So what should Obama have done?


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2010
Some are criticizing Obama for not doing enough in response to the oil leak that BP created. (Of course, some of those same people are criticizing Obama for doing too much).
However, when I've asked many of these people what Obama should have done, they suddenly stop posting. So far, only one whiner has offered a suggestion, and it was.....get this... Obama should have put his boots on, and gone to LA to have his picture taken on a oil-stained beach wearing his boots.:cuckoo:

So let's hear it you oil cleanup Einsteins? Are you going to wimp out like you usually do and not post in order to avoid having your ignorance and hateful hypocrisy revealed, or will display some strength of character and meet the challenge?
Obama should have taken charge from day 1 and made all the decisions........ No wait, if he had done that the oil would still be leaking and all these threads would claim he was power hungry and should have let BP handle it

Obama should have sat back and let BP handle it......No wait, by doing that he seems aloof and uncaring about the oil spill....Americans want action from their President

No matter his course of action, the oil well would still be gushing and people would not be satisfied with the results
Obama did zero

He should have mobilized the army Corp of engineers to assist, instead he went on another vacation - again.
Obama should have taken charge from day 1 and made all the decisions........ No wait, if he had done that the oil would still be leaking and all these threads would claim he was power hungry and should have let BP handle it

Obama should have sat back and let BP handle it......No wait, by doing that he seems aloof and uncaring about the oil spill....Americans want action from their President

No matter his course of action, the oil well would still be gushing and people would not be satisfied with the results

Yep, I predict the only realistic (but useless) suggestion I will recieve will be along the lines of the photo op.
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Obama should have doe whatever he could to plug the fucking leak.

Instead he did nothing.
Obama did zero

He should have mobilized the army Corp of engineers to assist, instead he went on another vacation - again.

What could they have done? They build bridges, dams, etc, They don't know about cleaning up oil
He should make James Carville the Gulf Coast Garbage Czar.
Obama should have doe whatever he could to plug the fucking leak.

Instead he did nothing.


Obama should have doe whatever he could to plug the fucking leak.

Instead he did nothing.

Another fact free post from wingnut who has NO IDEA what Obama could have done.

I predicted the wingnuts would have no realistic ideas, and I was right so far
You liberals criticized Bush for not doing something for 5 minutes on 9/11 while reading a book to children.

But then Obama doesn't do anything for 45 days after an environmental disaster and you don't care? That makes you nothing more than a blind partisan hack.
Obama should have doe whatever he could to plug the fucking leak.

Instead he did nothing.

Another fact free post from wingnut who has NO IDEA what Obama could have done.

I predicted the wingnuts would have no realistic ideas, and I was right so far

I predict you'll say "wingnut" again before the end of the week.
Some are criticizing Obama for not doing enough in response to the oil leak that BP created. (Of course, some of those same people are criticizing Obama for doing too much).
However, when I've asked many of these people what Obama should have done, they suddenly stop posting. So far, only one whiner has offered a suggestion, and it was.....get this... Obama should have put his boots on, and gone to LA to have his picture taken on a oil-stained beach wearing his boots.:cuckoo:

So let's hear it you oil cleanup Einsteins? Are you going to wimp out like you usually do and not post in order to avoid having your ignorance and hateful hypocrisy revealed, or will display some strength of character and meet the challenge?

Obama should have directed US Attorney General Holder and his staff at DOJ to commence a criminal investigation immediately. Obama has finally done so, but the scope of the investigation needs expand to include the government workers at Minerals Management Service that crawled into bed with BP and allowed them to so badly damage our country.

From hour one, it has been apparent that BP never had adequate fail-safes nor a clean up plan. Both were required to obtain the permit, so BP lied on its application and almost certainly, the staff at MMS knew it had lied. EVERYONE involved should go to prison; Tony "I Want My Life Back" Hayworth, BP's CEO, should have been extradicted and remanded without bail ASAP.

Interior Probe Finds Fraternizing, Porn and Drugs at MMS Office in La. -

U.S. Opens Criminal Inquiry Into Oil Spill -

And for sure, Obama needs to EFFECTIVELY tighten environmental controls.

