gone. And way to many of you have bought in to the idea that, somehow some way, that this is/was a good thing for America.

I just don't see it.
You all had a lot different experience with unions growing up than I did. In Dayton Oh back in the 60ties and 70ties, everybody knew lots people that worked for a union. Entire families had union jobs. And the standard of living was high.

And Dayton Oh was one prosperous city with all the job opportunities you could ask for. Apprenticeships in tool and die, union line worker jobs building car, car parts, tires, printing, cash registers, etc etc. with ot and good hourly wages.

Even if you were not in a union, the companies paid close to union scale so good employees didn't leave.

I am blue collar, middle class, hard working, high school educated, red blooded, All American from the Appalachian Mountains.

And I am telling you that when we Americans gave up our manufacturing jobs (with out hardly a fight) we gave up the middle classes future prosperity.

We are developing ourselves a permanent underclass of citizens. Service sector workers. Where very few of these Americans will get an education level that will allow them to find better jobs with better pay.

But when you build and make lots of things, consumer goods that people want and need, you are building prosperity for lots and lots of people. All the unions did was make sure that if those items were made in America that the man making it got paid well.

I won't damn them for that. I benefited from that. Everybody I knew benefited from them (unions). We were a union town. That's why all the briar's came up from Va, and Ky and Tn. Union jobs that were not under ground in a coal mine.

Did the unions get greedy. Absolutely. Right along with management and bankers and everybody else.
But at one time, when the UAW was trying to save the car and truck plant in Dayton, the union accepted a two tier wage. New hires started just above minimum wage. They topped at 14 bucks. Try selling that idea to membership. But they did because they told them the jobs would be gone if they didn't take the deal. The union took it and the jobs ended up leaving anyway.

Any way, the idea the unions didn't try and save the manufacturing jobs in the USA is wrong. Government allowed the companies to move those jobs as the company saw fit. No other country that I know of would allow their manufacturing base to move offshore.

You can't be a just be a country that makes guns, bullets and bombs, hamburgers, movies and sports/movie starts. You have to make things that are disposable and keep giving people a job everyday.

But dem days are gone and they ain't coming back. Welcome to the new, sorry about your declining standard of living, grab your boots straps if you got 'em and I wish you'd quit bumming off me, America.

Where the union man who works with his hands used to be a well thought of American, (I mean at one time the nations factories were FULL of WWII combat vets and Korean War and even the Vietnam Vet got in on the back end of union jobs when they got back) now too many of you act like a working man ain't worth shit.

You are making a mistake. Cause one extreme to another (wealth to poverty) with not much in the middle is a recipe for bad things to happen. We need the middle class bad.

But them days are gone. And way to many of you have bought in to the idea that, somehow some way, that this is/was a good thing for America.

I just don't see it.

Man, so well said. Spot-On. Possibly USMB Post of the Year. Thanks.
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