So what does Biden offer us if he is elected? dumb ass.....the democrat party wants power.....they will do anything to get that power...they will not wait anymore for elections....this is why they turned loose joe biden burn, loot, and murder people
They aren't building up a "scary threat," you dumb ass....they are actually burning down entire sections of democrat party run cities, they are looting entire areas of democrat party cities....they are burning police buildings and court houses....they are murdering actual peaceful protestors....
You are the dumb ass who is supporting the political party that is creating the bloodshed and death on our streets.....

The BLM nutballs aren't laughing any more for some reason.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

No....democrats and their never ending hunger for absolute power divides us...since it is joe biden voters, not Trump voters who have been burning, looting, and killing for the last 5 months in democrat party controlled cities.....

And yet there’s Trump fanning the flames. Provoking the nation. Dividing the nation. Doing nothing to calm the country. Doing what he can to make it worse.

Imaging criticizing the Democrats for wanting absolute power but then Trump rallying on the side of an unaccountable police force. Hypocrite.

Not fanning the is joe biden voters doing all of the burning, looting, beating and murder.....not Trump voters......

He hasn't done anything to make it worse...but the democrat party mayors and governors attacked the police, supported the rioters and allowed them all the freedom to burn, loot and kill......

Nothing you are saying is based in facts, truth or can keep repeating it over and over, but this is joe biden, the democrat and their terrorists, antifa and black lives matter who simply want power and are willing to burn, loot and kill to get it.

What unaccountable police force? Do you just parrot the last thing you heard a democrat party member of the press say on the boob tube?

Hell yes he’s made it worse. He’s creating enemies out of citizens. He’s building up a big scary threat without caring who gets hurt. He’s ignoring and belittling those with justified concerns.

And yeah, some of y’all want an unaccountable police force. Because accountability is what people are protesting for and apparently you can’t stand that. Neither can the police. dumb ass.....the democrat party wants power.....they will do anything to get that power...they will not wait anymore for elections....this is why they turned loose joe biden burn, loot, and murder people

They aren't building up a "scary threat," you dumb ass....they are actually burning down entire sections of democrat party run cities, they are looting entire areas of democrat party cities....they are burning police buildings and court houses....they are murdering actual peaceful protestors....

You are the dumb ass who is supporting the political party that is creating the bloodshed and death on our streets.....
No, they’re not burning down entire sections of cities.

Who the hell told you that and what happened that you are so easily manipulated?
CNN stated it? Pretty sure Trump’s entire campaign strategy was act like an asshole. CNN didn’t make him do that.

And it worked like a fuckin' charm...
Right. So why shouldn't he get the blame for the blowback of that strategy?

The "blowback" will be in the form of a second term.

Enjoy that...

If he wins a second term, I’d expect a lot more of the chaos we are seeing.

What was that about doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

No....democrats and their never ending hunger for absolute power divides us...since it is joe biden voters, not Trump voters who have been burning, looting, and killing for the last 5 months in democrat party controlled cities.....

And yet there’s Trump fanning the flames. Provoking the nation. Dividing the nation. Doing nothing to calm the country. Doing what he can to make it worse.

Imaging criticizing the Democrats for wanting absolute power but then Trump rallying on the side of an unaccountable police force. Hypocrite.
How is Trump "fanning the flames?" "provoking the nation?" "Dividing the nation?" What police force is "unaccountable?"
CNN stated it? Pretty sure Trump’s entire campaign strategy was act like an asshole. CNN didn’t make him do that.

And it worked like a fuckin' charm...
Right. So why shouldn't he get the blame for the blowback of that strategy?

The "blowback" will be in the form of a second term.

Enjoy that...

If he wins a second term, I’d expect a lot more of the chaos we are seeing.

What was that about doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?
You behave as if you don't know who's responsibe for the chaos. That's a sure indication that you're a douchebag.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Where did he come out in favor of police brutality?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

You have that chance for the last four years. You just chose not to take it.

That's your fault, and no one else's...
Wish I could be Trump keeps saying and doing things to make sure he’s the center of attention.

Bullshit. You're just weak willed.

You're, apparently, one of those libs who believe that your self-worth comes from criticizing Trump, which is why you pay attention to what he says every day.

No one is forcing you to turn on a television or a radio. No one is forcing you to jump online and cruise the web. Those are things which you choose to do. Try binge-watching some show on Netflix. Go camping. Go to the beach. Go shopping. Go for a drive to nowhere.

Those are all things you can choose to do which would expose you to what Trump does and says not even a little bit. But you can't do any of those things, because you choose to focus on Trump...
Yeah. Fuck me for caring how my country is being run. What you’re saying is either I have to put up with Trump being an asshole or disengage from being a proper engaged citizen of the country. What a bunch of bullshit. This is how fucked up our country has become.
This is how stupid you are. You can't differentiate how the country "is being run" versus how the man who runs it talks on camera.

