So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?

So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?
1. He will raise our taxes to cover for doubling the Federal spending each year (adding $4 TRILLION)
2. He will 'redirect' funding from Police across the country.
3. He will continue to let rioters get bailed out of jail, and implement a no cash bail policy like New York has.
4. He will slash the Defense budget.
5. He will make Critical Race Theory standard in the Federal government.
6. He will gut our nations energy industries and rely on windmills and solar alone.
7. He will confiscate all guns with Beto ORourke in charge.
8. His VP is a fascist who threw 1600 people in jail for pot while she was smoking it nearly every day.
9. Biden will bind up our economy with Paris Climate Accords and other frivolous stuff not owned by Democrats.
10. His life is hanging by a thread with the Pot Nazi Harris waiting to take his place in the WH.
What utter morons are happy with this?

What fascist fringe group did you rip that off from?
Squawk! Trumpie wants a cracker! Squawk!
CNN stated it? Pretty sure Trump’s entire campaign strategy was act like an asshole. CNN didn’t make him do that.

And it worked like a fuckin' charm...
Right. So why shouldn't he get the blame for the blowback of that strategy?

The "blowback" will be in the form of a second term.

Enjoy that...

If he wins a second term, I’d expect a lot more of the chaos we are seeing.

What was that about doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?
That sounds like extortion.

Vote for the manchurian candidate or else you will continue to burn down the businesses of innocent people.
More like recognizing reality. The protests are over police violence, not Trump. They’re out in the street demanding accountability for police, not proclaiming that Trump needs to be out of office.

The dose of reality is that Trump is failing to protect us. If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence.

He hasn’t done that. He can’t do that. He’s not a leader.
You are simply too stupid to understand that burning down the businesses of innocent people is wrong.

Talk about The REAL problem in out country right now.
Of course it’s wrong. Who said otherwise?

This is happening in Trump’s America. Not Biden’s.
Plenty of Dims have said it's not wrong.

Some people say....."

Colfax: "If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence."""

He's not a leader. He's a mob boss.
When Donald and Ivana divorced back in the early 1990s she described the culture of the Trump (Dis)Organization as toxic, with Trump pitting his employees against each other, even his own children. Creating chaos was his favorite thing.

She said everyone was afraid of him but were scared to quit their job because of Trump's vindictiveness and how he would ruin them after they left, claim they breached their NDAs, etc. And that he was also very racist and bigoted. Well, that's a matter of record.

Colfax: "If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence."""

He's not a leader. He's a mob boss.


I'm still waiting for that coward Colfax to explain exactly how Trump should've dealt with the unrest. I'd like to know how that coward Colfax thinks Trump should've gone about keeping those rabid moneys from burning down cities.

But Colfax is a coward, so I doubt he'll do that...
What's not normal is behavior like yours, where you spend, evidently, every waking moment focused on what Trump says and does, as if your opinion on anything regarding the man might have some meaning. Well, it doesn't, because you're meaningless.

Your attitude is exactly what is so fucked up about this country. I’m being attacked for caring about the governance of my country. And no, it’s not that your suggest to stop caring is what’s the attack, it’s your profanity laced tirade that I’m somehow inferior for actually caring.

This shit needs to end.
You tell 'em!

what's wrong with this country when a fella can't indulge in some ridiculously stupid hyper partisan crap without anybody opposing it,

How DARE anybody oppose your gospel!
What’s ridiculously stupid about not wanting the president to act like an asshole?
At least Trump acts like what he is unlike the rest of the politicians who are just as much assholes, but try to hide it under sanctimonious statements and facades.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Actually if you look at the sixties, it does. As long as the "protestors" and rioters were handled with kid gloves the problems went on, when the various levels of government got hardnosed and started prosecuting them it stopped.
He is not an ignorant, racist, paranoid sociopath like the current President.

Vote Biden 2020!
If you don't already, then go live in the worst ghettos that seem to still be around after 55 years of war on poverty. They will love you by your words of Prog benevolence.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
There is nothing wrong with PEACEFULLY PROTESTING, there is plenty wrong with rioting and assaulting police officers trying to keep the "protests" within legal limits. The minute a "protestor" stops talking and marching and picks up a rock, bag of feces or other weapon he becomes a criminal and a rioter.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Actually if you look at the sixties, it does. As long as the "protestors" and rioters were handled with kid gloves the problems went on, when the various levels of government got hardnosed and started prosecuting them it stopped.
Nope. Brutality can only suppress it for a little while. It does not address the root of the problem.
It isn't hard to trigger the snowflakes.
Yep. Being a jackass is easy.

