So what I dont believe in God?

That's my point. That's what I hope religion becomes. Doesnt matter if a person believes. So now theists will vote for an athiest? Because last I checked athiests were the least electable people. Even pot smoking phalanderers ranked higher. So do you get why it matters that people stop caring if other people believe or not. Dont pretend it doesnt matter to you and your side when it clearly does very much.

I want to divide you theists. Make people realize how stupid any religion is that claims non believers are bad or go to hell.

Its all about reforming and upgrading religion. The old ways no longer work. Telling people they go to hell. Phooie.
Why did you infuse the "pot-smoking" qualification into it?
Google the survey or poll that found pot smokers & philanderers are more electable than athiests.
BS. It's impossible to know whether or not someone is an athiest. There's no test for it like there is for pot smokers.
They asked ppl who would you rather vote for.

A. Athiest
B. Pot smoker
C. Athiest

Athiest was the least popular.

Get it now? Google it. Google pot smoking philanderer more popular than athiest. Then talk to me.
can I talk to a pot smoking philanderer instead?......I would prefer that.......
You know you'd rather your spouse not believe in god instead of cheat on you. And if you really believed in god that wouldnt be true.

If I was in Israel I'd be an ultra conservative Jew. Nutandyahoo is passing a law they dont have to serve in the army like normal Jews. Seems there are benefits to believing.
Why did you infuse the "pot-smoking" qualification into it?
Google the survey or poll that found pot smokers & philanderers are more electable than athiests.
BS. It's impossible to know whether or not someone is an athiest. There's no test for it like there is for pot smokers.
They asked ppl who would you rather vote for.

A. Athiest
B. Pot smoker
C. Athiest

Athiest was the least popular.

Get it now? Google it. Google pot smoking philanderer more popular than athiest. Then talk to me.
can I talk to a pot smoking philanderer instead?......I would prefer that.......
You know you'd rather your spouse not believe in god instead of cheat on you. And if you really believed in god that wouldnt be true.
???....okay....and I would rather that you believed in God than that you burst spontaneously into molten lava.....not sure what that has to do with the fact that atheists are so irrational that they ought not be trusted, other than that your argument above is additional evidence of the concept......
I believe that any possibility of entering into the presence of God hinges on coming to a saving knowledge of His LOVE. People who do not believe in God place faith in something else. This maybe mom or dad, the police, a friend, a lover, a company, or a government --- perhaps even an ideal or one's self. But such a person becomes the victim of control, manipulation, and discouragement upon finding out just how imperfect such temporal things are.
What is faith? I dont have faith in anything really. I am greatful the big bang happened and eventually life started and my apelike ancestors mated 1 mill years ago and every one of my grandparents for millions of years met and mated and that led to me existing. I'm greatful for my wonderful life. I believe when my time comes that's it. All those grandparents for millions of years aren't waiting for me in heaven. Wishful thinking.

I'm greatful I wasn't born in Russia or with cancer. I hope we stay a free country and we cure cancer. I guess I'll put my faith in science.

That's it! Science is my faith! A faith that can be wrong. SOLD. Sign me up.
Thing is in other humans is always a huge letdown. When you love /trust others of course you put some faith in them...but total faith in humans is asking for disappointment. Its not fair to you or them.
I'm not sure if you are afraid of faith or just hate it. I don't see how you can claim to be so free and so intelligent yet obsess about this subject. Are you trying to convince others not to believe in God?

If you want to put your faith in go right ahead. Last time I check no one is forcing you to believe in anything.
I respect science and all its contributions but Ill stick with faith in God.
I'm showing you that you have no knowledge of God to know what hell or spirit mean.
Your responses reflect your lack of knowledge.

Ok. Thank you.

Can I assume you are the "sola scriptura" kind of believer?

The one who is in so much denial of further revelation, miracles, and the authority of the Catholic Church that they have no other option than to just pretend God has limited Himself to the words of the Bible --- and of course --- to your own special kind of way of interpreting those words --- and ignoring so many other passages?

Did you follow all that? You have painted yourself in a corner. You have no choice on what kind of answers you are allowed to provide, else your whole house of cards collapses.

Since I speak for our Creator, I have unlimited knowledge to give you the answers to your questions but I know for a fact you can't answer any of my questions.

What does the biblical "spirit" mean?

Where does it mention "hell" in the prophecies?

Why did God change Jacob's name to Israel?

Will the ark of the covenant be used in Paradise?

How will we experience life in the New Heaven and Earth?

Is Jesus a saint who spoke for our Father, Son of God or the Lord and Savior?
a little curious word, wasn't there suppose to be an event this past February that was meant to leave you 6' under ... what ever happened ?

