So Where Do the Dems Go From Here?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
So what's next for the Dems if Hillary loses?

US News & World Report - Oct 7, 2016 (1 month prior to the election)

But here's what no one is talking about – the one awkward subject that will stop a Washington dinner party cold and send guests into stunned silence – and that is, what if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Right now, it looks like the GOP will hold the House, and my U.S. News colleague Joseph Williams wrote recently that there are growing predictions Republicans will hold the Senate as well. If the Republicans sweep the House, the Senate and the White House, the Democratic Party will implode. Here's why:

First, I've long thought that the anti-establishment wave that hit the right is this year heading for the left. A Clinton loss only accelerates this wave...

Second, if Clinton loses, Democrats will have to do some soul-searching on policy. It's already clear that Democrats are out of step with mainstream Americans on policy and a Clinton loss will jolt the party into confronting it...

Third, a Clinton loss means millennial voters will abandon the party en masse. Current polls show many of them are unethusiastic about Clinton's candidacy, and turnout may not be what it was four years ago...

The final, and most important, reason the Democrats are in trouble if Clinton loses (and even if she wins, really) is the lack of future Democractic candidates... The Democrats don't have nearly as many potential candidates in the pipeline as Republicans do – a huge problem for the long-term health of the party.
well so far, it looks like the Democrats will fade away in the same manner MC Hammer and Cassette Tapes did.
Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message. The difference between Trump and Sander's is simple - Bernies is a populist, and Trump is a Plutocrat/Demagogue.

Q. What will the Democratic Party do now

A. Become more progressive on civil rights for all (equal pay for equal work) and voting rights; pointing out the dangers of weakening the EPA, FDA, FSLA and other regulatory agencies; and continue to refute the lies, false pathos and broken promises of the Republicans on issues as wide as health care, diplomacy vis a vis Brinkmanship, Taxation and the real reasons why manufacturing has lost 5 million jobs which will never return.
If the Dems had a working brains cell they would be worried about the upcoming elections.

America is watching.

They will need a boatload of luck cause they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
To hell as far as most of us are concerned. More "Progressive"? Go ahead, make my day.
It seems the Democrats are determined to go even farther left. Which is more than a little odd given how that worked out for them in November.
well so far, it looks like the Democrats will fade away in the same manner MC Hammer and Cassette Tapes did.

They can save the party and regain some relevance but not if they embrace Wry Catcher's solutions:

Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message. The difference between Trump and Sander's is simple - Bernies is a populist, and Trump is a Plutocrat/Demagogue.

Q. What will the Democratic Party do now

A. Become more progressive on civil rights for all (equal pay for equal work) and voting rights; pointing out the dangers of weakening the EPA, FDA, FSLA and other regulatory agencies; and continue to refute the lies, false pathos and broken promises of the Republicans on issues as wide as health care, diplomacy vis a vis Brinkmanship, Taxation and the real reasons why manufacturing has lost 5 million jobs which will never return.

That's a recipe for a Dem and US political disaster but perhaps that's really what you want. We really don't need to emulate (at the state & fed levels) the one-party (Dem) system that has failed so many of our cities.

To hell as far as most of us are concerned. More "Progressive"? Go ahead, make my day.

Wry Catcher would prefer the Dems shoot themselves in the foot and cut off their noses to spite their faces than have his loony-left agenda marginalized for at least another 2 decades. His POV was honed by years of keeping his head firmly where the sun don't shine, where no reality can intrude, and where maximum brain cell damage occurs:

"Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message." - Wry Catcher

well thanks to Hillary, the Democrats will now/forever be thought of as "The Pee Party".....Hillary cant be the only one wearing a cath bag in her man pants
The dems will lie low until Americans again want a change. It's a cycle that repeats for both parties. But they'll need a candidate in 20 and/or an issue in 18.

Trump ran to the left of Obama on populism and working class economics.
Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message. The difference between Trump and Sander's is simple - Bernies is a populist, and Trump is a Plutocrat/Demagogue.

