So What is the Best Response to Russia for Interfering in our Elections?

What should be our response to Russian meddling in our election?

  • assassinate Putin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nuclear war

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • return to Cold War

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • harass Russian air space

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • slip Putin a prostitute that has an STD other than AIDS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • put out a bounty on Russian intel agents

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I hope we can avoid hyperbole here and have some serious discussion, but I am not delusional, lol.

We need to discourage this kind of behavior and thus need to do something, but short of declaring war, what the hell can we do since we already have Russia on maximum economic penalties?

Close embassies in protest?

Have the State Department send a letter of demarche?

Flood the internet with unflattering pics of Putin?

A strongly worded Obama-style letter telling him to knock it off. That'll show him!
I hope we can avoid hyperbole here and have some serious discussion, but I am not delusional, lol.

We need to discourage this kind of behavior and thus need to do something, but short of declaring war, what the hell can we do since we already have Russia on maximum economic penalties?

Close embassies in protest?

Have the State Department send a letter of demarche?

Flood the internet with unflattering pics of Putin?

We should pass a law that Russia be allowed only what Israel is allowed.
Flood the global market with an abundance of good old American oil and gas. Throw Russia into bankruptcy.
If "government sources" told many people that all they had to do was undress and get into certain "showers" to receive a million bucks....

......the line would be miles long to get into those "showers".

Never mind that noone seems to be leaving the other side
Occupy the BLACK SEA or invent a way to sterilize the RUSSIAN STURGEON-----(source of black caviar)
I really don't know if Russia interfered in our elections or not. ... :dunno:

But if they did, all I can say is, "Thank You Russia"!! .... :thup:
Putin was Obama's good buddy until he banned homo marriage and faggot pride parades in Russia.

After Putin did that, the Democrats put Putin on their hate list, and declared Russia an enemy country. .... :cool:
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Putin was Obama's good buddy until he banned homo marriage and faggot pride parades in Russia.

After Putin did that, the Democrats put Putin on their hate list, and declared Russia an evil nation. .... :cool:
That seems to be the cheif source of the lefts problems with Putin, honestly.

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