So,what does Pence do to bolster Trump's candidacy?

Read the board. Liberals are in a panic over Pence and having convulsions. How is that a bad thing?

I really don't give a crap if you believe me or not weasel.......but I WELCOME Trump's pick as another nail in his coffin...LOL
Which explains why your panties are all bunched up, right?
No sale!

How fucked up are you, really weasel....I state that I WELCOME Pence into the train wreck that is Trump....and you retort that my panties are in a knot????? What a moron !!!! LOL
Read the board. Liberals are in a panic over Pence and having convulsions. How is that a bad thing?

I really don't give a crap if you believe me or not weasel.......but I WELCOME Trump's pick as another nail in his coffin...LOL
Which explains why your panties are all bunched up, right?
No sale!

How fucked up are you, really weasel....I state that I WELCOME Pence into the train wreck that is Trump....and you retort that my panties are in a knot????? What a moron !!!! LOL
How stupid do you think people are? We aren't all liberals here.
Before three days ago most people didn't know his name. Ask anyone outside of a political message board and they still hadn't heard his name. Trump had dozens of choices, but I'm convinced he doesn't want to win.

That wasn't the problem, it's just that not too many Republicans were willing to commit political suicide by becoming Trump's V.P. Only one that I can think of.


Chris Christie's political aspirations are over forever. Even his Presidential campaign manager was trying to work up a recall effort on him, after cozying up to Donald Trump.
------------------------------------------ crispy cream 'christy' the greasy old fat man with a big big mouth . Its good if he is gone Oreo .
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You're going to witness the unadulterated power of women and Hispanics on election night. IOW--you're going to get you're Lily White ass's kicked in the voting booth on election night.

Do you hate whites?

Do you hate black Republicans?

Do you hate America?
he is a funny guy , think that he is a moderate repub or rino , was a 'carly fiorina' supporter and his words show that he is a RACIST as he hates , dislikes white people' . I'm just happy to see his racist thinking and words immortalized . And , I have no problem with his racism as it is just the way that OREO thinks I guess LaDexter .
think that he also supported moderate 'carson' and the modeate mailmans son 'kasich' .
Trump has had a bit of a problem with most women, gay/lesbian and Latino voters....So what does the Trumpster do to improve this debilitating problem that has made him so damn unpopular?

He picks Pence as VP candidate....a guy regarded as one of the most tea sipping conservative in the House and now governor of a state where he is also very unpopular with womne, gays and immigrants

A Washington Post-ABC News poll last month found that 77 percent of women had an unfavorable impression of Trump, including 65 percent who saw him in a “strongly unfavorable” light. Trump’s negative ratings among women are more than 20 percentage points higher than 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney received at any point in that year’s campaign.

The ONLY thing that is half-way "positive" for Trump, is the hatred by many of Hillary.....and that just isn't enough to win the oval office. Smarter conservatives should knowthis....but most do not.

Bottom line....bad choice by Trump; a choice that simply "solidified" what Trump already had.

I don't understand how Trump has even the slightest chance between this and the poll I seen on another board about Hispanics only supporting him around 19%. Trump should be dead in the water.
funny and agree , sure will make headlines if he does win though ehh . I know that I support him and Pence , who else is there ?? And I wouldn't support any of the others other than maybe the Cruz . Trump for sure and MAYBE Cruz but the rest were all rino scum Matthew .
and , it looks like the repub party is getting behind the TRUMP . Heck , wasn't it the repub party that just killed off the 'never trump' faction at some repub rules making meeting Matthew ??
I don't understand how Trump has even the slightest chance between this and the poll I seen on another board about Hispanics only supporting him around 19%. Trump should be dead in the water.

Ultimately, it'll all boil down to some voters having to decide whether they hate Hillary more than they love their country.
Nothing. The vp is a token position that does little to nothing in the administration

Sure, have THAT little discussion about the "token value" in picking a VP with John McCain.......see what he thinks.

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