So where is the Washington Post's 20 top notch reporters on this story?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Sketchy firm behind Trump dossier is stalling investigators
A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party.

So where is the Amazon financed Washington Post crack reporters??

Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life
The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life, urged on by new owner Jeff Bezos to reveal everything about the potential nominees.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book.
Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life

Surely with all their "anonymous sources" they could have found someone!

Sketchy firm behind Trump dossier is stalling investigators
A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party.
Fusion GPS is a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington D.C. The company is alleged to have contracted with the Democratic National Committee to produce a dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump and is now stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party. The company provides research for businesses and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as [URL='']opposition research
. Fusion GPS targets corporate and political clients who want to commission private advocacy journalism.[1] Fusion GPS uses "source networks to find information that is not readily accessible or in the public domain".[2][/URL]

So where is the Amazon financed Washington Post crack reporters??

Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life
The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life, urged on by new owner Jeff Bezos to reveal everything about the potential nominees.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book.
Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life

Surely with all their "anonymous sources" they could have found someone!
Sketchy firm behind Trump dossier is stalling investigators
A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party.

So where is the Amazon financed Washington Post crack reporters??

Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life
The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life, urged on by new owner Jeff Bezos to reveal everything about the potential nominees.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book.
Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life

Surely with all their "anonymous sources" they could have found someone!

Methinks the "anonymous sources" actually were the 20 staffers noted by Woodward.

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