So what should Obama have done?

Personally, I'd love to see us leave Afghanistan and Iraq in the dust and concentrate on our own problems.

So, you think Obama should have recalled all troops from A & I to prevent financial and ecological catastrophes?

Topicallity Gods are Frowning in your General Direction.
Personally, I'd love to see us leave Afghanistan and Iraq in the dust and concentrate on our own problems.

As would we all, but that isn't an option at this point.

Let me ask you seriously, do you think there is ANYONE , outside of the oil industry anyway, who wouldn't love to see us develop the mythical green energy?

Do you know that with the money Obama spent on healthcare he could have bought 3.8M hybrids? Now let's assume for a moment that he decided to make that investment again to this project. Do you know what percentage of gas vehicles that would take off the road? here's a clue, there are 240M registered vehicles in the United States, in other words not even a dent.

You do realize that money is finite right?
Do you realize that everything can't be fixed in one fell swoop and yet it can be fixed? This is the defeatist attitude that I hate about Republicans in general. Someone mentions conserving energy and the dopes laugh and giggle about going back to horse and buggy days. :cuckoo:

What is wrong with you people, seriously?
Do you realize that everything can't be fixed in one fell swoop and yet it can be fixed? This is the defeatist attitude that I hate about Republicans in general. Someone mentions conserving energy and the dopes laugh and giggle about going back to horse and buggy days. :cuckoo:

What is wrong with you people, seriously?

Again.....I have to ask you where the money is going to come from?
Lets be real here, Ravi. No one is laughing at conserving energy, I think most people do the best they can at conserving energy. But, what your asking will cost trillions, and right now there is no way to pay it.
Do you realize that everything can't be fixed in one fell swoop and yet it can be fixed? This is the defeatist attitude that I hate about Republicans in general. Someone mentions conserving energy and the dopes laugh and giggle about going back to horse and buggy days. :cuckoo:

What is wrong with you people, seriously?

Again.....I have to ask you where the money is going to come from?
Lets be real here, Ravi. No one is laughing at conserving energy, I think most people do the best they can at conserving energy. But, what your asking will cost trillions, and right now there is no way to pay it.
Valarie had a good idea up the thread about training shrimpers and fisherman with boats. I think pulling out of the ongoing wars in the middle east will save money. Make the oil companies ACTUALLY pay their royalties. Put the speed limit back to 55 mph. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to fund research and create jobs.

As demand for solar energy goes up, prices come down. Simple free market stuff.

What's the alternative? Buying gas from nations that fund terrorists and screwing up our own country.
Do you realize that everything can't be fixed in one fell swoop and yet it can be fixed? This is the defeatist attitude that I hate about Republicans in general. Someone mentions conserving energy and the dopes laugh and giggle about going back to horse and buggy days. :cuckoo:

What is wrong with you people, seriously?

Dude, I own a hybrid, I have solar heating on my pool, my home has all energy star compliant appliances, we converted to a tankless hot water heater. We put all new energy efficient windows in our home. My wife and I also make over $100K/year and can afford some of these things. We are far from the norm. You are willing to destroy people financially in order to get what you want here?

Seriously, when you go to wal mart to go shopping do you buy things you can't afford simply becasue hey, i might need this in ten years? Of course you don't. What part of our government HAS to stop the deficit spending are you not understanding? What part of $8/gal gasoline will destroy lower middle class and poor working americans lives do you not understand?

Plus , you are not even considering the added cost of EVERY item if gas goes up that much, Your $3/Gal mile, will go to $5, your $4/lb hamburger to $7. It's just siimple economics. And that is just talking about gas prices, what about other petroleum based products? Do you REALLY think that big business is just going to eat the added cost? Hell no they aren't , they are going to pass the added costs onto you and me.

There's lots of things I would love to have, my little sports car is a 1996 model F355 spider, I would love to upgrade to a 2010 F430 but I look at my checkbook and tell myself that it just isn't feasible at THIS time and so I don't buy it.
Do you realize that everything can't be fixed in one fell swoop and yet it can be fixed? This is the defeatist attitude that I hate about Republicans in general. Someone mentions conserving energy and the dopes laugh and giggle about going back to horse and buggy days. :cuckoo:

What is wrong with you people, seriously?

