So while Joe's salary as vice president was $230,700 ,Hunter paid Joe half of Hunter's Burisma's 35 months $2,924,988 salary for Joe's "Brand"?

Again... you provide NO links as I did a search for "Did Guliani refuse others to look at Hunter's laptop"
and there was NOTHING! Why don't you do a little research before you make totally refutable statements, i.e. LIES!

Rudy Giuliani says he offered FBI agents Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drives during the early morning raid at his New York apartment.

Donald Trump’s lawyer told Tucker Carlson on Fox News that despite his offer the agents refused to take the hard drives from him.

The former mayor of New York’s apartment in Manhattan was searched by agents earlier this week and they reportedly removed electronic equipment with a warrant.

The laptop​

NBC News has sought to obtain the documents on the alleged Hunter Biden laptop, but has been rebuffed.

An NBC News correspondent sent a letter two weeks ago to Giuliani, seeking copies of the materials.

His lawyer, Robert Costello, granted the correspondent the opportunity to review some Hunter Biden emails and other materials in person. The materials included copies of Hunter Biden identification documents that appeared to be genuine. But without taking possession of the copies, it was not possible to conduct the sort of forensic analysis that might help authenticate the emails and documents.


The laptop​

NBC News has sought to obtain the documents on the alleged Hunter Biden laptop, but has been rebuffed.

An NBC News correspondent sent a letter two weeks ago to Giuliani, seeking copies of the materials.

His lawyer, Robert Costello, granted the correspondent the opportunity to review some Hunter Biden emails and other materials in person. The materials included copies of Hunter Biden identification documents that appeared to be genuine. But without taking possession of the copies, it was not possible to conduct the sort of forensic analysis that might help authenticate the emails and documents.

In your NBC news article..
But the Wall Street Journal and Fox News — among the only news organizations that have been given access to key documents —
Further in the article,,,
And, although no evidence has emerged that the documents are the product of Russian disinformation,
From your article...
At a meeting in May 2017 in Los Angeles, Bobulinski says Hunter Biden introduced him to the former vice president, saying: “This is Tony, dad, the individual I told you about that's helping us with the business we are working and the Chinese.”
In your NBC news article..
But the Wall Street Journal and Fox News — among the only news organizations that have been given access to key documents —
Further in the article,,,
And, although no evidence has emerged that the documents are the product of Russian disinformation,
From your article...
At a meeting in May 2017 in Los Angeles, Bobulinski says Hunter Biden introduced him to the former vice president, saying: “This is Tony, dad, the individual I told you about that's helping us with the business we are working and the Chinese.”
Giuliani kept the laptop from forensic investigation. It’s a fact.
Hunter texted to his daughter:

“I Hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family Fro 30 years,” he wrote in the typo-filled message. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

You should read the story. It’s actual journalism.

From a far LEFT biased NY Times... right!!!
Oh and by the way the last time NY Times endorsed a GOP president was 1956 over 67 years ago.

Giuliani kept the laptop from forensic investigation. It’s a fact.
Prove it! Where is your link that Giuliani didn't offer it to the FBI.

Mr Giuliani described the FBI agents as “somewhat apologetic” and “very professional” as they carried out the raid at his Upper East Side home on behalf of federal prosecutors.

“They decided to leave those behind and were quite content to take my word that they were Hunter Biden’s hard drives, I mean they could have been Donald Trump’s, they could have been Vladimir Putin’s, they could have been anybody’s,” said Mr Giuliani.
What is refuted?
"I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Pop is Joe Biden.
What is refuted? Hunter is then a liar? He didn't pay for EVERYTHING.. for 30 years? Joe didn't demand half of Hunter's salary? Why would Hunter make those lies?
Did you actually read the article refuting it?
So, we’re going to hear about a private citizen’s LLCs.
Why is Rich Old White *Joe avoiding paying taxes with LLCs while claiming the rich don’t pay their fair share.
Why are you useful idiots that fall for the rich do t pay enough taxes not burning down cities because of it?
Why is Rich Old White *Joe avoiding paying taxes with LLCs while claiming the rich don’t pay their fair share.
Why are you useful idiots that fall for the rich do t pay enough taxes not burning down cities because of it?
President Biden doesn’t have an LLC.

Hunter did
So what? NY Post is far right.
FACTS not guesses! Leans Right versus New York Times!!! NOT LEANS LEFT, BUT LEANS LEFT!
get your facts straight before you spout off LIES!

Bro, just go to google and search for the definition for each term!!! You will quickly find that they have different meanings. :dunno:

A shell corporation is a corporation without active business operations or significant assets.

The word "corporation" is in the names of both "shell corporation" and Limited Liability Corporation.
FACTS not guesses! Leans Right versus New York Times!!! NOT LEANS LEFT, BUT LEANS LEFT!
get your facts straight before you spout off LIES!
View attachment 877935

View attachment 877933

It's an opinion poll - nothing more.

they've admitted what they're doing..they've been caught. Are ya stupid enough to buy their defense? LOLOL

they've admitted what they're doing..they've been caught. Are ya stupid enough to buy their defense? LOLOL

They haven’t admitted ANYTHING. What have they been caugtt doing? Be precise because there wasn’t a single Republucan who could say what it is that Joe Biden is being investigated for doing.

There is no basis for an impeachment enquiry. This is an investigation in search of a crime.
They haven’t admitted ANYTHING. What have they been caugtt doing? Be precise because there wasn’t a single Republucan who could say what it is that Joe Biden is being investigated for doing.

There is no basis for an impeachment enquiry. This is an investigation in search of a crime.
You are one to talk! You typed"caugtt" don't you pay attention to the little red dotted line TELLING you a spelling error? Then "Republucan"... or "enquiry". Pay attention to exactly what Biden has told us!
Biden and this is a FACT!!!
I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.
The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.
So Biden as VP influenced congress to give Ukraine the $1 billion when they FIRED the prosecutor that was looking at Burisma, the company that In 2016, paid Hunter's total income $999,996. In 2017 it dropped to $665,000, and then $498,000 in 2018.
So what did Burisma get for their over $2,000,000? If joe had no power?
OF which Biden according to Hunter...
"I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.

Pop is Joe Biden. So Biden received from Hunter because Biden influenced congress to give Ukraine $ 1 billion only if they fired the prosecutor that was investigating the company that Gave Hunter nearly $2 million of which according to Hunter, half would have gone to Joe!
healthmyths is making up nonsense again.
To all of you.... Which of us, me or John Horses made up nonsense or provided links, substantiation like the following:

So Biden as VP influenced congress to give Ukraine the $1 billion when they FIRED the prosecutor that was looking at Burisma, the company that In 2016, paid Hunter's total income $999,996. In 2017 it dropped to $665,000, and then $498,000 in 2018.

Burisma Holdings Ltd. had been paying Hunter Biden over $83,000 a month to be a member of its board starting in 2014. But three years later, he saw his paychecks get cut in half.
So what did Burisma get for their over $2,000,000? If joe had no power?
OF which Biden according to Hunter...
"I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.

Hunter Biden frequently covered family expenses, texts reveal

Hunter Biden’s access to lucrative financial opportunities also came with expectations — including kicking back as much as 50% of his earnings to his dad, text messages on his old laptop show…

So please identify which provided substantiation?

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