Oil Companies Weigh Strategies to Fend Off Tougher Regulations -

U.S. Said to Allow Drilling Without Needed Permits -

Despite Moratorium, Drilling Projects Move Ahead -

Feds approve new Gulf oil well off Louisiana |

A kindergartner could see the right things to be doing here. WTF is taking Obama so long?
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Some are criticizing Obama for not doing enough in response to the oil leak that BP created. (Of course, some of those same people are criticizing Obama for doing too much).
However, when I've asked many of these people what Obama should have done, they suddenly stop posting. So far, only one whiner has offered a suggestion, and it was.....get this... Obama should have put his boots on, and gone to LA to have his picture taken on a oil-stained beach wearing his boots.:cuckoo:

So let's hear it you oil cleanup Einsteins? Are you going to wimp out like you usually do and not post in order to avoid having your ignorance and hateful hypocrisy revealed, or will display some strength of character and meet the challenge?

I never critisized him for his inactions in the first few weeks, there really isn't much he can do. What he should be doing now is at least direct his agencies to allow the states to take action themselves, like LA.

What Jindal said really hit the nail on the head:

JINDAL: We didn't need another meeting. We didn't ask for another meeting. On Friday with the president, we were very clear: It's not the process that interests us; it's the outcomes. So many may ask, "Are you happy with the meeting? Are you happy with the process?" I could care less about the meeting; I could care less about the process. There were a lot of professors there. And I told them when I had a chance to speak at the end, I said, "To me this is not a multiple choice test. This is not an essay test. This is a pass-fail. This is a yes-no test. This is pretty simple: If we get approval to move forward on at least our first six segments, then this will have been a successful day. If we do not get approval to move forward, this will have been a waste of another day; we could have spend this day fighting the oil and doing other things to help safeguard our coast." So for us this wasn't about process.

No one is expecting a miracle solution. But the least our Empty-Suit-in-Chief can do is try to help eliminate all this bureaucracy. And it wouldn't hurt if he stopped trying to vilify BP.
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i think he should have at least gone to the gulf..and gave it a higher priority than he did...i think he should have insisted that the relief well drilling begin in earnest...not waited for all else to fail...which is what bp has done...i think he should have called up all the experts in this field and formed a 'think tank'

are you willing to admit that obama has been a failure as an enviromental crusader.....i am in nc...he announced he was for drilling on the east coast...this of course was before the failure of this do you know there is another rig..atlantis ...that is questionable shape and expected to fail....but its still pumping...

the one seemingly sure solution to reducing this oil flow seems to be a relief well.....why wasnt that began from day one? o cause bp is trying cheaper solutions...

do you have any idea of the enviromental impact this is having on the gulf coast?

and yet obama goes to play golf...fuck that mal....we all cried fault when bush ignored katrina.....well this is another disaster being ignored..there is no difference in parties ....government is just that...government with no regard to the people...
Atlantis Platform, Gulf of Mexico - Offshore Technology

check that bitch out...and yet it still pumps....obama should do something about that...shouldnt he?

and before you roll in here all big and bad with your notions of who is what and what is whom?

let me discuss this with you....i am a fucking liberal democrat...i am not happy with obama...if your partisan ass cant see whats going on..that is on you....but stop your fucking...yall are this and yall are are too new here to know the lay of the land....
Obama did zero

He should have mobilized the army Corp of engineers to assist, instead he went on another vacation - again.

WHen Katrina hit bush was on vacation. He didn't end his vacation until several days later.
You liberals criticized Bush for not doing something for 5 minutes on 9/11 while reading a book to children.

But then Obama doesn't do anything for 45 days after an environmental disaster and you don't care? That makes you nothing more than a blind partisan hack.

Another conservative who has no ideas; just lies
Obama should have doe whatever he could to plug the fucking leak.

Instead he did nothing.

He threatened BP, don't forget.

What a loser. And Holder, who refused to prosecute militant blacks who terrorized voters at voting booths is going to prosecute like hell on this one.

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