So When Do Americans Resort to Violence Against Democrats?

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Holding the nation hostage for increased airplane emissions standards during the worst economic collapse in history is a low that has shocked even the most hardened citizens.

But solar panel tax credits !


Holding the nation hostage for increased airplane emissions standards during the worst economic collapse in history is a low that has shocked even the most hardened citizens.

We should NEVER resort to violence and stoop to THEIR level. Again, something I've posted before, is a quote by Isaac Asimov - "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". The Left has proven this time and time again over the last several years, they truly ARE incompetent. We, on the Right, are NOT. This is why we should NOT ever resort to violence. Thank you.
Democrats are Americans. What are you talking about?

So are murderers, rapists, robbers, thugs, and car jackers.
And republicans aren't? Republicans nowadays seem to be just trashy hoodlums who watched too many John Wayne movies.

Republicans for the most part aren't the murderers, rapists, robbers, thugs, car jackers, drug dealers, abortionists, gangbangers, and petty thieves you see out in the streets. Those are all yours.
Oh look, another thread where some conservatives push propaganda in order to justify and encourage violence and terrorism directed against anyone who doesn't agree with them.

And nobody is surprised. They're running out of the fascist playbook.
Oh, look, ANOTHER liberal lunatic posts their USUAL garbage. Better luck next time, mammy.
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