so... who believes the world is going to end in 2012?

Well.. do you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • No

    Votes: 26 83.9%

  • Total voters
I believe the fantasy world many Dems are living in will end in 2012 when Obama is soundly defeated in his re-election bid.
The Mayans never said the world would end.
It says that the "intelligent' ones will return.Time, as we made it, will no longer be a factor.
I sure hope so cuz this world is slap full of idiots.
This was filmed just north of my neighborhood.:cool:
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Y2K predictions lacked the precision of a meeting of different disciplines culminating in a clash of titanic forces.
When 12/21/12 comes, New Jersey and you, hopefully, will be the last to know, and the first to go. :lol:

While everything you guys say about our positioning in our solar system on that day is true. What you fail to point out, is there is absolutely nothing in science or Physics that would suggest it will lead to the end of the world. Who ever is claiming we will also be in the center of our galaxy at the same time is totally full of shit. We are currently many light years from the Center of the Milky way, and with less than 2 years of travel time what you claim is a physical impossibility. If we were less than 2 years from the Center of our Galaxy, which we are not by a long shot, we would all most likely already be dead from being to close to the super massive black hole believed to be there.

There is 0 truth to the idea that the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the earth. It does no such thing. It simply ends. Historians who study ancient Mayan Civilization Make so such claims, and in fact say there is nothing to the doomsday prophecies you speak of.

This is nothing more than the next in a long line of predictions that have all not come true.

Knew we could count on you for a certain reassurance.

Just stating some facts instead of indulging in wild speculation. I know it is not as fun but sue me.
I think some time in the 1500s, the Russians were absolutely convinced that the world was actually going to end.

So yeah, we'll fine. Probably. We're mostly harmless anyway.
Don't believe it for a second. Too many prophecies need to be fulfilled before the end. Not to mention, that God was pretty clear that we won't know when it will happen until it happens.

Of course, that doesn't mean there wont be some radical changes in life by then. I think we are close to a tipping point for a paradign shift. Just not sure when or what that shift will be.
Don't believe it for a second. Too many prophecies need to be fulfilled before the end. Not to mention, that God was pretty clear that we won't know when it will happen until it happens.

Of course, that doesn't mean there wont be some radical changes in life by then. I think we are close to a tipping point for a paradign shift. Just not sure when or what that shift will be.

I agree. if the end occurred in 2012, that really wouldn't be like a "thief in the night", would it?
You all realize that the Mayans didn't actually predict the end of the world, right? They simply projected their calendars forward to the year 2012, and stopped. The world won't end, just their calendar system.

Seriously, some people are really fucking stupid.


I made a calendar system that ends tomorrow. What does that predict?
Eh.. just another reason to stick around and see what happens....:popcorn:

I mean .. after all, why prepare for the End.. what's the point?
"C'mon! You don't remember when the Earth blew up?!
And we all escaped to this distant planet on the giant Space Ark??!!"

"The government decided not to tell the stupider people, for fear that........


Steve Martin
No, but what a lovely EXCUSE to have a great END OF THE WORLD PARTY (just in case).
Nostradamus said that America will end its existence on 44 President and the President will be black.

At this time the collapse of America crept too close, so close that it may already have the Americans do not have time to do that either.
If so, then ten years later the world will be different, and the world will be better.
Nostradamus said that America will end its existence on 44 President and the President will be black.

At this time the collapse of America crept too close, so close that it may already have the Americans do not have time to do that either.
If so, then ten years later the world will be different, and the world will be better.

Did he?

I'd like to read that quantrain.
I voted No.

As a Christian, I put my faith in the Bible and believe that the End Times will play out the way it states they will.

As a human, I find all of the other predictions very interesting, and have read about them, but I don't put any faith in them.
Many, living in the time of Jesus, thought the end times was near then.
Nostradamus said that America will end its existence on 44 President and the President will be black.

At this time the collapse of America crept too close, so close that it may already have the Americans do not have time to do that either.
If so, then ten years later the world will be different, and the world will be better.

Did he?

I'd like to read that quantrain.
I was just going to ask if he said that, specifically, or if was a hidden message in some vague and cryptic letter

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