Again.....I have to ask you where the money is going to come from?
Lets be real here, Ravi. No one is laughing at conserving energy, I think most people do the best they can at conserving energy. But, what your asking will cost trillions, and right now there is no way to pay it.
Valarie had a good idea up the thread about training shrimpers and fisherman with boats. I think pulling out of the ongoing wars in the middle east will save money. Make the oil companies ACTUALLY pay their royalties. Put the speed limit back to 55 mph. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to fund research and create jobs.

As demand for solar energy goes up, prices come down. Simple free market stuff.

What's the alternative? Buying gas from nations that fund terrorists and screwing up our own country.

I was asking about keeping it real, I have failed in keeping it real. Free market has it's hands in solar energy.....people aren't buying into it for a number of reasons, Ravi. The same with wind energy...there are reasons for it. I don't think we're going to isolate ourselves from the world anytime soon, so just throw that one out. I'm sorry but the oil companies are in the back pockets of nearly every politician, so we can throw that one out also.
We have to buy oil from the middle east, or we can drill our own oil on land and shallow water. It was your environmentalist buddies that forced the deep water drilling, let's all look and see how that worked out. We could go with more nuclear energy, but again your buddies closed that down.
What part of $8/gal gasoline will destroy lower middle class and poor working americans lives do you not understand?
What part of destroying the economy of four or five states do YOU not understand? Why am I subsidizing your right to have cheap gas at the expense of my state?
Again.....I have to ask you where the money is going to come from?
Lets be real here, Ravi. No one is laughing at conserving energy, I think most people do the best they can at conserving energy. But, what your asking will cost trillions, and right now there is no way to pay it.
Valarie had a good idea up the thread about training shrimpers and fisherman with boats. I think pulling out of the ongoing wars in the middle east will save money. Make the oil companies ACTUALLY pay their royalties. Put the speed limit back to 55 mph. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to fund research and create jobs.

As demand for solar energy goes up, prices come down. Simple free market stuff.

What's the alternative? Buying gas from nations that fund terrorists and screwing up our own country.

I was asking about keeping it real, I have failed in keeping it real. Free market has it's hands in solar energy.....people aren't buying into it for a number of reasons, Ravi. The same with wind energy...there are reasons for it. I don't think we're going to isolate ourselves from the world anytime soon, so just throw that one out. I'm sorry but the oil companies are in the back pockets of nearly every politician, so we can throw that one out also.
We have to buy oil from the middle east, or we can drill our own oil on land and shallow water. It was your environmentalist buddies that forced the deep water drilling, let's all look and see how that worked out. We could go with more nuclear energy, but again your buddies closed that down.
Sigh...obviously you can't get past your own blinders. No one forced anyone to do deep water drilling. Oil companies are going to drill where ever they can, as much as they can, and for as long as they can.
Let's just destroy our damn economy.
There will be no middle class, there will be a few rich and powerful, and then there will be the rest of us sucking off the teet of our government. Let the good times roll, Ravi.
Valarie had a good idea up the thread about training shrimpers and fisherman with boats. I think pulling out of the ongoing wars in the middle east will save money. Make the oil companies ACTUALLY pay their royalties. Put the speed limit back to 55 mph. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to fund research and create jobs.

As demand for solar energy goes up, prices come down. Simple free market stuff.

What's the alternative? Buying gas from nations that fund terrorists and screwing up our own country.

I was asking about keeping it real, I have failed in keeping it real. Free market has it's hands in solar energy.....people aren't buying into it for a number of reasons, Ravi. The same with wind energy...there are reasons for it. I don't think we're going to isolate ourselves from the world anytime soon, so just throw that one out. I'm sorry but the oil companies are in the back pockets of nearly every politician, so we can throw that one out also.
We have to buy oil from the middle east, or we can drill our own oil on land and shallow water. It was your environmentalist buddies that forced the deep water drilling, let's all look and see how that worked out. We could go with more nuclear energy, but again your buddies closed that down.
Sigh...obviously you can't get past your own blinders. No one forced anyone to do deep water drilling. Oil companies are going to drill where ever they can, as much as they can, and for as long as they can.