Q. What will the Democratic Party do now

A. Become more progressive on civil rights for all (equal pay for equal work) and voting rights; pointing out the dangers of weakening the EPA, FDA, FSLA and other regulatory agencies; and continue to refute the lies, false pathos and broken promises of the Republicans on issues as wide as health care, diplomacy vis a vis Brinkmanship, Taxation and the real reasons why manufacturing has lost 5 million jobs which will never return.
Please run on this garbage.
It seems the Democrats are determined to go even farther left. Which is more than a little odd given how that worked out for them in November.

HRC was conservative, if one accepts the reality that conservatives support the status quo. Change is difficult for the human species, and anathema to real conservatives.

Now, why do those who claim to support Trump also claim the title of conservative?

Because they are not. They are simple people who are easily biddable, and the perfect target for demagogues and charlatans like Trump, and now Speaker Ryan, who along with Trump are putting the screws to them on their repeal of the PPACA.
Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message. The difference between Trump and Sander's is simple - Bernies is a populist, and Trump is a Plutocrat/Demagogue.

Q. What will the Democratic Party do now

A. Become more progressive on civil rights for all (equal pay for equal work) and voting rights; pointing out the dangers of weakening the EPA, FDA, FSLA and other regulatory agencies; and continue to refute the lies, false pathos and broken promises of the Republicans on issues as wide as health care, diplomacy vis a vis Brinkmanship, Taxation and the real reasons why manufacturing has lost 5 million jobs which will never return.
Please run on this garbage.

Such you support Brinkmanship and not diplomacy; oppose equal rights for all citizens, and actually believe the jobs lost in manufacturing are the result of tax laws. If these comments are correct, you are ignorant and/or very biddable.
It seems the Democrats are determined to go even farther left. Which is more than a little odd given how that worked out for them in November.

HRC was conservative, if one accepts the reality that conservatives support the status quo. Change is difficult for the human species, and anathema to real conservatives.

Now, why do those who claim to support Trump also claim the title of conservative?

Because they are not. They are simple people who are easily biddable, and the perfect target for demagogues and charlatans like Trump, and now Speaker Ryan, who along with Trump are putting the screws to them on their repeal of the PPACA.
Your rambling and typical critique of conservatives and Trump supporters does nothing to address the problems of the Democratic Party. You on the left would be better served by spending less time trashing conservatives/Trump supporters and more time focusing on the problems within your own party. If wish to continue as you are so be it you risk more congressional losses in 2018 and increase the chances of Trump being a two term President.
It seems the Democrats are determined to go even farther left. Which is more than a little odd given how that worked out for them in November.

HRC was conservative, if one accepts the reality that conservatives support the status quo. Change is difficult for the human species, and anathema to real conservatives.

Now, why do those who claim to support Trump also claim the title of conservative?

Because they are not. They are simple people who are easily biddable, and the perfect target for demagogues and charlatans like Trump, and now Speaker Ryan, who along with Trump are putting the screws to them on their repeal of the PPACA.
Respectfully, imo you are mixing and matching.

There was popular support for economic populism. And it ran through race and age groups. Trump promised MORE healthcare, no cuts to soc sec and medicare, more defense and chickens in every pot for displaced workers who lost jobs to robots and Indonesian sweatshops.

There was not popular support for BLM and bringing in a bunch of refugees; at best it was around 50-50.

There was no support for 4 years of HRC investigations, and Comey promised that was going to happen if she won.
well so far, it looks like the Democrats will fade away in the same manner MC Hammer and Cassette Tapes did.

They can save the party and regain some relevance but not if they embrace Wry Catcher's solutions:

Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message. The difference between Trump and Sander's is simple - Bernies is a populist, and Trump is a Plutocrat/Demagogue.

Q. What will the Democratic Party do now

A. Become more progressive on civil rights for all (equal pay for equal work) and voting rights; pointing out the dangers of weakening the EPA, FDA, FSLA and other regulatory agencies; and continue to refute the lies, false pathos and broken promises of the Republicans on issues as wide as health care, diplomacy vis a vis Brinkmanship, Taxation and the real reasons why manufacturing has lost 5 million jobs which will never return.