I thought it would happen by January 24th according to the prophecy that I had no right to try interpret since our Creator never gave me the exact date. None of God's saints were given the exact date but we all learn why, how and where we will be killed for testifying to the Word.

I was thoroughly humiliated by our Creator for telling His believers that I would be killed by January 24th, which He planned to happen. By keeping the flesh humble, He can use it for His purpose. I have experienced many very humiliating moments as God was preparing me to testify to His knowledge starting on June 16th, 2008. He continuously keeps the flesh humble while He's using it to teach us who we are and how He created everything which the flesh never knew before. The flesh didn't know anything about the future until it witnessed the future being revealed through the written and spoken testimonies it has to write and speak for our Creator.

Quote from "the word" above: "He continuously keeps the flesh humble..."

Quote from "the word" in a reply to my simple questions: "Since I speak for our Creator, I have unlimited knowledge to give you the answers to your questions but I know for a fact you can't answer any of my questions."

Now doesn't that sound like a humble servant to you? The guy to whom the Creator has specially called out to give him unlimited knowledge? Question: How many posts does it take to figure out this guy who calls his "humble" self "The Word" is a total phony? Answer: Two, maybe three.

Here is what I think of you "the word." At worst, you are fooled by dark spirits. At best, you are a crashing bore.

To those who don't listen to the Word of the Lord, a prophet or saint are meaningless names in the Bible.
What does the symbolic "love of God" mean?
First, I did not use the phrase "love of God"; nor do I view loving God, or God's love for us as "symbolic."

Those who love God keep His Commandments. These Commandments are based upon two ideals: The love of God and the love of our fellowman. Those we love, we communicate with, we serve, love is the momentum that pushes us to go above and beyond for the sake of the loved one. Love is living one's life, often denying selfish wants and desires, in order to do something better for God and/or our fellowman.

God cares about us more than we are capable of imagining. He cares about our lives here, what hurts us, what brings us sorrow, our struggles. Scripture tells us that with God, even our hair is numbered. Grin. How many of us love someone (or even ourselves) enough to count the hairs on their head?

God loves His people so much that He planned to kill all their flesh during this first age with the earth. Most people don't understand what the love of God is.
I'm showing you that you have no knowledge of God to know what hell or spirit mean.
Your responses reflect your lack of knowledge.

Ok. Thank you.

Can I assume you are the "sola scriptura" kind of believer?

The one who is in so much denial of further revelation, miracles, and the authority of the Catholic Church that they have no other option than to just pretend God has limited Himself to the words of the Bible --- and of course --- to your own special kind of way of interpreting those words --- and ignoring so many other passages?

Did you follow all that? You have painted yourself in a corner. You have no choice on what kind of answers you are allowed to provide, else your whole house of cards collapses.

Since I speak for our Creator, I have unlimited knowledge to give you the answers to your questions but I know for a fact you can't answer any of my questions.

What does the biblical "spirit" mean?

Where does it mention "hell" in the prophecies?

Why did God change Jacob's name to Israel?

Will the ark of the covenant be used in Paradise?

How will we experience life in the New Heaven and Earth?

Is Jesus a saint who spoke for our Father, Son of God or the Lord and Savior?
a little curious word, wasn't there suppose to be an event this past February that was meant to leave you 6' under ... what ever happened ?

I thought it would happen by January 24th according to the prophecy that I had no right to try interpret since our Creator never gave me the exact date. None of God's saints were given the exact date but we all learn why, how and where we will be killed for testifying to the Word.

I was thoroughly humiliated by our Creator for telling His believers that I would be killed by January 24th, which He planned to happen. By keeping the flesh humble, He can use it for His purpose. I have experienced many very humiliating moments as God was preparing me to testify to His knowledge starting on June 16th, 2008. He continuously keeps the flesh humble while He's using it to teach us who we are and how He created everything which the flesh never knew before. The flesh didn't know anything about the future until it witnessed the future being revealed through the written and spoken testimonies it has to write and speak for our Creator.
Oh lord! Are you for real? You think anyone is taking you seriously? Even other theists think you're fos.
: :

None of God's people are for real but they appear to be. If you listen to the Voice of the Lord, you will be listening to the only ONE who is real.
I believe that any possibility of entering into the presence of God hinges on coming to a saving knowledge of His LOVE. People who do not believe in God place faith in something else. This maybe mom or dad, the police, a friend, a lover, a company, or a government --- perhaps even an ideal or one's self. But such a person becomes the victim of control, manipulation, and discouragement upon finding out just how imperfect such temporal things are.
What is faith? I dont have faith in anything really. I am greatful the big bang happened and eventually life started and my apelike ancestors mated 1 mill years ago and every one of my grandparents for millions of years met and mated and that led to me existing. I'm greatful for my wonderful life. I believe when my time comes that's it. All those grandparents for millions of years aren't waiting for me in heaven. Wishful thinking.