You probably LOVED the POS Obama, because after all, he behaved just so smoothly professional.

Too bad he was an incompetent car salesman commie that screwed this country up SO MUCH that it takes a camera fail Republican like Trump to get elected in and clean the mess up.

Oh but the appearances matter so much amirite?
I should have to differentiate between how the country is run and how the man running the country is talking. That’s part of what is so exhausting.

Good lord, if we could go back to 2016, that’d be great. 2020 has been an absolute dumpster fire of a year and it’s Trump that’s been in charge. Not Obama.
Thank god for that.
How is Trump "fanning the flames?" "provoking the nation?" "Dividing the nation?" What police force is "unaccountable?"

Don't play dumb. Trump is a troll. Most Trumpsters brag about his trolling. They think it's great.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

You have that chance for the last four years. You just chose not to take it.

That's your fault, and no one else's...
Wish I could be Trump keeps saying and doing things to make sure he’s the center of attention.

Bullshit. You're just weak willed.

You're, apparently, one of those libs who believe that your self-worth comes from criticizing Trump, which is why you pay attention to what he says every day.

No one is forcing you to turn on a television or a radio. No one is forcing you to jump online and cruise the web. Those are things which you choose to do. Try binge-watching some show on Netflix. Go camping. Go to the beach. Go shopping. Go for a drive to nowhere.

Those are all things you can choose to do which would expose you to what Trump does and says not even a little bit. But you can't do any of those things, because you choose to focus on Trump...
Yeah. Fuck me for caring how my country is being run. What you’re saying is either I have to put up with Trump being an asshole or disengage from being a proper engaged citizen of the country. What a bunch of bullshit. This is how fucked up our country has become.
The fact that you exist shows how fucked up this country has become.
How is Trump "fanning the flames?" "provoking the nation?" "Dividing the nation?" What police force is "unaccountable?"

Don't play dumb. Trump is a troll. Most Trumpsters brag about his trolling. They think it's great.
Please spare me your Trump hating bullshit.
Are you denying it? I can quote post after post of Trump supporters yucking it up because Trump has provoked a "snowflake", or fanned the flames in some other way. He loves stirring up shit. That his primary mode of politicking.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

No....democrats and their never ending hunger for absolute power divides us...since it is joe biden voters, not Trump voters who have been burning, looting, and killing for the last 5 months in democrat party controlled cities.....

And yet there’s Trump fanning the flames. Provoking the nation. Dividing the nation. Doing nothing to calm the country. Doing what he can to make it worse.

Imaging criticizing the Democrats for wanting absolute power but then Trump rallying on the side of an unaccountable police force. Hypocrite.

Not fanning the is joe biden voters doing all of the burning, looting, beating and murder.....not Trump voters......

He hasn't done anything to make it worse...but the democrat party mayors and governors attacked the police, supported the rioters and allowed them all the freedom to burn, loot and kill......

Nothing you are saying is based in facts, truth or can keep repeating it over and over, but this is joe biden, the democrat and their terrorists, antifa and black lives matter who simply want power and are willing to burn, loot and kill to get it.

What unaccountable police force? Do you just parrot the last thing you heard a democrat party member of the press say on the boob tube?

Hell yes he’s made it worse. He’s creating enemies out of citizens. He’s building up a big scary threat without caring who gets hurt. He’s ignoring and belittling those with justified concerns.

And yeah, some of y’all want an unaccountable police force. Because accountability is what people are protesting for and apparently you can’t stand that. Neither can the police.
What a giant load or horseshit.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

You have that chance for the last four years. You just chose not to take it.

That's your fault, and no one else's...
Wish I could be Trump keeps saying and doing things to make sure he’s the center of attention.

Bullshit. You're just weak willed.

You're, apparently, one of those libs who believe that your self-worth comes from criticizing Trump, which is why you pay attention to what he says every day.

No one is forcing you to turn on a television or a radio. No one is forcing you to jump online and cruise the web. Those are things which you choose to do. Try binge-watching some show on Netflix. Go camping. Go to the beach. Go shopping. Go for a drive to nowhere.

Those are all things you can choose to do which would expose you to what Trump does and says not even a little bit. But you can't do any of those things, because you choose to focus on Trump...
Yeah. Fuck me for caring how my country is being run. What you’re saying is either I have to put up with Trump being an asshole or disengage from being a proper engaged citizen of the country. What a bunch of bullshit. This is how fucked up our country has become.
This is how stupid you are. You can't differentiate how the country "is being run" versus how the man who runs it talks on camera.

You probably LOVED the POS Obama, because after all, he behaved just so smoothly professional.

Too bad he was an incompetent car salesman commie that screwed this country up SO MUCH that it takes a camera fail Republican like Trump to get elected in and clean the mess up.