That's a recipe for a Dem and US political disaster but perhaps that's really what you want. We really don't need to emulate (at the state & fed levels) the one-party (Dem) system that has failed so many of our cities.

To hell as far as most of us are concerned. More "Progressive"? Go ahead, make my day.

Wry Catcher would prefer the Dems shoot themselves in the foot and cut off their noses to spite their faces than have his loony-left agenda marginalized for at least another 2 decades. His POV was honed by years of keeping his head firmly where the sun don't shine, where no reality can intrude, and where maximum brain cell damage occurs:

"Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message." - Wry Catcher


Time will tell. My head isn't up my ass; I believe yours is. Trump promised a series of panacea's, soon we'll know if they fix anything, or if they are what they appear to me to be, nostrums.

Today the CBO will release its findings on the repeal of the PPACA, and the replacement touted by Ryan and Trump; by March 20th we will see the evidence, or no evidence, of Trumps allegation that former President Obama wire tapped Trump Tower; and who knows when the H. or Rep. (if ever) pass a budget which includes one trillion dollars to renew, repair or replace our nation's infrastructure.
If the Dems had a working brains cell they would be worried about the upcoming elections.

America is watching.

They will need a boatload of luck cause they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
Nany claimed a couple of weeks ago: "The Democratic party does not need to make any changes". PERIOD!
The burned out remnants of the party elite are convinced that all they need to do in the next four years is keep demanding that President "step down" b/c he's "unfit to be President".
What could possibly go wrong in 2018? and 2020 right?
This Just In From CNN: Beaalllzubub has refused all entry of current democrats into hell for whenever their day of death comes.
Reality is President Obama was too conservative, as was Sect. Clinton. Bernie Sanders was spot on and Donald Trump echoed Sander's populist message. The difference between Trump and Sander's is simple - Bernies is a populist, and Trump is a Plutocrat/Demagogue.

Q. What will the Democratic Party do now

A. Become more progressive on civil rights for all (equal pay for equal work) and voting rights; pointing out the dangers of weakening the EPA, FDA, FSLA and other regulatory agencies; and continue to refute the lies, false pathos and broken promises of the Republicans on issues as wide as health care, diplomacy vis a vis Brinkmanship, Taxation and the real reasons why manufacturing has lost 5 million jobs which will never return.
Please run on this garbage.

Such you support Brinkmanship and not diplomacy; oppose equal rights for all citizens, and actually believe the jobs lost in manufacturing are the result of tax laws. If these comments are correct, you are ignorant and/or very biddable.
I support a strong military. Don't mess with us and there won't be any brink to be on.

Everyone is already equal.

Taxes and regulations have a huge role in job creation or loss.
It seems the Democrats are determined to go even farther left. Which is more than a little odd given how that worked out for them in November.

HRC was conservative, if one accepts the reality that conservatives support the status quo. Change is difficult for the human species, and anathema to real conservatives.

Now, why do those who claim to support Trump also claim the title of conservative?

Because they are not. They are simple people who are easily biddable, and the perfect target for demagogues and charlatans like Trump, and now Speaker Ryan, who along with Trump are putting the screws to them on their repeal of the PPACA.
Your rambling and typical critique of conservatives and Trump supporters does nothing to address the problems of the Democratic Party. You on the left would be better served by spending less time trashing conservatives/Trump supporters and more time focusing on the problems within your own party. If wish to continue as you are so be it you risk more congressional losses in 2018 and increase the chances of Trump being a two term President.

You miss the point, or my response was not clear enough. Demagogues tell people what they want to hear, and then do whatever they want.

Trump and Sanders told the voters what they wanted to hear, Sanders was sincere, Trump lied. Trump's stump speech has little or no similarity to what he is doing, which is why I claim his solutions/promises have turned out to be nostrums.

HRC told the voters, in essence, nothing would change.

I hope that's not too "rambling" for you to comprehend, now, it's your turn to prove my observations misguided.

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