I'm greatful I wasn't born in Russia or with cancer. I hope we stay a free country and we cure cancer. I guess I'll put my faith in science.

That's it! Science is my faith! A faith that can be wrong. SOLD. Sign me up.
Thing is in other humans is always a huge letdown. When you love /trust others of course you put some faith in them...but total faith in humans is asking for disappointment. Its not fair to you or them.
I'm not sure if you are afraid of faith or just hate it. I don't see how you can claim to be so free and so intelligent yet obsess about this subject. Are you trying to convince others not to believe in God?

If you want to put your faith in go right ahead. Last time I check no one is forcing you to believe in anything.
I respect science and all its contributions but Ill stick with faith in God.
Even though god doesnt exist?

What does faith in god get you? The only benefit is it makes you feel better about yourself. Ignorant bliss.

Yes I want religion to fade. Its holding us back.

And heres the deal. It doesnt or shouldn't matter one bit if you or I believe in god. And it shouldn't matter if I tell you god doesnt exist. Why does it bother you to hear someone say god doesnt exist? Who gives a fuck?

So when you get to the point where you dont care what people say or believe then you'll be in a better place. I dont care what you believe as long as you keep it to yourselves but you dont. Theists inject or try to impose their gods on the rest of us. Telling gays they are bad and women what they can do with their bodies all because of a fairytale they believe is true.
Ok. Thank you.

Can I assume you are the "sola scriptura" kind of believer?

The one who is in so much denial of further revelation, miracles, and the authority of the Catholic Church that they have no other option than to just pretend God has limited Himself to the words of the Bible --- and of course --- to your own special kind of way of interpreting those words --- and ignoring so many other passages?

Did you follow all that? You have painted yourself in a corner. You have no choice on what kind of answers you are allowed to provide, else your whole house of cards collapses.

Since I speak for our Creator, I have unlimited knowledge to give you the answers to your questions but I know for a fact you can't answer any of my questions.

What does the biblical "spirit" mean?

Where does it mention "hell" in the prophecies?

Why did God change Jacob's name to Israel?

Will the ark of the covenant be used in Paradise?

How will we experience life in the New Heaven and Earth?

Is Jesus a saint who spoke for our Father, Son of God or the Lord and Savior?
a little curious word, wasn't there suppose to be an event this past February that was meant to leave you 6' under ... what ever happened ?

I thought it would happen by January 24th according to the prophecy that I had no right to try interpret since our Creator never gave me the exact date. None of God's saints were given the exact date but we all learn why, how and where we will be killed for testifying to the Word.

I was thoroughly humiliated by our Creator for telling His believers that I would be killed by January 24th, which He planned to happen. By keeping the flesh humble, He can use it for His purpose. I have experienced many very humiliating moments as God was preparing me to testify to His knowledge starting on June 16th, 2008. He continuously keeps the flesh humble while He's using it to teach us who we are and how He created everything which the flesh never knew before. The flesh didn't know anything about the future until it witnessed the future being revealed through the written and spoken testimonies it has to write and speak for our Creator.
Oh lord! Are you for real? You think anyone is taking you seriously? Even other theists think you're fos.
: :

None of God's people are for real but they appear to be. If you listen to the Voice of the Lord, you will be listening to the only ONE who is real.
What tells you he is real? Other than your ancestors have been telling stories about a creator because they just couldn't imagine any other way? Are you believing religions? Because they were invented by men who you claim dont even exist.
I didn't ever believe that the 30 years I believed either. So then what does it matter if I believe? The only thing that matters is good and bad.

But you know that's not what christianity says. So why call yourself one?

It appears you have never read the Catholic Catechism. Just because some minor denominations preach hell and damnation to others, doesn't mean the major denominations do.
I was just told acts 4:12 talk about hell. Is that not true?
You don't get the blessings of healing and joy of the saints that come with serving the Lord.
You don't get the blessings of healing and joy of the saints that come with serving the Lord.
Neither do christians. They die at the same rate non believers do.

And if you mean we dont get the benefits you get from church and ignorant bliss I agree. But we save 10% of our salaries.
I didn't ever believe that the 30 years I believed either. So then what does it matter if I believe? The only thing that matters is good and bad.

But you know that's not what christianity says. So why call yourself one?