Oh but the appearances matter so much amirite?
I should have to differentiate between how the country is run and how the man running the country is talking. That’s part of what is so exhausting.

Good lord, if we could go back to 2016, that’d be great. 2020 has been an absolute dumpster fire of a year and it’s Trump that’s been in charge. Not Obama.
Thank god for that.
You really think everything is going hunky dory right now?

A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

You have that chance for the last four years. You just chose not to take it.

That's your fault, and no one else's...
Wish I could be Trump keeps saying and doing things to make sure he’s the center of attention.

Bullshit. You're just weak willed.

You're, apparently, one of those libs who believe that your self-worth comes from criticizing Trump, which is why you pay attention to what he says every day.

No one is forcing you to turn on a television or a radio. No one is forcing you to jump online and cruise the web. Those are things which you choose to do. Try binge-watching some show on Netflix. Go camping. Go to the beach. Go shopping. Go for a drive to nowhere.

Those are all things you can choose to do which would expose you to what Trump does and says not even a little bit. But you can't do any of those things, because you choose to focus on Trump...
Yeah. Fuck me for caring how my country is being run. What you’re saying is either I have to put up with Trump being an asshole or disengage from being a proper engaged citizen of the country. What a bunch of bullshit. This is how fucked up our country has become.
The fact that you exist shows how fucked up this country has become.
Is that some sort of death threat?

See what I mean? This country has some serious healing to do.
How is Trump "fanning the flames?" "provoking the nation?" "Dividing the nation?" What police force is "unaccountable?"

Don't play dumb. Trump is a troll. Most Trumpsters brag about his trolling. They think it's great.
Please spare me your Trump hating bullshit.
Are you denying it? I can quote post after post of Trump supporters yucking it up because Trump has provoked a "snowflake", or fanned the flames in some other way. He loves stirring up shit. That his primary mode of politicking.
It isn't hard to trigger the snowflakes. All you have to do is tell the truth.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

You have that chance for the last four years. You just chose not to take it.

That's your fault, and no one else's...
Wish I could be Trump keeps saying and doing things to make sure he’s the center of attention.

Bullshit. You're just weak willed.

You're, apparently, one of those libs who believe that your self-worth comes from criticizing Trump, which is why you pay attention to what he says every day.

No one is forcing you to turn on a television or a radio. No one is forcing you to jump online and cruise the web. Those are things which you choose to do. Try binge-watching some show on Netflix. Go camping. Go to the beach. Go shopping. Go for a drive to nowhere.

Those are all things you can choose to do which would expose you to what Trump does and says not even a little bit. But you can't do any of those things, because you choose to focus on Trump...
Yeah. Fuck me for caring how my country is being run. What you’re saying is either I have to put up with Trump being an asshole or disengage from being a proper engaged citizen of the country. What a bunch of bullshit. This is how fucked up our country has become.
This is how stupid you are. You can't differentiate how the country "is being run" versus how the man who runs it talks on camera.

You probably LOVED the POS Obama, because after all, he behaved just so smoothly professional.

Too bad he was an incompetent car salesman commie that screwed this country up SO MUCH that it takes a camera fail Republican like Trump to get elected in and clean the mess up.

Oh but the appearances matter so much amirite?
I should have to differentiate between how the country is run and how the man running the country is talking. That’s part of what is so exhausting.

Good lord, if we could go back to 2016, that’d be great. 2020 has been an absolute dumpster fire of a year and it’s Trump that’s been in charge. Not Obama.
Thank god for that.
You really think everything is going hunky dory right now?

There are no problems that Trump is responsible for. You Dim komrades are responsible for it all.
CNN stated it? Pretty sure Trump’s entire campaign strategy was act like an asshole. CNN didn’t make him do that.

And it worked like a fuckin' charm...
Right. So why shouldn't he get the blame for the blowback of that strategy?

The "blowback" will be in the form of a second term.

Enjoy that...

If he wins a second term, I’d expect a lot more of the chaos we are seeing.

What was that about doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?

Oh, there's going to be an increase in the chaos regardless of who wins.

If Trump wins, the negro community is going to lose their minds and will ramp up the level of their criminal antics, and they will continue to destroy our cities until either the Feds or good Americans decide they've had enough of their shit and start to reign terror down upon the negro community.

If Biden wins, the negro community will feel emboldened by their belief that they played a pivotal role in Biden's win, and they would see that win as meaning their conduct was perfectly acceptable (since Biden hasn't come close to condemning it), and they'll ramp up the level of their criminal antics, and they will continue to destroy our cities until either the Feds or good Americans decide they've had enough of their shit and start to reign terror down upon the negro community.

Make no mistake, good Americans will be ready, willing and able to cut them down in the streets like the animals they are, and protect our country, because God knows Biden won't protect us...

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