So, you're no longer denying he's a divisive troll. We're making progress.
Yes, snowflakes are infantile jackasses. They throw tantrums whenever anyone criticizes them.
And their democrat party is just like the mother that buys the candy bar for their unruly screaming toddler at the check out counter just to shut them up.
So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?
The Indian Kamela Harris America Hater to step in to replace him as POTUS next year after Joe starts crapping in his diaper.

Not just the toilet. Biden will cut water pressure by half in every shower, dishwasher and sink! :omg:
i wouldn't put it past him
It isn't hard to trigger the snowflakes.
Yep. Being a jackass is easy.

So, you're no longer denying he's a divisive troll. We're making progress.
Yes, snowflakes are infantile jackasses. They throw tantrums whenever anyone criticizes them.
And their democrat party is just like the mother that buys the candy bar for their unruly screaming toddler at the check out counter just to shut them up.
I never let my stepson do that. After a while he got tired of crying.

Whenever he had a temper trantrum at home, I let him go sit in the bathroom until he stopped. That problem was cured in about 2 weeks.
It isn't hard to trigger the snowflakes.
Yep. Being a jackass is easy.

So, you're no longer denying he's a divisive troll. We're making progress.
Yes, snowflakes are infantile jackasses. They throw tantrums whenever anyone criticizes them.
And their democrat party is just like the mother that buys the candy bar for their unruly screaming toddler at the check out counter just to shut them up.
I never let my stepson do that. After a while he got tired of crying.

Whenever he had a temper trantrum at home, I let him go sit in the bathroom until he stopped. That problem was cured in about 2 weeks.
Too bad we can't do that with these little domestic terrorist loving snowflakes, here.
CNN stated it? Pretty sure Trump’s entire campaign strategy was act like an asshole. CNN didn’t make him do that.

And it worked like a fuckin' charm...
Right. So why shouldn't he get the blame for the blowback of that strategy?

The "blowback" will be in the form of a second term.

Enjoy that...

If he wins a second term, I’d expect a lot more of the chaos we are seeing.

What was that about doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?
That sounds like extortion.

Vote for the manchurian candidate or else you will continue to burn down the businesses of innocent people.
More like recognizing reality. The protests are over police violence, not Trump. They’re out in the street demanding accountability for police, not proclaiming that Trump needs to be out of office.

The dose of reality is that Trump is failing to protect us. If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence.

He hasn’t done that. He can’t do that. He’s not a leader.
You are simply too stupid to understand that burning down the businesses of innocent people is wrong.

Talk about The REAL problem in out country right now.
Of course it’s wrong. Who said otherwise?

This is happening in Trump’s America. Not Biden’s.
Plenty of Dims have said it's not wrong.

Some people say....."

Colfax: "If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence."""

He's not a leader. He's a mob boss.
When Donald and Ivana divorced back in the early 1990s she described the culture of the Trump (Dis)Organization as toxic, with Trump pitting his employees against each other, even his own children. Creating chaos was his favorite thing.

She said everyone was afraid of him but were scared to quit their job because of Trump's vindictiveness and how he would ruin them after they left, claim they breached their NDAs, etc. And that he was also very racist and bigoted. Well, that's a matter of record.

Yeah, a former spouse who received a puny divorce settlement because of the prenup she signed is a reliable source. Those statements are actually a violation of her prenup.
CNN stated it? Pretty sure Trump’s entire campaign strategy was act like an asshole. CNN didn’t make him do that.

And it worked like a fuckin' charm...
Right. So why shouldn't he get the blame for the blowback of that strategy?

The "blowback" will be in the form of a second term.

Enjoy that...

If he wins a second term, I’d expect a lot more of the chaos we are seeing.

What was that about doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?
That sounds like extortion.

Vote for the manchurian candidate or else you will continue to burn down the businesses of innocent people.
More like recognizing reality. The protests are over police violence, not Trump. They’re out in the street demanding accountability for police, not proclaiming that Trump needs to be out of office.