It appears you have never read the Catholic Catechism. Just because some minor denominations preach hell and damnation to others, doesn't mean the major denominations do.
I'm finding theists who point out where it says non believers go to hell. I posted one from acts and then another posted john 2:22:23. Maybe its you who doesnt know what a christian is.
You don't get the blessings of healing and joy of the saints that come with serving the Lord.
Neither do christians. They die at the same rate non believers do.

And if you mean we dont get the benefits you get from church and ignorant bliss I agree. But we save 10% of our salaries.

Not what I meant at all. The fruits of the SPirit cannot be yours because you will not let Him into your life. Those gifts give man power to overcome adversity, to ease burdens for you and for others, and to be happy in ways you've never imagined.

This is a blessing those who exercise faith in God receive. One you can never have because you choose not to.
Btw studies show that i have at least at least a 10 year higher life expectancy for being a faithful later day saint. Whether I receive that particular blessing or not though, my faith in Him Wil not change.
"Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God?" has the same weight as "Seriously, what does it matter if I believe in God?"

Mutual respect, folks.
I didn't ever believe that the 30 years I believed either. So then what does it matter if I believe? The only thing that matters is good and bad.

But you know that's not what christianity says. So why call yourself one?

It appears you have never read the Catholic Catechism. Just because some minor denominations preach hell and damnation to others, doesn't mean the major denominations do.
AmericanFirst says the bible says non believers go to hell. I want you theists to discuss this but you won't. Why?
the more I think about it the more I ask what does it matter if I believe in God or not? I think most of the people that I debate religion with don't believe any of the hell stories and admit that being an atheist does not make you a bad person so if organized religions are all full of crap then it really doesn't matter if a person believes in God or not it's just an interesting philosophical question humans have always asked and I just happen to not believe that a God as people describe exist doesn't make me a bad person.

any hard feelings come from the religious side who are upset that people don't believe their stories
the more I think about it the more I ask what does it matter if I believe in God or not? I think most of the people that I debate religion with don't believe any of the hell stories and admit that being an atheist does not make you a bad person so if organized religions are all full of crap then it really doesn't matter if a person believes in God or not it's just an interesting philosophical question humans have always asked and I just happen to not believe that a God as people describe exist doesn't make me a bad person.

any hard feelings come from the religious side who are upset that people don't believe their stories
No, there is no hard feelings. We trust your sincerity ---- and do not or should not judge anyone including atheists.

But you say all these Christians reject the hell idea. Well I don’t see how a Christian could when it permeates Scriptures and (I maintain) evidence for the devil has manifested in many ways over time. Where is he to go?
the more I think about it the more I ask what does it matter if I believe in God or not? I think most of the people that I debate religion with don't believe any of the hell stories and admit that being an atheist does not make you a bad person so if organized religions are all full of crap then it really doesn't matter if a person believes in God or not it's just an interesting philosophical question humans have always asked and I just happen to not believe that a God as people describe exist doesn't make me a bad person.

any hard feelings come from the religious side who are upset that people don't believe their stories
No, there is no hard feelings. We trust your sincerity ---- and do not or should not judge anyone including atheists.

But you say all these Christians reject the hell idea. Well I don’t see how a Christian could when it permeates Scriptures and (I maintain) evidence for the devil has manifested in many ways over time. Where is he to go?
I actually started a thread discussing whether or not Christians believe in hell half of them did half of them didn't. to the ones that don't believe I guess it doesn't matter but it's the ones that say non believers go to hell have taken the topic of believe in God and made it personal because their arguments were weak so they have to use guilt and fear to win the debate in my opinion
the more I think about it the more I ask what does it matter if I believe in God or not? I think most of the people that I debate religion with don't believe any of the hell stories and admit that being an atheist does not make you a bad person so if organized religions are all full of crap then it really doesn't matter if a person believes in God or not it's just an interesting philosophical question humans have always asked and I just happen to not believe that a God as people describe exist doesn't make me a bad person.

any hard feelings come from the religious side who are upset that people don't believe their stories
No, there is no hard feelings. We trust your sincerity ---- and do not or should not judge anyone including atheists.

But you say all these Christians reject the hell idea. Well I don’t see how a Christian could when it permeates Scriptures and (I maintain) evidence for the devil has manifested in many ways over time. Where is he to go?
I actually started a thread discussing whether or not Christians believe in hell half of them did half of them didn't. to the ones that don't believe I guess it doesn't matter but it's the ones that say non believers go to hell have taken the topic of believe in God and made it personal because their arguments were weak so they have to use guilt and fear to win the debate in my opinion

I would think all mortals have guilt and fear.
Anyway, most honorable Christians would not say if you don't believe you go to hell, so that is kind of non-starter for me. God allows us knowledge on only what is needed, the rest is not our domain.
Not all arguments are weak. Those that do not rely on scripture maybe the strongest.

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