Ravi, if an oil company has the choice between a land site, a shallow water site, or a deep water size, the LAST choice they will make is the deep water site, BUT if they are given a choice of a deep water site, or NO site, well of course they are going to choose the deep water site. They are after all in business to make money.
Let's just destroy our damn economy.
There will be no middle class, there will be a few rich and powerful, and then there will be the rest of us sucking off the teet of our government. Let the good times roll, Ravi.
There's that defeatist attitude again. :thup:

No one wants to destroy the economy.
I was asking about keeping it real, I have failed in keeping it real. Free market has it's hands in solar energy.....people aren't buying into it for a number of reasons, Ravi. The same with wind energy...there are reasons for it. I don't think we're going to isolate ourselves from the world anytime soon, so just throw that one out. I'm sorry but the oil companies are in the back pockets of nearly every politician, so we can throw that one out also.
We have to buy oil from the middle east, or we can drill our own oil on land and shallow water. It was your environmentalist buddies that forced the deep water drilling, let's all look and see how that worked out. We could go with more nuclear energy, but again your buddies closed that down.
Sigh...obviously you can't get past your own blinders. No one forced anyone to do deep water drilling. Oil companies are going to drill where ever they can, as much as they can, and for as long as they can.

Ravi, if an oil company has the choice between a land site, a shallow water site, or a deep water size, the LAST choice they will make is the deep water site, BUT if they are given a choice of a deep water site, or NO site, well of course they are going to choose the deep water site. They are after all in business to make money.
The abundance of yet to be drilled shallow water drilling sites proves you wrong.
Let's just destroy our damn economy.
There will be no middle class, there will be a few rich and powerful, and then there will be the rest of us sucking off the teet of our government. Let the good times roll, Ravi.
There's that defeatist attitude again. :thup:

No one wants to destroy the economy.

You better wake up my friend. Obama certainly does want to destroy the economy b/c then he can step in as the conquering hero and implement his socialist utopia. Don't believe that is not true, not for a moment.
Sigh...obviously you can't get past your own blinders. No one forced anyone to do deep water drilling. Oil companies are going to drill where ever they can, as much as they can, and for as long as they can.

Ravi, if an oil company has the choice between a land site, a shallow water site, or a deep water size, the LAST choice they will make is the deep water site, BUT if they are given a choice of a deep water site, or NO site, well of course they are going to choose the deep water site. They are after all in business to make money.
The abundance of yet to be drilled shallow water drilling sites proves you wrong.

You do realize that land sites and shallow water sites are off limits in the US , yes?
Valarie had a good idea up the thread about training shrimpers and fisherman with boats. I think pulling out of the ongoing wars in the middle east will save money. Make the oil companies ACTUALLY pay their royalties. Put the speed limit back to 55 mph. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to fund research and create jobs.

As demand for solar energy goes up, prices come down. Simple free market stuff.

What's the alternative? Buying gas from nations that fund terrorists and screwing up our own country.

I was asking about keeping it real, I have failed in keeping it real. Free market has it's hands in solar energy.....people aren't buying into it for a number of reasons, Ravi. The same with wind energy...there are reasons for it. I don't think we're going to isolate ourselves from the world anytime soon, so just throw that one out. I'm sorry but the oil companies are in the back pockets of nearly every politician, so we can throw that one out also.
We have to buy oil from the middle east, or we can drill our own oil on land and shallow water. It was your environmentalist buddies that forced the deep water drilling, let's all look and see how that worked out. We could go with more nuclear energy, but again your buddies closed that down.
Sigh...obviously you can't get past your own blinders. No one forced anyone to do deep water drilling. Oil companies are going to drill where ever they can, as much as they can, and for as long as they can.

Hopefully this will clarify what I meant

WASHINGTON Here's my question: Why are we drilling in 5,000 feet of water in the first place?
Many reasons, but this one goes unmentioned: Environmental chic has driven us out there. As production from the shallower Gulf of Mexico wells declines, we go deep (1,000 feet and more) and ultra deep (5,000 feet and more), in part because environmentalists have succeeded in rendering the Pacific and nearly all the Atlantic coast off-limits to oil production. (President Obama's tentative, selective opening of some Atlantic and offshore Alaska sites is now dead.) And of course, in the safest of all places, on land, we've had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Oil spill culprits run deep | obama, oil, deep - Opinion - The Orange County Register

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