So What Happens Later?, Mass Exodus Of Minnesotians/Maybe Relocate To The Dakota's?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Odds are, the ones that can afford to move, may contemplate heading for any of their adjacent states before the State collapses like with what happened in California. Any of you see this happening too? I don't know how much longer the locals of Minneapolis/St. Paul will surive if this BS keeps up.
Odds are, the ones that can afford to move, may contemplate heading for any of their adjacent states before the State collapses like with what happened in California. Any of you see this happening too? I don't know how much longer the locals of Minneapolis/St. Paul will surive if this BS keeps up.

NOrth Dakota?

Have you seen the results their schools get?

No one is leaving

It's a fucking scandanavian paradise up there.
i wonder how many are thinking about it,,,they trashed minneapolis,,,no more stores there,,,,,well,,,maybe st paul,,,,,,unless the thugs run out things to trash and burn.
Odds are, the ones that can afford to move, may contemplate heading for any of their adjacent states before the State collapses like with what happened in California. Any of you see this happening too? I don't know how much longer the locals of Minneapolis/St. Paul will surive if this BS keeps up.
Odds are, the ones that can afford to move, may contemplate heading for any of their adjacent states before the State collapses like with what happened in California. Any of you see this happening too? I don't know how much longer the locals of Minneapolis/St. Paul will surive if this BS keeps up.

Not a chance that Minnesota would decay like what has happened in California. Their might be social corruption but this short lived looting is nothing compared to the corrosive venomic hate coursing through Californian communities and business will return to normal in Minnesota.
Odds are, the ones that can afford to move, may contemplate heading for any of their adjacent states before the State collapses like with what happened in California. Any of you see this happening too? I don't know how much longer the locals of Minneapolis/St. Paul will surive if this BS keeps up.

Time to send in special negotiator Mary Richards to iron things out!

Odds are, the ones that can afford to move, may contemplate heading for any of their adjacent states before the State collapses like with what happened in California. Any of you see this happening too? I don't know how much longer the locals of Minneapolis/St. Paul will surive if this BS keeps up.
Refugees from Minn are likely to be the same libs who screwed the state up to begin with
I'm always weary....of those human beings who relocate..

they bring all their stupidity with them....their left wing ideas....their rubbish

they are not welcome

stay the fuck where you are.

my opinion only
Odds are, the ones that can afford to move, may contemplate heading for any of their adjacent states before the State collapses like with what happened in California. Any of you see this happening too? I don't know how much longer the locals of Minneapolis/St. Paul will surive if this BS keeps up.
It’s what the left really wants, white flight out of every major city, and eventually out of the country.
The "curfew" is far too short------11pm to 5am.
SHEEEESH in my sic"extensive riot/loot experience,"
riot and loot activity starts trailing off by 11 pm.
Now those poor rioters/looters have a mere 18 hours
per day
I'm always weary....of those human beings who relocate..

they bring all their stupidity with them....their left wing ideas....their rubbish

they are not welcome

stay the fuck where you are.

my opinion only

not such a smart opinion-----the first people to
RELOCATE -----are those in fear (at least in the USA)

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