So when Biden or some other dem beats Hillary

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Will all the lefties here change their tune? She appears to be sinking like a boat made out of Swiss cheese.

I look forward to someone stomping the "inevitability" lol
Such haughty arrogance has never failed to capture the attention and the rage of the gods. She's going down and not just because the botox is losing effect.
Will all the lefties here change their tune? She appears to be sinking like a boat made out of Swiss cheese.

I look forward to someone stomping the "inevitability" lol
You have yet to prove that all lefties will vote for her, you assume you know something which is not the truth, yet try to use it as an argument substantiating a truth...
I can't tell you whether Hillary will win the nomination or not, but I know she doesn't have the country in her best interests. She has the interest in Clinton Foundation and $$$ first.
Hmmmmmmmmm................... Sounds like a lot of the predictions made prior to 6Nov12. How did those work out for you, fellows? Still a year to mid 2016. A lot can happen, so no firm predictions here. However, the GOP, by the present polls, have a lot more to worry about than the Dems. If the GOP is even still a viable party at that time.
We tromped all over you in 2010 and 2014 and you wonder if we are a "viable" party? Thank you for your concern.
There isn't going to be some Savior who rescues Democrats from the coronation of the Hildabeast.

Biden is considered a buffoon by almost everyone.

All the other Democrats in contention are far-left whackos.
Will all the lefties here change their tune? She appears to be sinking like a boat made out of Swiss cheese.

I look forward to someone stomping the "inevitability" lol

From 2011....about President Obama.

Your ship is sinking are you going to continue to pointlessly bail water or find a ship with no holes in it?

The only thing inevitable is that your foot will find your mouth sooner or later.
Will all the lefties here change their tune? She appears to be sinking like a boat made out of Swiss cheese.

I look forward to someone stomping the "inevitability" lol

She was a shoe in but I think that changing with every scandal.

The Dem debates should be interesting when Hilbat has to answer questions about her e-mails and "What difference does it make?" Benghazi. Nope the bitch is no longer a shoe in and the Dems better get behind someone else.

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