The dose of reality is that Trump is failing to protect us. If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence.

He hasn’t done that. He can’t do that. He’s not a leader.
You are simply too stupid to understand that burning down the businesses of innocent people is wrong.

Talk about The REAL problem in out country right now.
Of course it’s wrong. Who said otherwise?

This is happening in Trump’s America. Not Biden’s.
Plenty of Dims have said it's not wrong.

Some people say....."

Colfax: "If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence."""

He's not a leader. He's a mob boss.
When Donald and Ivana divorced back in the early 1990s she described the culture of the Trump (Dis)Organization as toxic, with Trump pitting his employees against each other, even his own children. Creating chaos was his favorite thing.

She said everyone was afraid of him but were scared to quit their job because of Trump's vindictiveness and how he would ruin them after they left, claim they breached their NDAs, etc. And that he was also very racist and bigoted. Well, that's a matter of record.

A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Actually if you look at the sixties, it does. As long as the "protestors" and rioters were handled with kid gloves the problems went on, when the various levels of government got hardnosed and started prosecuting them it stopped.
Nope. Brutality can only suppress it for a little while. It does not address the root of the problem.
Coddling them is what causes the problem. They aren't going to be doing any rioting when they are sitting in jail.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
There is nothing wrong with PEACEFULLY PROTESTING, there is plenty wrong with rioting and assaulting police officers trying to keep the "protests" within legal limits. The minute a "protestor" stops talking and marching and picks up a rock, bag of feces or other weapon he becomes a criminal and a rioter.
Sure seems like y’all don’t care who is peacefully protesting and who isn’t because y’all just call everyone terrorist. The police sometimes don’t seem to care who is peacefully protesting either because they just beat and shoot whoever they feel like is not providing them the respect they feel like they are required.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Actually if you look at the sixties, it does. As long as the "protestors" and rioters were handled with kid gloves the problems went on, when the various levels of government got hardnosed and started prosecuting them it stopped.
Nope. Brutality can only suppress it for a little while. It does not address the root of the problem.
Coddling them is what causes the problem. They aren't going to be doing any rioting when they are sitting in jail.
You don’t understand the roots of the problem because you’re suggesting solutions that make it worse.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Yes, the mainstream media IS our fifth column and does nothing but propagandize.

I would think an intelligent person would consider the seditious nature of such media instead of being brainwashed by them, however.
Has less to do with the media and more to do with the president being an attention whore.

He demands to be the center of attention and if he isn’t, then he starts saying and doing more and more inflammatory things to become the center of attention.

You haven’t noticed?
It's just a stupid, petty gripe.

Like football? like a certain team? If a player on your team is killing it and racking up stats, but you can't stand the camera time skills he has.. do you want him off your team?

It's just stupid. Who gives a fuck if DJT annoys? It's what he actually does in at the job that matters. Ever pay any attention to that?

fucking retards.

It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Trump is not the cause of the division in this country.

He's the result of it...

Yeah, I’ve heard this a lot. I’m guessing you didn’t put much thought into this reply because it doesn’t actually address me point.

I didn’t say he was the cause. I said he was exacerbating it, or put another way, exploiting it.

I prefer someone who doesn’t actively try to make it worse.

Making it worse? You guys are such dishonest assholes.....the ones making it worse are the democrat party mayors and governors who are attacking the police and pulling them back, then bailing out the rioters so they can keep burning, looting and killing....all joe biden voters...not Trump supporters, you dumb twit.
So you think more police brutality is going to stop the protests against police brutality?
Actually if you look at the sixties, it does. As long as the "protestors" and rioters were handled with kid gloves the problems went on, when the various levels of government got hardnosed and started prosecuting them it stopped.
Nope. Brutality can only suppress it for a little while. It does not address the root of the problem.
Coddling them is what causes the problem. They aren't going to be doing any rioting when they are sitting in jail.
You don’t understand the roots of the problem because you’re suggesting solutions that make it worse.
They don't make it worse. Kenosha showed that. The rioting stopped the minute Trump brought in the national guard and arrested 175 "protesters." Kyle Rittenhouse blowing three of them away didn't hurt either.

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