So where is the scientific consensus for this??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth: Aerosols from small eruptions have reduced global temperatures and tropical rainfall
  • Volcanoes may have cooled the Earth by 0.05°C to 0.12°C since 2000
  • Scientists had overlooked the role of aerosols from small eruptions
  • The aerosols accumulate between the stratosphere and troposphere
  • This layer of the atmosphere is difficult to study as clouds obscure it
  • Eruptions through 1990s and 2000s have contributed to warming 'pause'
  • Global temperatures plateaued since 1998 after rapid warming in 1990s
  • The findings mean models predicting climate change need to be revised

Read more: Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth and have reduced temperatures and tropical rainfall Daily Mail Online
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Volcanoes emit sulfate aerosols which reflect incoming sunlight, cooling the planet. A large volcanic eruption such as the Pinatubo eruption in 1991 can have a global cooling effect of 0.1°–0.3°C for several years (Robock 1994, Zielinski 2000).

However, mega-eruptions or a series of eruptions can have a cooling effect that take decades to wear off, giving a perceived warming effect. Zielinski 2000 studies past volcanoes, particularly over the past few centuries:

How do volcanoes drive climate

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